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Breast cancer is a disease in which certain cells in the breast grow uncontrollably. Breast cancer cells can continue to divide uncontrollably, resulting in the formation of tumor cells. Although breast cancer is more common in women, men can be affected as well. In general, any change in the appearance, texture, or pain of the breast can be a sign of breast cancer.

Several options are available for breast cancer treatment in India, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, target drug therapy, and surgery can be an option. Your doctor or your physician will do a series of tests to diagnose any abnormalities  whether the location or size of the tumor.

Breast Cancer treatment cost in India is more affordable than in countries like the US, Russia, Europe etc. For patients coming for the treatment of breast cancer in India , the best hospitals are available with affordable healthcare packages and top-quality equipment or apparatus with the assurance of excellent treatment quality and top-class doctors.

What is Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is characterized by uncontrollable cell growth in breast tissues. Breast cells can multiply in any part of the breast unrestrictedly.

It could be either benign or cancerous. Benign tumors spread slowly and do not affect other organs or tissues. A malignant tumor can spread to other parts of the body if left untreated and uncontrolled.

What Are the Types of Breast Cancer

There are various types of breast cancer based on the area of the breast where excessive cell proliferation has developed. The most prevalent types of breast cancer are as follows:

  1. Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) 
  2. Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC)
  3. Lobular Carcinoma in Situ (LCIS)
  4. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)

Breast Cancer Treatment Cost in India

On Average Breast cancer treatment cost in India range between INR 3,33,300 ( USD 4000 to USD 23000). The price of the treatment will differ based on the treatment type in accordance with the patient’s condition.

Breast Cancer Treatment Cost in India for Different Cities

City Starting Price(USD) Maximum Price(USD)
Bengaluru $1150 $18,000
New Delhi $1100 $16,800
Mumbai $1200 $18,600
Gurgaon $1100 $18,000
Chennai $1150 $18,600
Hyderabad $1100 $18,000 
Pune $1150 $18,600
Kolkata $1050 $16,800
Kochi $1050 $18,000 

*Note – The cost variables described above for breast cancer treatment cost in India are not constant. It could be determined by the country and type of treatment chosen.

Factors Affecting Breast Cancer Treatment Cost in India

Breast cancer treatment in India can also depend on a number of criteria, such as:

  • Doctor’s competence and experience in the subject.
  • The patient’s situation: The patient’s disease and whether additional modalities are required for comprehensive treatment.
  • Breast cancer treatment in India price packages can depend on the hospital’s preference.
  • Duration of hospitalization and stay in the country.
  • Need for post-operative care.
  • Hospital room classification.

What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer

If a woman detects any of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, she may have the disease. Patients may not notice all signs, which is why breast cancer screening and diagnosis are important. Screening should be done every two years for those who can afford it to ensure there are no symptoms of the disease.

There are a few breast cancer and cell abnormality symptoms that should be examined, evaluated, and detected right away are mentioned below:

  1. A massive bulge from the breast feeding
  2. The shape and size of the breasts have fluctuated recently.
  3. The breast skin has grown dimples or the breast cells have deciphered
  4. The Place of the breast has an inverted
  5. Rashes or pigmentation Begin to grow on the eyebrow
  6. Irregular fluid release is observed in the nipples
  7. You May feel lumps or swelling in the eyebrow
  8. There’s abnormal pain or distress in the breasts which does not go away.

You might be interested to know – Breast-Feeding Myths and Facts.

What Are the Causes of Breast Cancer

According to the best oncologist in India, breast cancer develops when some breast cells grow abnormally. These cells divide at a faster rate than healthy cells, causing a lump or mass to form. Cells in your breast may spread to lymph nodes or other parts of your body (metastasize).

Breast cancer, also known as invasive ductal carcinoma, tends to be caused by cells in the milk-producing ducts. Breast cancer can start in the glandular tissue known as lobules (invasive lobular carcinoma) or in other cells or tissues within the breast.

