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What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is an established medical disorder that results in hand and forearm numbness, tingling, and pain. It happens when the median nerve, responsible for supplying the thenar muscles and other aspects of the hand, becomes pressed or compressed while passing through the wrist.

In the majority of patients, carpel tunnel syndrome is a progressive condition, meaning that the symptoms are bound to worsen with time. However, if one fails to seek medical attention for the condition, he or she may end up with permanent impairments of the hand and arm as well as the fingers and the hands may end up becoming weak. This is why it is essential to diagnose and treat carpal tunnel syndrome early on.

Early symptoms can often be relieved with simple measures like:

  • It is preferred to wear a wrist splint at night when one is sleeping.
  • Measures to exercise the nerve
  • Not engaging in activities that trigger the symptoms

If an excess pressure is applied to the median nerve then this leads to nerve issues and even worsening of the symptoms. In some patients, surgery may be advised in a bid to relieve pressure off the median nerve, to prevent further damages that can be permanent.

What Are the Common Signs and Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

 The prevalent symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome consist of the following:

  • Numbness in the wrist, hand, or fingers, particularly in the fingertips.
  • Discomfort in the wrist, hand, or fingers.
  • A tingling sensation.
  • Difficulty in utilizing the hands to grasp or manipulate objects, such as holding a mobile device, steering a vehicle, writing with a pen, or typing on a keyboard.

Carpal tunnel syndrome typically manifests gradually, with initial symptoms often being mild and potentially worsening over time.

Individuals frequently become aware of these symptoms during the night, as pain or tingling may disrupt sleep. As the condition progresses, symptoms may begin to interfere with daily activities, particularly if repetitive motions are performed at work, such as typing, writing, or using various tools.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

 Increased pressure on the median nerve leads to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. The carpal tunnel is designed to accommodate all the structures that traverse it; however, if any component of the wrist becomes inflamed or injured, it may exert pressure on the surrounding tissues, including the median nerve.

Various factors that induce swelling or irritation in the wrist can result in carpal tunnel syndrome, such as:

  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Sprains
  • Wrist fractures (broken wrist bones)
  • Ganglion cysts

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Cost in India (CTS)

Carpal tunnel syndrome Cost in India typically falls between Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 50,000 (300 USD to 600 USD). Nevertheless, this cost may fluctuate based on several factors, including:

  • Hospital: The facility where the procedure is conducted can influence the overall cost.
  • Location: The geographical area in which the surgery takes place can impact the pricing.
  • Surgeon’s expertise: The qualifications and experience of the surgeon may affect the fee.
  • Patient’s health status: The individual health condition of the patient can play a role in determining the price.
  • Treatment: The particular treatment strategy adopted by the physician can also influence the overall expense.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cost in India vs. Other Countries

CountriesStarting Price
India 300 USD
UK8200 USD

It is important to note that the overall cost of carpal tunnel syndrome in India will be determined by considering all relevant factors that may impact the treatment. Furthermore, the aforementioned price pertains solely to the procedure itself.

How Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosed?

When identifying carpal tunnel syndrome, your health care provider may have to questionnaire you about the signs you are experiencing. You also may need one or more tests to find out whether you have carpal tunnel syndrome:

History of symptoms: The timing of your symptoms also matters a lot in the diagnosis of a particular disease. The carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms occur when one is holding a phone or a newspaper or gripping a steering wheel. They are also likely to occur at night and may even jolt someone out of sleep. Or you may feel the numbness in the morning when you wake up from bed.

Physical exam: Some of the assessments done by the healthcare professional include the sensation of the fingers and the muscle power in the hand. Tilt the wrist rub it, or even just apply some pressure on the nerve and you will see symptoms appearing in many individuals.

X-ray: In some cases, you might require a wrist X-ray to rule out some conditions like arthritis or fractures that could manifest similar symptoms as wrist tendonitis. But, this is important to note that X-rays cannot be used in diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome disorder.

