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2 weeks ago

Dr. Abhay Kapoor

Dr. Abhay Kapoor is a renowned Interventional Radiologist based in Gurgaon, India, with a vast experience of more than 15 years. He specializes in interventions for Liver Disease and Pain Management, including Difficult Liver Ablations, Transarterial Therapies for Hepatocellular Carcinoma,…

2 weeks ago

Dr. (Maj) Harshita Surange

Dr. (Maj) Harshita Surange is a Radiologist and Ultrasonologist Specialist based in New Delhi, India. With a remarkable 25 years of experience, she is currently serving as the Director at IPSC Pain and Spine Hospital in Delhi. Dr. Surange’s areas…

2 weeks ago

Dr. Anubhav Khandelwal

Dr. Anubhav Khandelwal, an Interventional Radiologist based in Gurgaon, India, is a Senior Consultant with over 13 years of experience. He is affiliated with Medanta – The Medicity in Gurgaon. Dr. Khandelwal specializes in Hepatobiliary, Abdominal & Head, and Neck…

2 weeks ago

Dr. Alka Ashmita Singhal

Dr. Alka Ashmita Singhal is a distinguished Interventional Radiologist with 25 years of experience, based in Gurgaon, India. She is a Senior Consultant at Medanta – The Medicity in Gurgaon. Dr. Singhal specializes in various ultrasound techniques including Thyroid, Parathyroid,…

2 weeks ago

Dr. Himanshu Agarwal

Dr. Himanshu Agarwal is a renowned Neuro Interventional Radiologist based in New Delhi, India, with over 11 years of extensive experience. He specializes in minimally invasive procedures for conditions such as stroke, brain bleeding, brain aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, paralysis, and…

2 weeks ago

Dr. Prayas Vats

Dr. Prayas Vats is a highly respected Interventional Radiologist based in New Delhi, India. With over 10 years of experience in the field, he has established himself as a leading expert in his specialty. Dr. Vats completed his MBBS from…

2 weeks ago

Dr. Rahul Seth

Dr. Rahul Seth is a distinguished Interventional Radiologist based in Mumbai, India, boasting a rich experience of over 19 years. His expertise includes Endo Venous Laser Ablation/Foam Sclerotherapy, Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation, Preoperative Embolization for Vascular Tumors, and Vascular Embolization. Dr….

2 weeks ago

Dr. Ravindran B Kamble

Dr. Ravindran B Kamble is an Interventional Radiologist based in Bangalore, India. With over 16 years of experience, he specializes in neuro-interventions such as aneurysm coiling, AVM embolization, acute stroke management, carotid stenting, and other neurological endovascular procedures. Dr. Kamble…

image 2 weeks ago

Dr. Monika Aggarwal

Brief About Dr. Monika Aggarwal Dr. Monika Aggarwal is a highly skilled Interventional Radiologist with 28 years of experience. She specializes in Chest, Cardiac, and Vascular imaging, as well as Body and Onco Imaging, Head and Neck Imaging, Ultrasound, and…

image 2 weeks ago

Dr. Jyoti Arora

Brief About Dr. Jyoti Arora Dr. Jyoti Arora, an Interventional Radiologist based in Gurgaon, India, is highly regarded in her field with over 15 years of experience. She has made significant contributions to the medical community, particularly in the area…

image 1 month ago

Dr. Sanjay Saran Baijal

Brief About Dr. Sanjay Saran Baijal Dr. Sanjay Saran Baijal, an esteemed Interventional Radiologist, is based in Gurgaon, India. With an impressive 35 years of experience, he currently serves as the Chairman at Medanta – The Medicity in Gurgaon. Dr….


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