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CAR T-Cell Therapy in Multiple Myeloma


When other treatments for multiple myeloma have failed, CAR T-cell therapy is a sort of immunotherapy that is employed. While the rates of remission and survival have increased, there are few long-term studies that show it to be safe and effective.

Cell-based gene therapy is known as chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy. Because it aids the immune system in locating and eliminating cancer cells, it also qualifies as a type of immunotherapy. Multiple myeloma and other blood malignancies are treated using CAR T-cell therapy.

The CAR T-cell therapy for multiple myeloma is covered in this article along with its mechanism of action and side effects.

What Is CAR T-Cell Therapy

White blood cells called T cells are created from stem cells in the bone marrow. T cells assist in destroying pathogens and aberrant cells as a component of the immune system. The T lymphocytes in multiple myeloma fail to identify cancer cells as dangerous.

CAR T-cell therapy aims to fix the error that was made. Your own T cells are used in autologous CAR T-cell therapy. The very first procedure is an intravenous (IV) blood draw. T cells are removed from the blood as it passes through a machine, which then gives you your blood back. Leukapheresis, the name of this procedure, often lasts a few hours.

To add CARs to the surface of the T cells, genetic engineering is performed on them in a lab setting. CARs are proteins that assist T lymphocytes in recognizing specific tumor cells. More cells are then grown in the lab after that. It can take a few weeks. In some circumstances, you might need to repeat this procedure once again.

Once there are adequate CAR T cells for the surgery, they are frozen and transported to your treatment center. After that, they are defrosted and reinfused into your body. The new cells continue to grow and can now identify and kill cancer cells.

Idecabtagene vicleucel (Abecma) and ciltacabtagene autoleucel (Carvytki) are the two CAR T-cell treatments that have been approved for treating multiple myeloma.

CAR T-Cell Therapy in Multiple Myeloma

For patients with multiple myeloma whose disease has relapsed or is not responding to (refractory) earlier treatments, CAR T-cell therapy is a viable option. Using a target known as B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA), it is a highly specialized therapy that genetically alters a patient’s own T cells to fight their multiple myeloma. CAR T-cell treatment for multiple myeloma has received FDA approval. 

CAR T-Cell Therapy in Multiple MyelomaFor multiple myeloma that has relapsed after at least four prior therapies or is insensitive to any of them, CAR T-cell therapy has been approved. The CAR T-cell therapy was proven to be very successful in the clinical study for patients whose disease had relapsed after or had not responded to numerous prior therapies.

Patients are carefully assessed to determine whether this therapy is suitable for them. The CAR T-cell treatment for multiple myeloma may only be available in restricted quantities due to its newness. This will be discussed with you by your doctor, along with the possibility of participating in a clinical study for another CAR T-cell product. Learn more about CAR T-cell Therapy in India.

Important Requirements for CAR T- Cell Therapy for Multiple Myeloma

Patients who fit the following qualifications might benefit from CAR T-cell therapy:

  • confirmed multiple myeloma diagnosis that has relapsed or has not responded to four or more lines of medication before.
  • Treatment must have comprised a proteasome inhibitor, an immunomodulatory medication, and an anti-CD 38 monoclonal antibody.

For patients to be considered for CAR T-cell treatment, their oncologist must make a referral. The CAR T-cell treatment for multiple myeloma may only be available in restricted quantities due to its newness. This will be discussed with you by your doctor, along with the possibility of participating in a clinical study for another CAR T-cell product. For more info read CAR T-Cell Therapy Cost in India.

Best Hospital For CAR T-Cell Therapy In India

Risks Associated with CAR T- Cell Therapy for Multiple Myeloma

The following are possible negative consequences of CAR T-cell therapy:

  • a reaction to allergies during infusion
  • hampered immune system
  • chance of infection
  • low levels of blood cells

As the immune system is boosted by CAR T cells, cytokine release syndrome can happen. This usually happens between a few days to a few weeks. Some signs could be:

  • Headache
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Nausea or  vomiting 
  • Diarrhea

The medication may potentially have an adverse effect on the nervous system, resulting in symptoms like:

  • headache
  • agitation and confusion
  • trembling, shaking
  • seizures
  • difficulty comprehending and speaking
  • decline in balance
  • Consciousness shifts

Helpful:- How Does CAR T-Cell Therapy Work in Treating Cancer

Bottom Line

CAR T-cell therapy is an option when multiple myeloma develops resistance to traditional treatments. It entails modifying your own T cells to enable them to identify and combat cancer cells.

CAR T-cell therapy, which is still relatively new, is extending remission and survival durations for multiple myeloma patients who have tried prior treatments. However, there are side effects that could be quite significant, and scientists are still awaiting longer-term evidence.

CAR T-cell therapy has varied effects on different people, thus it is not appropriate for everyone. With an oncologist, you can go over the potential benefits and drawbacks of CAR T-cell therapy.

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