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About Manipal hospitals Life’s On Whitefield

Manipal Hospital Whitefield (MHW) was founded in 1991 by the renowned Dr. Ranjan Pai. It is a part of the esteemed Manipal Hospitals network, which is widely recognized for its commitment to quality and patient care. Situated in the Whitefield area of Bangalore city, MHW is a multi-specialty hospital with 280 beds, offering exceptional healthcare services. The hospital provides a comprehensive range of preventive and curative care, making it the third-largest healthcare network in India. Notably, MHW holds accreditation from both NABH and NABL (ISQUA), further highlighting its commitment to excellence. In addition to its Whitefield location, MHW has branches in Brookefield, Old Airport Road, Malleshwaram, and Jayanagar, all contributing to its extensive reach.

Over the years, MHW has been recognized with numerous accolades, including being named the Best Hospital in Bangalore for eight consecutive years by The Week Magazine. It has also been ranked among the top five hospitals in the “INDIA’S MOST CARING HOSPITALS” survey and received the prestigious Golden Peacock National Quality Award in 2005. With more than 50 departments, including specialties like bariatric surgery, cancer care, neurology, orthopedics, and psychiatry, MHW ensures that patients have access to a wide range of medical expertise. From advanced surgical procedures to specialized treatments, MHW strives to deliver exceptional healthcare services to its patients.


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