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Questions to Ask Before You go For a Neuro Surgery

Neurosurgery is a specialty in medical science in which patients with injury or disorders in the brain, spinal cord, spinal column, and peripheral nerves are treated. Neurosurgical care includes pediatric patients and adult patients. And physicians who are specialized and medically trained in this particular field are called “Neurosurgeons”. They are highly qualified specialists who can help patients suffering from back and neck pain to a person who is having a severe illness from trigeminal neuralgia. Neurosurgeons can provide diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation to patients suffering from critical neurological disorders.

Also, Check – Top 10 Neurosurgeons in India

Neurosurgery is a risky operation, hence one cannot take it delicately. Even if you are in hands of a qualified doctor, who is having years of experience in the same field, you cannot miss out on the fact of asking the right and relevant questions before surgery. Asking questions regarding pre-preparations, risks, and complications will give you a fair idea of the process and you will feel more comfortable and relaxed for the further steps. Before asking any question, one thing should always be kept in mind, that you do not go for base-less questions.

 Read: Brain Haemorrhage Surgery Cost in India

neurosurgery procedure questions

Therefore, to make your work trouble-free here is a list of questions that you should ask your Neurosurgeon before surgery:

Question1: What is your training experience in doing this procedure?

This is very important to know whether your neurosurgeon is having considerable medical training and experience in treating your type of spine problem and brain. Because many surgeons are experienced in different types of neurosurgical procedures. Some are specialized in treating spinal conditions, whereas some are in brain tumors, stroke/brain aneurysms, or movement disorders. Therefore, depending on your problem you should approach the neurologist who has the highest level of expertise in your specific problem.

Question2: What are the risks and benefits associated with this particular operation?

 If you are going for any surgery or operation one thing that you cannot escape is, the risk and complication factors associated with that particular procedure. Therefore, you should always make sure that you understand every aspect that your neurologist explains. Whether it is related to the medical management of your disorder, or complications that can further affect your surgery.

For example: if you choose surgery then you should be aware of the risk from anesthesia or other potential factors like infections and all.

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Question3: What kind of anesthesia will be required during the operation?

Whenever any surgery is undergone, it is quite obvious that your surgeon might give you anesthesia, so that you don’t feel pain during surgery. But, there are some potential risks associated with anesthesia. Therefore, it becomes quite essential that you possess a basic understanding of what type of anesthesia will help you with the procedure along with its risks.

Generally, there are four types of anesthesia out of which general anesthesia is by far most common. During this anesthesia, the patient becomes unconscious during the procedure. Apart, from that regional anesthesia is also given to the patients when surgeons do not want to make the patient completely unconscious. Hence only a particular part of the body is made unconscious. The other two types are local anesthesia and monitored anesthesia which are given for minor procedures.

Question4: What will happen in the Operation?

Having a prior understanding of what will happen to your body during an operation might give you a fair idea to plan better for the recovery. So, it is always good to ask about the goal of the operation. You can ask for a simplified explanation or a brief of your operating procedure. That your doctor can explain it to you with pictures, diagrams, or a short video explanation.

Also read: Best Brain Tumor Surgery Hospitals in India

Question 5: What is the probability of success, and what can you expect of Recovery?

 The most common questions that are being asked by patients to surgeons are: how much time it will take to recover completely.? Will they be able to leave for their home on the same day? What is the probability of a successful operation? Will their body-part ever be able to function like before?

All these questions allow a patient to prepare in advance and also give them a rough idea of how much time off they would need from their job to attend surgery sessions.

Question6: Is there any need for taking specific medications after the Procedure?

Some medications can make you feel drowsy, therefore it is better to ask your doctor about the medications in advance. 

Question 7: How can I contact you for further follow-up sessions?

Asking your doctor about their accessibility is one of the major inquiries that you should undergo. So, in any case of further complications or pain in a particular part, you can contact your doctor via e-mail or phone. Sometimes, practice coordinators or nurses can also review the specifics of your surgery and can guide you through some of your questions.

Question 8: How much will this surgery cost me?

This is one of the relevant questions that you can ask. Ask if the hospital and doctors are covered through your insurance. Or, to what extent are charges covered by your insurance? If in any case cost is prohibitive, you can always ask them to recommend someone. Go for the best medical tourism company in india to get your treatment at cost-effective price and with best treatment.

Sometimes, asking relevant and right questions can make your operation journey easy and prepare you better to recover in advance. Hence, one must not overlook this important aspect.

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