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What is the cost of Cystectomy Surgery in India?

On Average, Cystectomy cost in India starts at USD 2500. In most cases, the expenses of Cystectomy vary from hospital to hospital and from center to center based on several factors.

Cost Comparison with Other Countries vs India

CountriesStarting Price
IndiaUSD 2500
USUSD 3200
UKUSD 3100

What are the Various Factors that Affect The Cystectomy Surgery Cost in India?

Some of the possible factors influencing Cystectomy Surgery Cost in India are. This is because a number of factors that do not fall under the pre and post-treatment costs greatly influence your budget. The following are among the aspects that may influence Cystectomy Surgery Cost in India.

1) Medication costs

2) Patient Condition

3) Duration of treatment

4) Geographical location

5) Hospitalization expenses

6) Government policies and subsidies

7) Medical tourism packages

8) Hospital reputation and infrastructure

9) The expertise and experience of medical professionals

10) The type and frequency of diagnostic procedures

11) The choice of treatment modality.

An Overview of Cystectomy

Cystectomy which can also be referred to as bladder removal surgery is a legitimate surgery aimed at the removal of the urinary bladder. For men, cystectomy entails the removal of the bladder also entails the removal of the prostate and seminal vesicles most of the time. Cystectomy in cases of women entails the removal of the uterus, ovaries, and some portion of the vagina.

After the bladder is removed, a surgeon must also create a urinary diversion to store and eliminate urine from the body. There are various methods for storing and eliminating urine after bladder removal, and your doctor will determine the most suitable method for you. Cystectomy is commonly carried out to treat invasive or recurrent noninvasive bladder cancer. It may also be performed to treat other types of pelvic tumors.

What is the Purpose of the Surgery?

Cystectomy may be carried out for various reasons, including:

– Bladder cancer or nearby cancer that spreads to the bladder

– Urinary system birth defects

– Neurological or inflammatory disorders affecting the urinary system

The specific type of cystectomy and reconstruction to be done will vary based on factors like the purpose of the surgery and your overall health. It is advisable to consult with your surgeon to determine the most suitable procedure for you.

How is the Surgery Performed?

Prior to your procedure, it is essential to have a conversation with your physician about the medications you are currently taking, as well as your consumption of caffeine, alcohol, or other substances. Adjustments to your medication regimen may be necessary, and avoiding certain substances can aid in your post-surgery recovery.

If you are a smoker, it is highly recommended to cease smoking before undergoing surgery. Smoking is a known risk factor for bladder cancer and can heighten the likelihood of complications following the procedure. Once your surgery is scheduled, you will be provided with detailed guidelines on how to adequately prepare for it.

Depending on your medical condition, the procedure may fall into one of two categories:

1) Partial cystectomy: This involves the removal of only a portion of the bladder. Typically, nearby lymph nodes are also extracted to assess whether cancer has spread beyond the bladder.

2) Radical cystectomy: During a radical cystectomy, the entire bladder and adjacent lymph nodes are excised. Surgeons typically sever the vas deferens and eliminate the prostate and seminal vesicles in most cases. In women, the procedure may entail the removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, and, occasionally, sections of the vaginal wall.

3) Simple cystectomy: The surgical procedure known as partial cystectomy involves the removal of the bladder while leaving the surrounding structures intact. This method is commonly used to address non-cancerous bladder conditions like neurogenic bladder, radiation cystitis, urinary fistula, and severe interstitial cystitis.

Recovery Time

Full recovery may take several weeks to months after patients have developed severe symptoms and had the procedure done on them.

The time of recovery largely depends on the type of cystectomy surgery you have undergone. In most cases, patients who undergo a partial cystectomy are usually expected to have a shorter period of healing than those who undergo a radical cystectomy.

What is the Best Hospitals for Cystectomy Surgery in India?

Many good hospitals in India provide some of the best treatment care for patients. Here is a list of the top best hospitals for Cystectomy Surgery in India:

1) Blk-Max Super Speciality Hospital

2) Artemis Hospital

3) Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram

4) Manipal Hospital

5) Marengo Asia Hospitals

6) Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket

7) Medanta Hospital

8) Jaypee Hospital

9) Fortis Hospital Noida

10) Apollo Hospital

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    The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Does a cystectomy require extensive surgery?

    A: The complex surgical process known as a cystectomy involves the removal of part or all of the urinary bladder, which is the organ located above the urethra and below the kidneys that stores urine until it is expelled from the body. Cystectomies are typically performed by surgeons to treat bladder cancer.

    Q: What is the survival rate following a cystectomy?

    A: Patients receiving radical cystectomy for T1 tumors have been shown to have 10-year disease-free survival rates as high as 92%; in contrast, the same series’ 6-4% 10-year disease-free survival rate was noted for muscle-invasive illness.

    Q: How long does it take to recuperate from a cystectomy?

    A: Following a radical cystectomy, recovery may take eight to twelve weeks. It may take several months to feel fully recovered, even after you have “healed.” You can take certain actions to aid in your recuperation. Your bowels may not function as well as they did prior to surgery.

    Q: Is cystectomy harmful to the ovaries?

    A: No, your fertility is unaffected by the treatment itself. However, the cyst-causing illness can affect your ability to conceive. If you are unsure about your ability to become pregnant after an ovarian cystectomy, consult a healthcare professional.

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