The Brave Couple Fought Back With Sickle Cell Anemia, Everything You Should Know
Sickle cell anemia is one kind of disease for the cells. Sickle cell trait is hereditary in nature. There are around 25% chances that a child can inherit this disease from any of the parents. This case involves the absence of enough red blood cells for adequate oxygen circulation throughout the body. We call it sickle cell anemia when a person is having blood cells shaped like a sickle.
The early death of healthy cells leads to the sickle shape of the cells. Moreover, a shortage of such cells results in unbearable pain. Therefore, it is highly essential to check your cell status, especially while getting married. However, look for a helping hand if you ever feel distressed after learning about this disease.
A major concern in our marital life can be the ability to give birth to healthy children with the right partner. AS and SS genotypes, couples often face these problems. But there are remedies for everything, and you have to be strong enough to handle the situation courageously. The modern advancements in the field of medical sciences have caused the reduction of pain and stress possible among sickle cell anemia carriers. So, do not fear after getting your reports. One disease should not hamper your normal life.
Here is a story of a brave couple who suffered a lot and finally overcame the same.
Trust me, friends, it was not very easy. But circumstances taught us that fear is not a solution to any problem. If you want to live healthily, you have to accept the condition and fight back.
I got married ten months ago. The initial days were quite normal. But, I started feeling uneasy after two months. I was out of options as my husband, and I lived in a different city from our families. But, my husband always supported me and convinced me to see a good doctor. After the test, we got to know about AS. I expressed my helplessness in front of my husband and was unable to gather any strength. But, the doctor said that this kind of problem is nothing new and unusual. If we can correctly deal with the disease, there is nothing to worry about.
I began researching more on the disease and the related symptoms on the internet. When I saw that any person could be the unfortunate victim of sickle cell anemia, I forced my husband to do a check-up. At first, he was not bothered in carrying out any step as he was not going through anything unusual. However, due to my repeated requests, he finally agreed. We really thank God for having such a supportive doctor. He was very clear about each and every detail regarding the disease and its effects on the carriers. To our surprise, my husband also showed positive results. I got really nervous about thinking about the next generation.
Frustration and anxiety became my all-time companions. A single moment was not there when I lived life in a relaxed way. Fortunately, my husband understood my condition. He handled the situation and made me realize that we cannot run from the fact. If we are suffering from a disease, there should be a remedy as well. In such a case, rather than being in a frustrated mood, we should consult our doctor. At that crucial point in time, I needed a lot of encouragement. Our doctor was that ray of hope that changed everything suddenly.
Some of our friends advised us to separate. But, to us, even a thought of that was unbearable. I feel really lucky to have such a loving and caring husband. In no way was I ready to part ways with him. I think God was listening to all my prayers.
We fixed an appointment with our doctor to clear all our doubts. And yes, we were not disappointed. He guided us thoroughly and suggested the name of one of the best treatment centers. An immediate solution was, however, not possible. But, at least we got the assurance that sickle cell carriers can also have healthy children. To every parent, the life of the children becomes more important than their own lives. We were also not different. My husband made all the efforts to remove my fears and make me believe in positivity.
As we reached the medical center and met the expert, I seriously got relieved. The doctor explained to us about two types of treatments. We also came to know that there is nothing to fear as both of these methods are clinically tested and already applied. Undergoing these treatments will ensure that we do not have sickle cell children. The names are PISCES or Pre-Implantation Sickle Cell Elimination Services and PGD or Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis. PGD refers to the genetic profiling of embryos. This process should be done before implantation. However, the cost can be high for both these treatments. Now, nothing can be more precious than your lives or the lives of your children. Recently, I came to know that one of my colleagues was also going through the same thing. After the proper treatment, last week, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Isn’t that exciting?
We are very much happy and satisfied and have already started planning to have a baby soon. It’s high time that we shed all the worries and misconceptions about AS and SS carriers. Instead, if you ever come across a person diagnosed with the disease, try to encourage them. Mental support is all they need. If there is a problem, get proper education on the same from expert sources. You will definitely reach the solution.