Ultrasound: The wrist produces images of the tendons and nerves through an ultrasound. It may be useful for indicating whether or not the nerve is compressed.

Electromyography: They indicate muscle activity by determining the muscles’ very small electrical impulses. In this test, a fine needle electrode is used to stimulate particular muscles to observe the electrical behavior of a muscle during contraction and at rest. This test will help to reveal injury to muscles supplied by the median nerve. In the same respect, the test also may help to eliminate all other possible diseases and disorders.

Nerve conduction study: Different from ordinary electromyography, two electrodes are attached to the skin with adhesive tapes. A small shock is then applied to the median nerve to find out if impulses through the carpal tunnel are delayed. Although there is no specific test to diagnose this condition, this test can be used to diagnose it and to eliminate other diseases.

What Are the Different Types of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

For most people, this condition will continue to become worse over time unless the individual receives some kind of treatment even if it is conservative. That is why one should get evaluated and diagnosed earlier by his or her physician. It is said that during the first years of the development of the disease, it is possible to halt its progression.

Nonsurgical Carpal Tunnel Treatments

The most common carpal tunnel treatments include modifying your daily routine, supporting and strengthening your wrist, and taking medication:

  • Wearing a splint (especially at night): A splint should help neutrally position your wrist so as to give relief to the median nerve.
  • Physical therapy: There is nothing like engaging the service of a physical therapist to enhance the ability of your muscles around the wrist area and also improve your flexibility.
  • Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids are other types of prescription medication with anti-inflammatory properties. Your provider also may provide you with cortisone shots in the affected area of your carpal tunnel.
  • Adjusting your posture or work setting: An occupational therapist may recommend modifications to your daily activities to enhance safety and comfort. This could involve altering your sitting or standing positions, adjusting the placement of your keyboard, or implementing other postural adjustments.
  • Non-prescription medications: Your healthcare provider may advise the use of over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or acetaminophen to alleviate inflammation and manage pain. It is important to refrain from using these medications for more than ten consecutive days without consulting your healthcare provider.

Surgical Treatment

 Should nonsurgical interventions fail to alleviate your symptoms or offer only short-term relief, your physician may suggest surgical options. The recommendation for surgery is determined by:

  • The intensity of your symptoms
  • Findings from the physical examination
  • The effectiveness of non-surgical treatments
  • Outcomes from diagnostic tests.

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Types of Surgical Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel surgery employs three distinct techniques:

Endoscopic surgery: It involves the use of a telescope-like instrument equipped with a small camera, known as an endoscope. This device enables the surgeon to visualize the interior of the carpal tunnel. The procedure entails making one or two small incisions in the hand or wrist to sever the ligament. This method may lead to reduced pain compared to open surgery during the initial days or weeks following the operation.

Open surgery: The procedure requires the surgeon to create an incision in the palm directly over the carpal tunnel, allowing access to cut the ligament and relieve pressure on the nerve.

Ultrasound-guided surgery: This procedure resembles endoscopic surgery; however, it utilizes ultrasound imaging to visualize the nerves, tendons, arteries, and ligaments. The surgeon then proceeds to cut the ligament using either a small knife or a braided wire inserted into the wrist through a needle.

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    The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How Much Time Does It Take to Recover?

    A: Depending on the patient and the type of surgery, full recovery can take many months beyond the initial few weeks of healing.

    Q: Does Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery Come with Risks?

    A: Infection, nerve injury, stiffness, and scarring are among the risks. These issues are uncommon, though.

    Q: Is Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Painful?

    A: The procedure for carpal tunnel release is carried out while under local anesthetic. Because it’s a little surgery with small incisions, the patient will have very little pain during and after the procedure. In comparison to endoscopic surgery, open surgery typically results in a wider incision and more pain.

    Q: Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Re-Occur After Surgery?

    A: Though rare, recurrence is possible, particularly if underlying diseases or hand activities persist.

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