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PCOD Diet: What Foods to Eat and Avoid

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a disorder in which the ovaries produce a large number of immature or partly developed eggs, which eventually develop into cysts. The polycystic ovarian disease affects up to one-third of all women worldwide. 

PCOD is characterized by irregular or nonexistent menstrual cycles, painful menstrual cycles, excessive facial hair, acne breakouts, pelvic discomfort, difficulties becoming pregnant, and regions of thick, darker, velvety skin. Future effects of PCOD can include type 2 diabetes, morbid obesity, cardiac troubles, psychological disorders, obstructive sleep apnea, and endometrial cancer. The goal of PCOD diet and therapy is to lessen the severity of symptoms.

Causes of PCOD

Although physicians and experts agree that certain women are predisposed to PCOD and that it may possibly run in families, there is no known reason for the condition. Despite the disease’s most common symptom, i.e period irregularity PCOD can sometimes be difficult to diagnose because it lacks this symptom in many cases. PCOD is frequently identified in women who are attempting to conceive since it may interfere with conception. Both blood testing and ultrasound can be used to find it.

How Does Diet Affect PCOD?

According to studies, the majority of PCOD patients have insulin resistance, which means that their bodies’ cells no longer respond to insulin as they should, resulting in elevated insulin levels in their blood. Insulin resistance is a common problem in PCOD-obese women who eat poorly. If insulin resistance is not treated, diabetes may arise.

The body needs more insulin than usual to regulate blood sugar levels as a result of insulin resistance. Moreover, high insulin levels are a sign that the body is storing additional fat, which adds to weight gain. Moreover, PCOD patients have slower metabolic rates than the typical population, which makes it difficult to control hunger pangs. You can start to manage PCOD symptoms and keep up a healthy lifestyle by adhering to a PCOD Diet Chart. Dietary guidelines often advise consuming meals that assist the body to receive enough nutrients, such as green and leafy vegetables.

Foods You Should Incorporate into Your PCOD Diet Plan

  1. High fiber: Fiber-rich foods including beans, avocados, almonds, peas, and oranges should be included in the PCOD Diet Chart since they assist regulate PCOS and PCOD symptoms.
  2. Nuts: Many nuts, including walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and pine nuts, are excellent sources of healthy fats that can aid with PCOD treatment.
  3. Fish: Lean meats can be a part of your diet, but a PCOD Diet Plan For Weight Loss must contain fatty fish like tuna, salmon, sardines, and mackerel.
  4. Fruits: Fruits should absolutely be a daily part of your PCOD diet plan. You may include fruits like apples, strawberries, red grapes, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, and cherries in your diet. Because of their low glycaemic index (GI), these fruits can improve insulin sensitivity.
  5. Veggies: Kale, broccoli, and spinach are wonderful additions to a PCOD Diet Chart, as are other green leafy vegetables. Moreover, they may help with skin health and blood circulation.

PCOD Diet: What Foods to Eat and AvoidFoods You Should Avoid in Your PCOD Diet Plan

Individuals with PCOD ought to stay away from things that are already thought of being harmful in general. Here are a few illustrations:

  • Cakes, white bread, and pastries are examples of refined carbohydrate sources.
  • Fired items like pizza and burgers.
  • Sodas and energy drinks include carbonation. They contain a lot of sugar.
  • Processed meats example salami, sausages, and hot dogs as well as cured ham, bacon, etc.
  • Shortening, lard, and margarine
  • Red meat dishes like steaks, pork, and hamburgers.

Helpful – 5 Common Gynecology Surgeries and Procedures

When should you see a doctor?

In spite of adhering to the diet, you may need to contact a doctor if any of the following symptoms appear:

  • Oily skin
  • Discomfort in the pelvic area
  • Irregular periods
  • Having trouble getting pregnant
  • Acne
  • Excessive hair growth
  • Weight gain, particularly around the stomach

Anybody who is enduring these signs and symptoms ought to talk to a gynecologist about their worries; the earlier they may start treatment, the quicker they will feel better. 

Bottom Line

To sum up, PCOD may be managed and healed, just like any other lifestyle condition, with careful attention to nutrition and exercise. For effective treatment, you should speak with a doctor who is able to advise you on the PCOD Diet that will work best for you. In addition to advising you on your nutrition, the doctor can offer behavioral tools, such as goal-setting and self-monitoring techniques, to aid in your goal-achieving. 

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