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Breast Cancer Treatment in India

Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women all over the world. Studies report that breast cancer takes the life of one woman every eight minutes and also one out of every eight women has a chance to develop breast cancer. This makes it a global issue. It is also the most common cancer in Indian women.

Although it cannot be avoided, the chances of survival can be improved by learning about the illness, early detection, and receiving the right treatment when it’s needed. According to studies, 14% of Indian women are afflicted with breast cancer.

Breast Cancer: An Overview

Breast cancer develops when the breast cells grow abnormally. The tumor can arise from the breast itself or metastasize from other body parts into the breast. Although the exact cause of breast cancer is unknown, a complex interaction between genetic mutation, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors is thought to be responsible. Breast cancer is classified into four stages:

  • Stage I – The tumor is small and is localized in the breast only.
  • Stage II –  The tumor spreads onto the axillary lymph nodes of the affected side of the breast.
  • Stage III – It is called locally advanced breast cancer. The tumor is large and spreads onto the breast skin, axillary lymph nodes, the neck, and chest.
  • Stage IV – The cancer has metastasized to different body parts such as bone, brain, liver, and lung.

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer in India

Before they  give you breast cancer treatment in India, some diagnostic procedures will be carried out first which will include:

  • Clinical breast examination.
  • Imaging tests such as mammography, MRI, and ultrasound.
  • Triple assessment of breast.
  • Breast tissue biopsy.
  • Histopathology.

Breast Cancer Treatment in India

There are different approaches to breast cancer treatment in India. Your specific condition will be carefully determined first and then the personalized treatment plan will be tailored based on your individual needs.

Surgery – Surgery is the primary method for breast cancer treatment in India. Various surgical methods are available to suit the unique needs of a person.

  • Lumpectomy – The breast tumor and a small portion of surrounding healthy tissue will be removed.
  • Mastectomy – The procedure involves the removal of the entire breasts.
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy – A few lymph nodes under the arm, that receive lymph drainage from the breast will be removed.
  • Axillary lymph node dissection – Multiple lymph nodes will be removed from the underarm.

Apart from these procedures, you will also have other multiple options for surgical techniques if you undergo breast cancer treatment in India. These include

  • Reconstructive surgery
  • External breast forms (prostheses)
  • Flat closure, etc.

Radiation therapy – A high beam of radiation will be directed toward the cancer cells, either to kill them or to stop their growth. The radiation can be administered externally or internally.

  • Whole breast irradiation – The entire breast is exposed to the radiation.
  • Partial breast irradiation – Instead of exposing the entire breast, the radiation is directed towards the tumor only.
  • Intensity-modulated radiation therapy – It is a more advanced way where the intensity of radiation is varied when it is directed towards the breast. This allows to target the tumor to more effectively and evenly spread the radiation throughout the breast.
  • Proton therapy – It uses proton rather than X-ray as a radiation treatment.

Breast cancer treatment in India allows the use of radiation therapy as an adjuvant therapy before the surgery to shrink the tumors, or as neoadjuvant therapy after the tumor to kill the leftover cancer cells.

Treatment using medication – Anti-cancer drugs are widely employed as a breast cancer treatment in India. Some medicines are altered to increase their effectiveness in treating the disease.

  • Chemotherapy – The drugs will be administered either in the form of IV injection or oral administration. 
  • Immunotherapy – The drug uses the body’s immune system to kill the cancer cells. It either strengthens the immune system or arms it to be able to detect the cancer cells and destroy them.
  • Targeted therapy – The drugs used for targeted therapy will target a specific gene or protein of the cancer cells, or a specific environment in the tissues that contribute to the growth of the cancer cells.
  • Hormonal therapy – They are also referred to as endocrine therapy. It is an effective treatment for tumors that are tested positive for estrogen and progesterone receptors

Best Hospitals for Breast Cancer Treatment in India

  1. Fortis Hospital Gurgaon
  2. Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Gurgaon
  3. Max Hospital Saket, New Delhi
  4. Medanta – The Medicity Hospital, Gurgaon
  5. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital New Delhi
  6. Manipal Hospital Whitefield Formerly Columbia Asia Bangalore
  7. BLK Hospital New Delhi
  8. Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital Mumbai

Why Do People Choose To Have Breast Cancer Treatment in India

India is a favorable destination for foreigners who are seeking cancer treatment. Breast cancer treatment in India costs much less than in certain countries. India is home to many medical professionals who specialize in cancer treatment, and most of the hospitals are equipped with modern facilities and top-notch healthcare infrastructures. All these make it more advantageous to have breast cancer treatment in India.

Frequently Asked Questions and Patient Concerns:

Q: What Age Is the Onset of Breast Cancer?

A: Women 50 years of age or older are the ones who get breast cancer most often. Some women will develop breast cancer even in the absence of any other known risk factors.

Q. What is the Cost of a Breast Cancer Treatment in India?

A: The average cost of Breast Cancer Treatment in India is Rs. 3,33,300 (4000 USD). The maximum cost for Breast Cancer Treatment in India is up to INR Rs. 15,00,000 (18,000 USD)

Q: Is It Possible To Cure Breast Cancer Completely?

A: Complete remission of the breast is achievable. The outcomes of breast cancer treatment are better when the disease is treated in the early stage. Advanced-stage breast cancer might not be possible to cure anymore but the symptoms can be reduced and a person’s lifespan can be prolonged.

Q: What Is The Most Frequently Used Treatment For Breast Cancer?

A: The majority of women with breast cancer have surgery, and many of them also undergo additional treatments like radiation, hormone therapy, or chemotherapy following surgery. In some circumstances, chemotherapy may also be administered prior to surgery.

Q: How Long Can I Live After Being Diagnosed With Breast Cancer?

A: After receiving treatment for breast cancer, many people go on to live for years or even decades. An individual’s prognosis is usually better when a doctor diagnoses and treats the condition early. It is critical to schedule routine follow-up visits to track a patient’s health following breast cancer treatment.

Q: How Long Does Breast Cancer Recovery Take?

A: The incision should heal in a week or two, but, it might take several months for the arm, chest, or afflicted breast to feel normal again, especially if the surgery is beneath the arm. The affected area may feel different all the time in certain cases.

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