Research suggests that way of life, hormones, and environmental variables are all associated with a risk of breast cancer. However, it’s unclear why some people with no risk factors get cancer and others with risk factors never do. Breast cancer is most likely brought on by a complex interaction between your environment and genetic makeup.

The following factors have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer:

  1. Being Female
  2. Increasing Age
  3. History of breast conditions
  4. A family history of breast cancer
  5. Obesity 
  6. Radiation Exposure
  7. Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy
  8. Overconsumption of alcohol

Best Oncologist in India

How Is Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Done

A physical exam is usually used to diagnose breast cancer in India. When symptoms are present, doctors may recommend the following tests:

  1. Mammogram
  2. Biopsy
  3. Breast Ultrasound
  4. Ultrasound of Lymph Nodes 
  5. Blood Tests
  6. Breast MRI Scans

If caught in the early stages, breast cancer has an exceptionally high survival rate and a great chance of surviving through the intermediate stages. Early detection and treatment can save many lives because the chances of success and long life significantly fall from the advancing phases.

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What Are the Treatments for Breast Cancer

Oncologists use a comprehensive strategy for the treatment of breast cancer in India. Breast cancer is treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, and biological treatment.

The outcome of this treatment is determined by a number of criteria, including the type of breast cancer, its grade, and stage, the sensitivity of these cancer cells to hormones, the individual’s overall health, and the individual’s age.

Suitable Surgery Options Available for the Treatment Are the Following:

  1. Lumpectomy: Little glands in the breast Together with surrounding tissues are removed surgically.
  2. Mastectomy: This is a significant operation involving the elimination of breastfeeding, or lobules, ducts, fatty cells, nipple, areola, chest wall, and lymph nodes in the armpit according to demand.
  3. Sentinel Node Biopsy: When cancer has spread into the lymph node it’s eliminated by means of this surgery.
  4. Axillary Lymph Node Dissection: if sentinel nodes have cancer then many lymph nodes of the armpit are removed by means of this operation.
  5. Cosmetic Dentistry Surgery: Following the elimination of the breast for cancer therapy, this cosmetic surgery is done in order to replace the very best to appear as natural as you can.


  1. Chemotherapy plays a Significant Role in limiting the growth of tumors.
  2. It’s administered through the mouth or intravenously.
  3. The medications get to the blood and limit the development of malignant cells.
  4. The medication may also be injected right into the region with cancerous expansion.


  1. Radiotherapy may be required to restrict the growth of cancer cells.
  2. 3-6 months of radiotherapy might be needed by which 3-5 sessions each week might be awarded.
  3. Breast cancer treatment: This can be performed after lumpectomy.
  4. Chest wall radiation treatment: it’s performed after mastectomy.
  5. Breast boost: an elevated dose of radiation is given following the surgical removal of tumors in the breast.
  6. Lymph node radiation treatment: cancer cells that have reached the lymph nodes have been ruined by means of this treatment.

Hormone Therapy

  1. It is used for treating breast cancers that are sensitive to hormones.
  2. If because of old age or other medical reasons the individual is not able to undergo chemotherapy, surgery or radiotherapy subsequently hormone treatment is still the sole method of providing relief.
  3. It could last up to five decades.

Following the procedure:

  1. The individual will have to remain in the clinic for several days depending on the status and stage of cancer and the type of operation done.
  2. Total recovery can take a couple of months and might take somewhat longer for progress stage patients.
  3. Regular follow-ups evaluations and assessments will be required to determine the reappearance of the tumor’s cell number.
  4. The individual is going to need to manage some unwanted effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for example accelerated hair loss, nausea, weight loss, fatigue, etc.
  5. These symptoms can be reduced with the use of medicine, which will also make things easier for the person.
  6. When the symptoms such as the upset stomach, loss of desire, sudden menstrual cycle, fatigue and back pain, quick weight loss, prostate difficulties, stomach pain, bloating, etc. reappear and stay stable for extended periods then the individual should consult with the physician.

