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Xanthelasma: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

A benign yellow growth called xanthelasma, also known as xanthelasma palpebrarum (XP), develops on or at the corners of your eyelids, close to your nose. A xanthelasma is a deposit of cholesterol under your skin. Xanthelasmas may indicate the presence of additional conditions, such as:

  • Diabetes.
  • Elevated cholesterol, or hyperlipidemia.
  • Thyroid issues.

According to research, xanthelasmas significantly increases the likelihood of developing certain disorders down the road:

If you detect yellow patches on the inside corners of your eyelids, you may have this condition. The patches are composed of subcutaneous cholesterol. They pose no risk, however, your eye doctor can assist you in getting rid of them if you find them unattractive. Although xanthelasma won’t harm you, it may indicate a higher risk of heart disease. Thus, don’t disregard this skin condition and have your physician examine it.

What is The Main Causes of Xanthelasma?

Approximately 50% of individuals with xanthelasma exhibit elevated cholesterol levels. The likelihood of developing these growths is higher if you have either high levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol or low levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Additionally, if you have inherited high cholesterol, also known as familial hypercholesterolemia, or if you suffer from primary biliary cirrhosis, a liver disease that can elevate cholesterol levels, you are more susceptible to these growths. Xanthelasma is most prevalent among individuals of Asian or Mediterranean descent.

Symptoms of Xanthelasma

Xanthelasmas manifest as yellowish patches encircling the eyelids, exhibiting various characteristics such as:

  • Smooth or textured.
  • Supple or rigid.
  • Causing discomfort or unease.

How Xanthelasma is Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of xanthelasma can be made by your healthcare provider through a visual examination of the skin around your eyelids. It is possible to have multiple xanthelasmas, and they may appear similar on each eyelid.

Typically, no tests are necessary for diagnosing xanthelasma. However, your healthcare provider may choose to assess certain factors such as:

  1. Cholesterol levels to determine if you have high cholesterol.
  2. Thyroid function to investigate any potential thyroid issues.
  3. Blood sugar levels to ascertain if you have diabetes.
  4. Liver function to identify the presence of liver disease.

Know More:- Liver-Health: Food to Avoid

How Xanthelasma is Treated?

Xanthelasma, although mostly harmless, may still prompt individuals to seek its removal. Various treatment options are available for this condition:

  • Cryotherapy: This method involves freezing the xanthelasma using liquid nitrogen or another chemical.
  • Laser surgery: Fractional CO2 laser technique, in particular, has proven to be highly effective.
  • Traditional surgery: Surgeons utilize a knife to surgically remove the xanthelasma.
  • Radiofrequency advanced electrolysis (RAF): A study conducted in 2015 demonstrated the effectiveness of this technique in eliminating or reducing xanthelasma, with minimal recurrence cases.
  • Chemical peels: A small-scale study indicated that over 90 percent of participants who underwent trichloroacetic acid (TCA) treatment-experienced satisfactory to excellent results.
  • Medication: According to a publication in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, the statin drug simvastatin (Zocor), commonly used to treat high cholesterol, may also be effective in treating xanthelasma.

If you observe any abnormalities on your eyelids and desire their removal, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or an oculoplastics surgeon. The latter is an eye specialist who possesses expertise in performing plastic surgery specifically on the eye. Additionally, it is recommended to have your primary care physician assess your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and other factors related to heart health.

How To Reduce The Risk of Xanthelasma?

There are several measures you can take to minimize your risk:

  • Lower your cholesterol levels if they are high.
  • Refrain from using tobacco products.
  • Attain a healthy weight that suits your body.
  • Manage diabetes and high blood pressure effectively.

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