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The brain and spinal cord communicate messages to the rest of the body via peripheral nerves. They assist in tasks such as detecting cold feet and moving the body’s muscles in preparation for walking. Axons, the fibers that make up peripheral nerves, are insulated by surrounding tissues. Nerves in the periphery are delicate and quickly destroyed. The brain’s ability to interact with muscles and organs can be harmed by a nerve injury. Peripheral neuropathy is the result of damage to the peripheral nerves. It’s critical to get medical attention as soon as possible after suffering a peripheral nerve injury. Early detection and treatment may help to avoid complications and long-term damage. The CNS, or Central Nervous System, is the powerhouse of human anatomy. Peripheral Nerve Surgery in India is a technique that involves nerves outside of the central nervous system. Different cancers can develop in these nerves, although the majority are benign tumors like Neurofibromas.

What Is Peripheral Nerve Surgery?

Peripheral neuropathy is a peripheral nervous system disorder that affects the nerves that connect the central nervous system (CNS) to the arms, feet, mouth, legs, hands, face, and internal organs. These nerves are responsible for passing on information from these sections to the CNS. These nerves become destroyed as a result of a hereditary condition, an injury, a systemic disease, or even an infection, affecting their usual function.

People with peripheral nerve problems, such as acute nerve injuries, entrapment neuropathies, and nerve sheath tumors, undergo peripheral nerve surgery in India to restore function and reduce pain and impairment. It involves diverting healthy nerves to take over the function of nerves that have been injured, diseased, or otherwise compromised.

The brain and spinal cord are connected to the rest of the body by peripheral nerves. Peripheral nerve problems damage one or more nerves and can impair communication from the brain to the rest of the body.

A team of people may be involved in the surgical treatment and rehabilitation of peripheral nerve damage.

More than 100 different injuries, diseases, and disorders can be treated using peripheral nerve surgery in India. Some of these include:

  • Traumatic nerve injury
  • Spinal accessory nerve injury
  • Brachial plexus injury
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Ulnar nerve neuropathy
  • Bernhard-Roth syndrome
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Foot drop injury
  • Schwannoma
  • Neurofibroma

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nerve Surgery?

The ideal patient for surgical therapy of peripheral nerve damage includes the following characteristics:

  • Pain in a specific place has persisted for more than three months and has not responded to other treatments such as physical therapy or medicines.
  • A previous examination by other professionals, such as orthopedic surgeons, physical medicine doctors, pain specialists, or neurologists, without a clear cause for the pain.
  • Prior studies, such as EMG/NCV, diagnostic nerve blocks, and 3T MRIs, can be enormously beneficial.

Pain that lasts longer than 3 months following:

 Before surgery


  • Falls
  • Sports-related injuries (ankle sprains, ligament tears)
  • Surgery on the shoulders, neck, and face


  • Significant weight loss with one-sided pain
  • Diabetes – the new onset of foot pain

What Are the Symptoms of Peripheral Nerve Injury?

Peripheral nerve damage can cause symptoms that range from minor to severe, restricting your normal activities. Your symptoms are frequently determined by which nerve fibers have been damaged:

  • Motor Nerves
  • Sensory Nerves
  • Autonomic Nerves

Because many peripheral nerve injuries impact more than one type of nerve fiber, you may experience a variety of symptoms.

Peripheral Nerve Surgery Cost in India

The average Peripheral Nerve Surgery Cost in India starts from USD 3000. The price of the treatment will depend on various factors such as the place and location you choose.

Estimate Prices For The Different Types of Treatments For Peripheral Nerve Surgery in India

TreatmentsStarting Price
Nerve Decompression SurgeryUSD 4200
Nerve TransplantUSD 3600
Nerve GraftingUSD 3800
Nerve RepairUSD 3500

Estimated prices depending on different cities in India

CitiesStarting Price
DelhiUSD 3000
GurgaonUSD 3100
NoidaUSD 3000
MumbaiUSD 3200
HyderabadUSD 3000
ChennaiUSD 3000
KolkataUSD 3000
BangaloreUSD 3200

Note: Do remember that the pricing and the treatment for Peripheral Nerve Surgery cost in India will vary depending on the patient’s choice and other various factors.

Factors That Can Affect Peripheral Nerve Surgery Cost in India

The following here are some variables that can affect Peripheral Nerve Surgery Cost in India:

  • Medication costs.
  • Duration of treatment.
  • Geographical location.
  • Hospitalization expenses.
  • Government policies and subsidies.
  • Medical tourism packages.
  • Hospital reputation and infrastructure.
  • The expertise and experience of medical professionals.
  • The type and frequency of diagnostic procedures.
  • The choice of treatment modality.

Furthermore, even the standard and grade of medical care and amenities are comparable to those of the most prestigious healthcare facilities in the world, even when the expense of lodging, meals, and transportation is taken out. Also, under the direction of the most skilled physicians, Medsurge India provides patients with the lowest Peripheral Nerve Surgery Cost in India.

How Are Peripheral Nerve Problems Diagnosed?

