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Prostate Cancer Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The prostate is a small walnut-shaped structure gland in the pelvis area of men and the weight is almost one ounce. This gland is located beside the bladder and with a digital rectal exam, it can be easily examined. This is fast-growing cancer for men in the United States where statistics say almost every man out of nine suffers from this cancer and has a threat to death. Though treatment for prostate cancer is easily available and cost of treatment in India is also considerably affordable.

What is Prostate Cancer?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia growths or malignant growths in the prostate gland are the reason for cancer. These cancerous cells break up and separate from prostate tumors and start spreading in the other part of the body such as the rectum and bladder. Blood vessels, lymph nodes are the medium to spread tumors to other parts of the body. These cancer cells get attached to the tissues, grow and turn into new tumors. Results, cause damage to other parts of the body such as bones but since the origin is from the prostate gland, they are still called prostate cancer and are treated as per the medical protocols for  Prostate cancer treatment in India.


The early stages of this cancer do not show symptoms. However, the following symptoms do occur with time:

  • Painful lower pelvic area
  • Frequent troubles in urination such as pain, burns, or weak flow
  • Hematuria
  • Pain while ejaculating
  • Pain in upper thighs, hips, or lower back
  • Loss of weight and appetite
  • Bone pain


The causes of prostate cancer are not very clear. However, this cancer treatment in India is based on some theories that state detection of changes in DNA is one of the causes of Prostate cancer. The cells divide and grow rapidly due to these changed DNA cells and these abnormal cells accumulate to form tumors. With time these abnormal cells metastasize to other parts of the body.

Some of the risk factors associated with this cancer are brief as follows:


This cancer is mostly found in people aged more than 50 years. Abnormal and damaged prostate cells grow rapidly and out of control with men of higher age. It is rare in men with Age lower than 40 years.


Asian and Hispanic men have a lesser incidence of this cancer as compared to men of Africa and America. The reason for the same is still unclear but it can be attributed to dietary, environmental, or socioeconomic factors. African American men are more likely to be attacked by aggressive tumors that spread quickly and cause death.

Family History

Men with a family history of prostate cancer in India and other countries have a two to three times higher risk of getting diagnosed with this cancer. The number of relatives and their age has a great impact on the risk analysis.


Heavy smokers are in the most dangerous zone where prostate cancer is concerned. However, studies also reveal that post 10 years of quitting smoking, the risk of getting attacked depletes.

World Area

Prostate cancer and deaths due to it are higher in Northern Europe and Northern America. The reasons though are unclear again attributed to environmental exposures, lack of healthy habits, poor diet, hereditary, or maybe more and better screening procedures.


It is observed and believed that Prostate cancer in India and other countries has a higher risk when the diet of men includes more refined sugar, animal fats, more calories, less number of vegetables and fruits.


Studies have also revealed that obese people have a higher risk of getting affected with prostate cancer and the death rate due to it is also high. The cancer is aggressive and the chances of returning to post initial treatment are also higher.

Treatment of Prostate Cancer in India

Cancer may be too slow in its growth and may not require any treatment. But when the growth happens and spreads it becomes life-threatening, it should be treated effectively. Treatment of Prostate cancer and cost plan  in India for the same depends on various factors such as:

  • TNM stage and Gleason score
  • Risk category
  • Health and age analysis
  • Preferences such as side effects, treatment goals, long term effects

Treatment choices for Prostate cancer in India include the following:


Active Surveillance

Active surveillance monitors the growth of prostate cancer treatment in India through regular PSA tests, DRE’s, and periodic biopsies.

Watchful Waiting

This method of treatment for prostate cancer in India involves monitoring cancer but not treating it normally for men having other medical conditions.

Localized Therapy


Radical Prostatectomy or surgery is the treatment for prostate cancer in India that involves three types of surgery that includes Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy, Retropubic Open Radical Prostatectomy, and Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy.

Radiation Therapy

High energy rays are used in radiation therapy to kill or slow the growth rate of cancer cells. The two types of radiation therapy include external beam radiation therapy and brachytherapy which involves proton beams and photon beams.


Also called cryoablation, this therapy or treatment of prostate cancer is controlled by freezing the prostate gland with the use of special kinds of needles that are called cryoprobes.Male Cryotherapy

Focal Therapy

This therapy involves high-intensity focused ultrasound, focal cryoablation, and irreversible electroporation. These methods kill small tumors within the prostate gland without affecting the entire gland or the healthy tissues.

Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Systemic Therapy 

Hormonal Therapy

Also called Androgen Deprivation therapy, this method of treatment of Prostate cancer is done by blocking or lowering testosterone and other sex hormones in men. It uses surgery or medication.


This method uses drugs to destroy and kill cancer cells in the whole body. Ac 225 labeled PSMA (prostate-specific membrane antigen) is the widely used treatment for Prostate cancer in India.


This treatment of Prostate cancer involves building and stimulating the body’s immune system to attack the cancer cells and kill them.

Dendritic cell therapy is one such immunotherapy in which the cancer vaccine is made from the blood of the patient itself. The dendritic cells in the laboratory are trained and multiplied to treat cancer through the patient’s immune system.

Also, Read How Dendritic Cell Cancer Therapy Helps fighting Prostate Cancer

Also, Read Prostate Cancer Treatment


Prostate cancer treatment cost in India is affordable and available in selected hospitals. The risk of prostate cancer can be reduced by having a healthy diet, consuming more vegetables and fruits, healthy functional foods rather than supplements, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, consulting a doctor regularly. Getting good treatment in India by expert doctors will surely help one get cured with ease. The updated technology and technically well-educated technicians make the treatment journey a peaceful one.

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