Best Breast Cancer Hospital in India

Why Do Individuals Prefer to Have Breast Cancer Treatment in India

The best Breast cancer treatment in India provides comprehensive appropriate treatment, including comprehensive pre-operative evaluations, minimally invasive surgical options, and post-operative rehabilitation programs. Patients can expect personalized treatment, individualized attention, and compassionate care at these medical facilities. The hospitals are accredited by top international organizations such as the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) or the Joint Commission International (JCI).

There are various reasons why Breast cancer treatment cost in India hospitals are among the best for treating hip ailments. Among these elements are:

  • Breast cancer treatment cost in India is more affordable
  • Diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventative health service quality
  • Hospitals give complimentary services and facilities
  • Possibility of combining leisure and procedure
  • There is no waiting period for surgery

What to Look for When Choosing a Hospital for Breast Cancer Treatment in India

Indian hospitals that perform treatment for cancer are well-known for their hospitality and patient care services providing the finest hospital and specialists in India. However, it might be challenging for a foreign patient to select an appropriate facility for breast cancer treatment in India. It is a crucial choice that has to be made while keeping a number of things in mind, such as:

  • Quality certificates and accreditations
  • Hospital and transportation facility location
  • Team of doctors and surgeons
  • Advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment
  • International patient assistance

How Can Medsurge India Help?

Medsurge India is a prestigious support system for patients looking for doctors, hospitals, and specialized treatments. We’ll find the most suitable medical options for you. Regarding your medical issues, our team will give you a list of certified, reputable, and trusted doctors and hospitals. Additionally, we offer a treatment strategy that fits your budget. Apart, we assist patients with obtaining travel authorizations, medical visas, and a multitude of other things.

The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How Long Does Breast Cancer Treatment Take?

A: If you have early-stage breast cancer, you’ll typically have chemotherapy treatments for three to six months, but your doctor will vary the duration based on your specific circumstances. Treatment for advanced breast cancer may last longer than six months.

Q: How Many Weeks of Chemo Do Women Get for Breast Cancer?

A: Chemotherapy cycles are usually 2 or 3 weeks long. Depending on the medications utilized, the timetable changes. Chemotherapy, for example, is only given on the first day of the cycle with some medications. Others may receive it once a week for a few weeks or once every other week.

Q: Can Breast Cancer Be Cured Completely?

A: Breast cancer does not have a “natural” cure. To eliminate, reduce, or slow the growth of tumors, medical therapies are required. However, you can utilize alternative therapies and lifestyle changes in addition to regular medical treatments to help control breast cancer symptoms.

Q: How Soon After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis Is a Surgery?

A: Overall, the duration between diagnosis and operation is fewer than 90 days. Breast cancer is commonly treated with three surgical procedures: lumpectomy, mastectomy, and lymph node removal.

Q: Can Breast Cancer Spread While Waiting for Surgery?

A: However, it is unclear if these short-term delays will allow a woman’s tumor to develop. Researchers found no evidence that a “modest” delay before surgery allowed breast cancers time to develop and spread in 818 patients treated at their clinic in the current study.

Q: What’s the Best Approach to Reduce Breast Cancer?

A: But, it’s much easier in the event of breast cancer because the indicators are evident. Women having a family history of breast cancer, that has passed age 40 or who are experiencing similar symptoms should have mammograms at least in a period of 2 decades. Early disclosure is the trick to operative therapy. Women should realize that discovery of cancer in the early phases has a 100% success rate. Click the link to Learn More about breast cancer therapy in India.

Q: Can I Want to Keep a Special Diet Following Breast Cancer Therapy?

A: Breast cancer operation is a significant surgical procedure and therefore dietary restraints are there. On the other hand, the specific diet may only be prescribed with your dietician at the time of your release.

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