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Know More About Fatty Liver Disease

Our liver removes harmful impurities from your blood and aids in the processing of nutrients from food and beverages. It occurs when an excess amount of fat builds up in the liver. It’s natural to have a tiny amount of fat in your liver, but too much might cause health issues.

A liver with too much fat in it may become inflamed, which might harm it and leave scarring. This scarring can cause liver failure in extreme situations. Alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) is the term used to describe fatty liver in those who consume large amounts of alcohol. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the name for it when it affects someone who doesn’t consume a lot of alcohol.

What is a Fatty Liver Disease

As a result of an accumulation of fat in the liver, steatosis, also known as fatty liver disease, occurs. There is a modest amount of fat in a healthy liver. When fat amounts to 5% to 10% of your liver’s weight, it becomes an issue.

Types of Fatty Liver Disease

There are two varieties of fatty liver disease, this are:

  • Alcoholic fatty liver diseases
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases

Alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD)

Abundant alcohol use harms the liver. Alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) is the early stage of alcohol-related liver injury. If there is no inflammation or other issues, the condition is just alcoholic fatty liver.

An example of AFLD is alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH). It is also known as alcoholic hepatitis and develops when there is an inflammation-related buildup of excess fat in the liver. A physician might identify if:

  • Your liver has too much fat.
  • You have an irritated liver.
  • You indulge in heavy drinking

Liver fibrosis may occur as a result of ASH if untreated. Liver failure may result from the severe liver scarring condition cirrhosis.

types of fatty liver diseaseNonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a term used to describe fat accumulation in non-heavy drinkers’ livers.

If your liver is very fatty and you don’t have a history of drinking much, you might be diagnosed with NAFLD. If there is no inflammation or other issues, the disease is known as simple NAFLD. NAFLD includes non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). It happens when the buildup of excess fat in the liver coexists with inflammation. A physician may identify NASH if:

  • Your liver has too much fat.
  • You have an irritated liver.
  • You don’t have a history of excessive drinking.

Liver fibrosis can happen as a result of NASH if it is not treated. In severe circumstances, this might get worse and result in cirrhosis and liver failure.

Symptoms of a Fatty Liver

Individuals with fatty liver disease typically don’t show any symptoms until the condition has progressed to liver cirrhosis. Symptoms, can include:

  • upper right side of the abdominal (belly) ache or a sense of fullness.
  • nausea, appetite loss, or loss of weight.
  • whites of the eyes and skin that are yellow (jaundice).
  • abdomen and leg swelling (edema).
  • extreme exhaustion or bewilderment.
  • Weakness.

What Causes Of Fatty Liver

Consuming an excessive amount of calories causes fat to build up in the liver. Too much fat will build up when the liver does not process and break down fats as it typically should. If a person has another ailment, such as obesity, diabetes, or high triglycerides, they are more likely to develop fatty liver.

In addition to starvation and alcohol misuse, fatty liver can also result from fast weight reduction. But even those who don’t have any of these disorders can develop fatty liver.

Helpful – Liver-Healthy: Foods To Avoid

Diagnosis For Fatty Liver Disease

During a normal check-up, your doctor could detect anything unexpected in a blood test or detect a modest enlargement of your liver. These could be indicators of fatty liver. Your doctor could order more blood tests (including liver function tests), an ultrasound, a computed tomography (CT) scan, or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to make sure you don’t have another liver condition.

You can be given a NASH diagnosis after all other illnesses have been ruled out. The only way to be sure is to get a liver biopsy. With the use of a needle, your doctor will take a sample of liver tissue to examine under a microscope.

Treatment For Fatty Liver Disease

The condition of fatty liver has no specific treatment/therapy. Instead, doctors concentrate on assisting you in managing the conditions’ contributing elements. Your doctor and specialist will also recommend making lifestyle changes that can considerably improve your health. Treatment consists of:

  • Avoiding alcohol
  • Losing weight
  • Making Changes in your diet
  • Intake of medications to manage fat in the blood
  • The liver-harming drugs and supplements should be avoided.

Some of the best hospitals for Liver Disease Treatment in India are:

Can Fatty Liver Be Prevented

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to preventing fatty liver disease and any related consequences. Following are some general preventative advice:

  • Limit or stay away from alcohol
  • Keeping a healthy weigh
  • Eating a diet high in nutrients yet low in trans fat, saturated fat, and processed carbs you can also follow the Mediterranean diet
  • Taking action to control your cholesterol, triglyceride, and blood sugar levels
  • If you have diabetes, make sure you follow your doctor’s advice.
  • On most days of the week, try to exercise for at least 30 minutes.

Bottom Line

Think of fatty liver disease as a precursor to cirrhosis or liver cancer, two conditions that can kill you. Even if you are currently symptom-free and experiencing no problems with your liver’s performance, it is imperative that you take action to stop or reverse fatty liver disease. By taking care of yourself and eliminating all the needless things that might hurt your liver from bad foods and beverages, you can prevent fatty liver disease. Eat nutritious meals that are beneficial for your body and liver. Maintain a healthy diet. If you or someone you care about is looking for liver cancer treatment in India, please contact us at Medsurge India as we provide the most reasonable prices for liver cancer treatment for individuals seeking treatment in India.

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