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Avascular necrosis, also known as osteonecrosis, occurs when bone tissue dies due to insufficient blood supply. This can result in small fractures and eventual bone collapse, typically developing over a period of months to years. A fracture or joint dislocation…

Avascular necrosis, also known as osteonecrosis, occurs when bone tissue dies due to insufficient blood supply. This can result in small fractures and eventual bone collapse, typically developing over a period of months to years. A fracture or joint dislocation…

Avascular necrosis, also known as osteonecrosis, occurs when bone tissue dies due to insufficient blood supply. This can result in small fractures and eventual bone collapse, typically developing over a period of months to years. A fracture or joint dislocation…

Cardiovascular surgery, also known as cardiac surgery or heart surgery, encompasses surgical procedures involving the heart and the blood vessels responsible for transporting blood to and from the heart. These procedures are commonly performed on patients with heart disease, a…

Pediatric Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Surgery Cost in India is significantly cheaper compared to the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe. Individuals considering Pediatric Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Surgery Cost in India can save up to 30-40% on their…

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for angioplasty and stent placement surgery. In certain cases, a surgical procedure known as coronary artery bypass grafting, or CABG for short, may be recommended instead. This procedure, often humorously pronounced as “cabbage,” involves…

A Blalock-Taussig (BT) shunt is a small tube utilized to establish a connection between arterial circulation and pulmonary circulation, facilitating increased blood flow to the lungs. This initial procedure is part of a series of surgeries necessary to address intricate…

The heart functions as a muscular pump that is set in motion by an electrical signal. This electrical pathway begins in the SA node, which generates a signal to initiate the heartbeat. From there, it travels through the atria, AV…

A pacemaker, a small device that is powered by a battery and is utilized to regulate the heart’s rhythm and prevent the heart from beating too slowly. The installation of a pacemaker necessitates a surgical procedure, with the device typically…

The heart is a muscle pump that is activated by an electrical currents. The electrical pathway starts in the SA node, generating an impulse for the heartbeat. It then travels through the atria, AV node, Bundle of His, and His-Purkinje…

A pacemaker, a small device that is powered by a battery and is utilized to regulate the heart’s rhythm and prevent the heart from beating too slowly. The installation of a pacemaker necessitates a surgical procedure, with the device typically…

An arterial switch operation is a surgical intervention performed on the heart to restore normal blood circulation in infants. This procedure involves repositioning the arteries to their correct locations. Specifically, the aorta is disconnected from the right ventricle and reattached…


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