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What Are The Effects Of Lung Cancer On The Body?

Lung Cancer is the most common type of cancer and one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Lung cancer begins in the lungs and could spread to other parts of the body if not diagnosed and treated on time. One of the major risk factors for Lung Cancer is Smoking and not everyone who develops Lung Cancer is a current smoker or has a history of Smoking. 

Lung cancer treatment in India depends on various factors depending from the type of city to the type of hospital. But India being a top player in Medical Tourism provide quality and budget-friendly Lung Cancer treatment across the globe. Lung cancer doesn’t only affect the lungs when reached an advanced stage. It could cause damage and affect other systems of the body too. The physical effects of Lung cancer on the body deteriorate the overall health of the body. 

According to CDC ( Center for Disease Control and Prevention ) Smoking, most of the time is the root cause of Lung Cancer. Cigarette smokers have 15 to 30 times more chances of developing lung cancer than nonsmokers. 

The Physical Effects Of Lung Cancer On The Body Are – 

Respiratory system 

Lung cancer causes breathing problems. The most common symptom of Lung Cancer is Shortness of breath ( Dyspnea ). It occurs when the tumor increases in size, block the airway thus causing pressure or inflammation in the respiratory system. Pressure on the lungs or inflammation of lungs prevents enough air to reach the respiratory system thus breathing issues. 

Shortness of breath can come suddenly or might develop gradually with time. The intensity and number of episodes of Dyspnea depend on person to person. 

In some people the respiratory system is affected during the initial stage of lung cancer too thus it is recommended to get the diagnosis done on time. 

The other symptoms are frequent bouts of cough or cough that doesn’t go even after 2 – 3weeks. You might also see blood while coughing. 

In the advanced stage lung cancer could lead to hoarseness of voice, chest pain, and swelling around the neck region. 

Breathing becomes very difficult in an advanced stage of lung cancer, even a little physical activity could cause breathing issues. You might feel suffocated when bleeding occurs in the lungs. It is an emergency and needs prompt hospitalization and treatment to prevent death. 

Cardiovascular system 

When cancer spreads, it could reach the heart through the bloodstream thus affecting the cardiovascular system. The circulatory system supplies not onto the heart but the lungs and other organs of the body with oxygen and carries away carbon dioxide that is harmful to the body. When you develop lung cancer, the circulatory system could carry the malignant cells from the lungs to other parts of the body. In medical terms, it is called Metastasizing of cancer. 

Lung cancer could develop blood clots. These clots could travel to the lungs and cause Pulmonary Embolism. Since lung cancer in some people doesn’t cause any symptoms during its initial stage it could reach the advanced stage quickly due to lack of treatment during its initial stage. 

Thus it is advised to get regular screening done on time to prevent Lung cancer and its physical effects on the other parts of the body. 

Immune system 

Lung cancer when metastasized it weakens the immune system and deteriorates the overall health completely. Cancer cells travel to the bone marrow where blood cells are made that protect that body against infections. Cancer cells prevent the bone marrow from making so many blood cells. When cancer cells reach the bone marrow they interfere with the normal functioning of the body. 

Lung cancer when metastasized it involves the lymph nodes of the neck and collarbone that results in swelling on the face and neck region. Lung cancer can cause a weakening of the immune system and immunity.

Central nervous system 

Lung cancer affects the central nervous system causing symptoms like generalized weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and memory issues. Around 30 – 40 percent of patients develop Central Nervous system metastases during lung cancer. CNS issues affect the quality of life by hampering the daily activities of life. These days due to early screening at the initial stage of cancer, better diagnostic facilities, brain imaging facilities, and better disease control facilities the diagnosis of CNS metastases in lung cancer patients is on time. 

However, CNS metastasis is a common issue among Lung cancer patients and causes of severe disease and death too. 

Skeletal system 

Lung cancer when metastasized it could spread to bones and cause bone metastasis. This could develop bone pain, frequent fractures, weak bone. Lung cancer could affect the skeletal system that includes ribs, spinal cord, shoulder bone, thigh bone, upper arm bone, and pelvic bones. 

Severe pain is the first symptom of bone metastasis in lung cancer patients. The pain becomes severe and worsens at night. Bone metastasis causes severe complications and affects the normal functioning of the body. 

Bone metastasis is diagnosed with regular screening by X- rays. The other diagnostic imaging is CT scan, MRI Scan, Bone scans. 

Muscular system 

Lung cancer when metastasized causes severe and unexplained muscle pain. It could lead to muscle weakness. A balanced diet and light exercise are important to maintain muscle strength. 

Muscle weakness affects the daily activities of life like walking, lifting things, swallowing thus the worst quality of life. 

Lung Cancer Treatment in India 

Lung cancer treatment in India varies from one hospital to another in different cities. It depends on multiple factors and starts from 1300 USD to 38, 000 USD. 

The best hospitals in India providing the best quality of treatment are – 

Types of treatment for lung cancer in India 

Lung cancer treatment in India are of the following types – 

Surgery – The most common ling cancer surgery is the removal of a lobe of the lung affected by cancer cells. Other types of surgery involved in lung cancer treatment are removing the entire lung affected or removing the small section of the lung that contains the tumor along with marginal healthy tissue.

ChemotherapyChemotherapy is done after surgery to destroy the remaining cancer cells. 

Radiotherapy – Radiation therapy is used as a single line of treatment or with another line of treatment like chemotherapy or surgery to destroy the cancer cells. 

Targeted therapy – These are the newly evolved line of treatment in which drugs are used to target specific genes that lead to the growth and survival of cancer cells. 

Final note –Lung cancer treatment requires early screening, the right diagnosis, and a proper treatment plan with a team of specialists and diagnosis. However, Prevention is the key to success for any disease. Thus if you have any risk factors of lung cancer like smoking, passive smoking, history of smoking, family history of smoking, exposure to asbestos and radon gas you must get an annual X-ray and CT scan done to look for the development of the disease on time.

Helpful – Best Lung Cancer Hospitals in India

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