Electrodiagnostic Studies – Electromyography (EMG) with nerve conduction investigations is the most significant diagnostic study in the evaluation of peripheral nerve disorders (NCS). This study gives precise, quantitative information on nerve and muscle function, allowing the examiner to more precisely locate the area of injury and discover more subtle indicators of injury and/or healing that would otherwise go unrecognized. It is sometimes the only means to accurately pinpoint a lesion, which is critical if surgery is being considered. Unfortunately, because this investigation involves inserting tiny needles into muscles, it may cause discomfort in some patients. Most patients, on the other hand, have no problems with the operation.

Imaging Studies – Patients with peripheral nerve disorders may benefit from imaging investigations. Patients with peripheral nerve tumors, for example, virtually always require an MRI. This study creates incredibly accurate photographs of the relevant anatomy, including the tumor, using harmless magnets (NOT ionizing radiation). The planning of surgery to treat peripheral nerve tumors is made easier with such comprehensive images.

Brachial plexus traumatic injuries are evaluated using CT myelography. The brachial plexus is a network of neural structures that connects the spinal cord’s nerve roots in the neck to specific nerves in the shoulder and arm. Patients with severe brachial plexus damage may experience one or more avulsion injuries, in which the nerve roots are torn away from the spinal cord in the neck. The only reliable way to document this type of injury is with a CT myelogram. Contrast dye is injected into the spinal canal to obtain a CT myelogram. Then X-rays and a CT scan of the spine are taken.

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    What Is the Procedure of Peripheral Nerve Surgery?

    The procedure used to do peripheral nerve surgery is determined by the underlying medical issue. Various strategies and procedures are employed:

    Nerve Decompression Surgery

    • External Neurolysis: Nerves in our bodies connect muscles and bones and can become trapped due to scarring or fibrosis, resulting in pain from nerve stimulation when the limb is moved. The process includes removing the scar tissue that has grown around the nerve without actually accessing it.
    • Internal Neurolysis: When there is internal scarring and swelling in the nerve tissue, this method is implemented. To relieve pain and irritation, the outer sheath surrounding the nerve is opened and the scar tissue inside is eliminated.

    There are two main methods for doing decompression surgery. The first is open nerve release, in which the nerve tissue is decompressed through a skin incision. The second procedure involves passing a tube holding a camera through a small incision into the affected area and assessing the compression. The decompression operation is subsequently carried out. The latter procedure brings the advantages of speeding up healing and allowing the patient to return to work as soon as possible.

    Surgery for Nerve Injuries

    • Nerve Repair: A method that involves using a microscope to reattach the two ends of a ruptured nerve with fine sutures. This is only feasible if no nerve tissue has been lost as a result of the damage.
    • Nerve Grafting: A procedure involving the use of a graft (most often used is the sural nerve from behind the calf). The graft is attached to the wounded nerve in the same way as a nerve is repaired. The patient may experience brief calf numbness, which normally goes away within 6-8 months.
    • Nerve Transplant: A rarely used procedure that involves the transfer of nerve tissue from another patient.

    Surgery of Nerve Tumors: The oncologist removes the benign or malignant cells from nerve tumors during treatment. During the process, every precaution is taken to ensure that the nerve tissue and its activities are not harmed.


    • The patient is discharged within a few hours of peripheral nerve surgery performed on an outpatient procedure.
    • For IPD procedures, the patient is admitted to the hospital for a few days following the surgery. After the surgery, the bandage is removed 2-3 days later.
    • Several physical exercises are suggested for the patient to improve joint mobility. These exercises are designed to keep the unaffected muscles functional in the early stages after surgery and thereafter to help the afflicted nerve restore its sensory and motor functions.

    The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Is Peripheral Neuropathy Treated Surgically?

    A: The nerves in the foot and leg are decompressed or released of surrounding pressure during peripheral neuropathy surgery, resulting in less discomfort and improved feeling. Nerve surgery on the foot is an outpatient treatment with a rapid recovery time.

    Q: Is It Possible to Restore Peripheral Nerve Damage?

    A: Sometimes a portion of a nerve is entirely severed or irreversibly destroyed. Your surgeon can either repair the damaged stretch of the nerve by reconnecting healthy nerve ends or transplant a piece of nerve from another part of your body (nerve graft). These techniques can aid in the regeneration of your nerves.

    Q: How Long Does It Take for Injured Peripheral Nerves to Heal?

    A: If your nerve has been bruised or damaged but not cut, it will heal in 6 to 12 weeks. After a 4 week period of rest following your injury, a cut nerve will grow at a rate of 1mm each day. Some people perceive a steady improvement over time.

    Q: Is Nerve Damage Visible on an MRI?

    A: A neurological examination may usually detect nerve injury, which can then be confirmed by MRI scan results. A magnetic field and radio waves are used to create MRI scan images. There is no ionizing radiation used.

    Q: What Type of Doctor Addresses a Pinched Nerve in the Neck?

    A: You may have sudden or gradual discomfort in your back that radiates down your arms or legs, as well as paralysis or numbness if you have a pinched nerve. Consult a primary care physician, neurologist, or neurosurgeon to establish whether you have a pinched nerve or anything else.

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