Brief About Dr. Lakshmi Chirumamilla
Dr. Lakshmi Chirumamilla is an infertility and IVF specialist based in Hyderabad, India. With over 10 years of experience, she is highly skilled in her field. Dr. Chirumamilla completed her Fellowship in Infertility and Assisted Reproduction (IVF) from the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and St. George’s Hospital in the UK.
She is certified by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the British Fertility Society in Assisted Reproduction and Infertility. During her time in the UK, she had the opportunity to work with renowned experts in natural cycle IVF, Prof Campbell and Prof Geetha Nargund, and gained valuable experience in private infertility clinics. Dr. Chirumamilla’s areas of expertise include assisted reproduction, recurrent miscarriage, management of women with low ovarian reserve, male infertility, implantation failure, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.
She is also a certified trainer in the Management of Infertile Couple, Embryo transfer, intrauterine insemination, and assisted reproduction, accredited by the British Fertility Society. Dr. Chirumamilla has a special interest in reproductive endocrinology, minimal stimulation, assisted reproduction, management of women with low ovarian reserve, implantation failure, polycystic ovarian syndrome, recurrent miscarriage, and male infertility.