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About Hospital

HCG Cancer Centre, Vizag, in collaboration with Hospitals, has recently launched the first all-inclusive cancer care facility in Visakhapatnam (Vizag). Situated at the APIIC Health City in Chinagadilli, Visakhapatnam, this center boasts 88 beds and offers a wide range of comprehensive cancer care services.

It is the sole cancer care center in Andhra Pradesh to feature a TrueBeam Installation. With a multidisciplinary approach, the hospital utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide the latest advancements in cancer care. The team of specialist oncologists in medical oncology, surgical oncology, and radiation oncology, along with experienced clinicians, work together to treat patients with various types of cancer.

The center is equipped with a state-of-the-art 16 slice PET-CT machine Discovery IQ from GE, enabling effective cancer diagnostics.

The medical oncology department offers a range of treatments including chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted molecular therapy, Monoclonal antibodies, and maintenance therapy. HCG Cancer Centre is also the first in Visakhapatnam to employ the revolutionary FFF technology. The radiation department is equipped with advanced technologies such as TrueBeam, FFF, 3DCRT, IMRT, IGRT, IG-3DCRT, IG-IMRT, SBRT, and RapidArc, ensuring the ability to manage even the most complex cases of cancer.

With the establishment of this comprehensive cancer care center in Visakhapatnam, HCG and Hospitals are dedicated to enhancing the quality of cancer care not only in Andhra Pradesh but also in neighboring states such as Odhisha, Chattisgarh, and West Bengal.


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