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Brief About Fakih IVF Fertility Centre Abu Dhabi

Established in 2013, Fakih IVF Fertility Centre in Abu Dhabi is a specialized facility dedicated to providing exceptional care in the field of reproductive medicine. Originally founded in 2011 by Dr. Micheal Fakih, a renowned and award-winning expert in Obstetrics & Gynecology and IVF, the centre has since become a leading fertility institution in the GCC region. With a focus on IVF, Infertility, Genetics, Obstetrics & Gynecology, the centre offers personalized and specialized treatment tailored to each couple’s unique medical history. This commitment to individualized care sets Fakih IVF Fertility Centre apart, as it continuously strives to find innovative solutions for every infertility case. By investing in cutting-edge technologies like EmbryoScope and MicroTESE, the centre consistently achieves high success rates in fertility treatments.

Additionally, the centre houses its own Genetics Laboratory, making it the sole facility in the Middle East with such capabilities. Here, Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is conducted to test embryos for any genetic abnormalities when one or both parents have a known genetic condition. Furthermore, the centre offers HLA Matching for leukemia patients seeking a bone marrow transplant donor from their siblings.

For international patients, the centre provides the support of an International Patients Coordinator who assists with everything from treatment arrangements to booking accommodations. Through partnerships with select hotels, the centre offers special rates to ensure a comfortable stay. As a proud member of the Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism, Fakih IVF Fertility Centre is committed to delivering exceptional care to patients from around the world.

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