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Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) is a cell surface antigen that stimulates an immune response, recognises, and eliminates foreign cells/antigens that enter the body.

A genetic test called the Human Leukocyte Antigen Typing (HLA) test in Nigeria is used to analyze the compatibility of donors and recipients. A patient must pass the test in order to receive a safe bone marrow or organ transplant. The HLA typing test evaluates several parts of your immune system. 

HLA Typing Costs in Nigeria starts from NGN 95600, with results generally available in 12 days. In the ideal situation, the recipient’s and donor’s HLA types would be identical. 

What Is a HLA Test?

Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) testing is also known as tissue typing or Histocompatibility Testing. They are specialized proteins that can be found on the surface of all cells in the body. The HLA genes that humans inherit are responsible for the presence of HLA antigens on their cells.

The HLA typing Test in Nigeria is most usually used to determine who will be able to donate tissue for the safest transplants (solid organ and Bone Marrow Transplantation).

All potential tissue receivers and donors, including relatives of transplant recipients who wish to give, are subjected to HLA typing.

Types of HLA Testing

Testing for HLA genes and antigens is sometimes used for other purposes. Differences in specific HLA genes have been associated with autoimmune disorders, diseases, and medication sensitivities:

For example, HLA-B27 antigen, found in several types of spondyloarthritis, including:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis 
  • Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis-related arthritis
  • Psoriatic arthritis 
  • Reactive Arthritis
  • Sacroiliitis (sacroiliac joint arthritis)
  • Uveitis (ocular inflammation)

Helpful –  HLA Test: Purpose, Procedure, Interpretation

What Exactly is Checked in an HLA Test?

  • HLA testing in Nigeria identifies the primary HLA antigens found on the surface of an individual’s cells, as well as antibodies to HLA antigens and the genes responsible for HLA antigens, in order to match transplant donors and recipients.
  • The HLA genes are found on the 6th chromosome in a region known as the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). The MHC serves an essential role in immune system control. 
  • It helps the immune system in determining which cells are “self” and which are “foreign” or “non-self.” Any cells recognised as “non-self” may stimulate an immunological response, including antibody formation. 
  • HLA antibody testing in Nigeria on transplant recipients is done to see if they have antibodies that target the HLA antigens on the donor organ or tissue. Platelet transfusion recipients are also tested for HLA antibodies to see whether they have any antibodies that might target the donor’s platelets and inhibit a healthy response to the transfusion.
  • For hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation to be successful and to reduce the risk of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), the HLA genes of the donor and recipient must be the same or match as closely as possible.
  • ABO blood group compatibility is essential in solid organ transplants such as kidney, heart, or lung transplants. Following ABO type matching, it is also useful to match HLA antigens between the donor and recipient. 
  • HLA typing mismatches, unlike ABO matching, are less serious as long as the receiver has not produced HLA antibodies directed towards the donor’s antigens. To reduce organ rejection, many medicines may be supplied to assist suppress the recipient’s immune system.

Where Can I Get My HLA Test Done in Nigeria?

HLA Test Kit is now available in various Nigerian hospitals with the help of Medsurge India. People who want to take the HLA test at an affordable cost can easily purchase it from our website. You can have HLA typing done in Nigeria at many places:

  • HLA Test in Transplant center of Lagos
  • HLA Test in Cancer clinic or cancer center in Abuja
  • HLA Test in Various clinics in Africa 
  • HLA Test in Best Hospitals of Nigeria 

Medsurge India can facilitate the HLA Test kit in various regions of Africa at affordable cost. Individuals suffering from genetic disorders who wish to undergo transplantation but do not want to spend a lot of money on testing can go for this option. 

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    Cost of HLA Test in Nigeria

    The affordable Cost of HLA Test in Nigeria starts from INR  10,000 (NGN 95,200). Many leading diagnostics centers and pathology labs in Nigeria are equipped with cutting-edge technology that offers a transparent pricing structure for the HLA Typing Test.

    Following below are the average price for different cities in Nigeria:

    HLA Typing cost in NigeriaAverage cost
    LagosNGN 95200
    KanoNGN 11800
    AbujaNGN 170600
    Port HarcourtNGN 159000
    IbadanNGN 182100
    Benin CityNGN 195800
    UmuahiaNGN 173000
    ZariaNGN 117000

    How Is the HLA Test Performed?

    • Blood typing is much simpler than HLA matching or typing, which matches donors and recipients. The eight HLA types or markers are essential for Stem Cell Transplant. Finding a perfect match requires considerable testing. 
    • A bone marrow transplant must be successful if all eight signs match. A cord blood transfusion must be successful if at least six of the eight markers match. A close HLA match between the donor and the receiver enhances the possibility of success.
    • A tissue sample will be required for the HLA typing test. The sample is usually obtained with a swab on the inside of your cheek or from a blood sample drawn from a vein in your arm.
    • There is no need for you to prepare for the test. After your sample is collected, it is forwarded to a specialized lab for analysis.

    What Are the Benefits of having HLA Typing Tests in Nigeria?

    A HLA match Typing test between a donor and a recipient increases the probability of a successful stem cell transplant and reduces the possibility of complications such as graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).

    The HLA Typing Test in Nigeria results are determined by the degree of HLA matching between the donor and recipient. If they are sufficiently comparable, the possibility of complications from the transplant is reduced. As a result, finding a proper HLA match is essential to a successful Bone Marrow Transplant in Nigeria.

    The test compares lymphocytes in addition to antibodies. This approach searches the recipient’s blood for antibodies to the donor’s proteins.

    How Can Medsurge India Help?

    Medsurge India is a prestigious support system for patients looking for doctors, hospitals, and specialized treatments. We’ll find the most suitable medical options for you. Additionally, people from all over the world who are seeking for a blood or HLA Test kit at a reasonable cost can book it from the medsurge India website and have the kit delivered to their door in an extremely short period of time. Apart, we assist patients with obtaining travel authorizations, medical visas, and a multitude of other things.


    The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: What Is the HLA Blood Test?

    A: This test looks for antibodies to a cell marker known as a human leukocyte antigen (HLA) in your blood. If you require an organ transplant, this test will help you discover a donor organ that will work in your body. In autoimmune disorders, many types of the HLA antibody are implicated.

    Q: What Exactly Is HLA Disease?

    A: An HLA disease association is defined as a statistically increased frequency of the HLA haplotype in people with the disease relative to people who do not have the condition. This is referred to as a relative risk. HLA-B27 is found in 80-90% of people with ankylosing spondylitis.

    Q: Which HLA Is the Most Significant?

    A: HLA class I and II matching plays an important role in organ transplantation, particularly kidney and bone marrow transplantation. HLA match at the DR locus is significant in heart and lung transplantation, but there are certain challenges such as ischemia times, donor availability, and clinical requirement of recipients.

    Q: What Are the Three Different Types of HLA?

    A: The HLA system is divided into three sections. The class I area contains the genes that code for the molecules HLA-A, -B, and -C. The class II region also encodes HLA-DR, -DQ, and -DP. Finally, there is the class III region, which contains genes encoding complement system proteins and TNF family genes.

    Q: Who Requires HLA Platelets?

    A: Patients with thrombocytopenia who have CCI values consistent with immune refractory thrombocytopenia on at least two occasions should get HLA-matched platelets.

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