Prostate cancer forms in the prostate gland, which is a small walnut-shaped gland in men that produces seminal fluid to support and carry sperm. It is one of the most common cancers among men.
Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men. Many cases grow slowly and stay within the prostate, often not causing serious issues. While some types of prostate cancer may need little or no treatment, others can be aggressive and spread quickly.
Prostate Cancer treatment in India is very low compared with well-known nations like the US, the UK, Europe, etc. Patients seeking prostate cancer treatment in India have access to the best facilities, which provide affordable healthcare packages, high-quality medical equipment, and the assurance of first-rate medical experts.
Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost in India ranges from Rs 60,000 to Rs 10.2 Lakhs ($700 to $12,000). There are other extra costs that will impact the cost of prostate cancer treatment in India, which we have listed below in detail.
Note: It is important to understand that the cost provided is merely an estimate for prostate cancer treatment in India. Various additional factors may influence the overall expenses associated with this treatment.
Treatment Cost Breakdown for Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Surgery: The cost of prostate cancer surgery in India ranges from 4500 USD to 12,000 USD depending on the complexity and hospital.
Chemotherapy: A single cycle for chemotherapy can start from 800 USD to 2000 USD.
Radiation Therapy: The cost for radiation therapy is approximately 4000 USD to 6200 USD for a complete course.
Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy can cost between 3500 USD to 5500 USD per cycle, depending on the medication used.
Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy can cost between 4100 USD to 5800 USD per cycle, depending on the medication used.
Additional Treatment Cost Breakdown for Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost in India
- MRI: $250 to $400.
- Biopsy: $500 to $800.
- Traditional open surgery: $4000 to $5000.
- Laparoscopic surgery: $6500 to $8500.
- Robot-assisted surgery: $10,000 to $13,000.
- External beam radiation therapy: $3800 to $5000.
- Brachytherapy: $2000 to $4000.
- Hormone therapy: $2000 to $4500.
Factors That Can Affect Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Prostate cancer treatment cost in India can influenced by various factors, including:
- Type of treatment: The nature of the treatment, whether it be surgery, radiation therapy, or hormone therapy, plays a significant role in determining the cost.
- Healthcare facility: The choice of hospital and its geographical location can impact the overall expenses. Facilities located in major cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore often have higher treatment fees.
- Diagnostic tests and medications: Additional costs for diagnostic procedures and medications can contribute to the total expenditure.
- Patient’s condition: The overall health of the patient and any concurrent treatments can also influence the financial aspect.
- Type and stage of cancer: The particular type and stage of cancer are critical factors in determining costs.
What Is Prostate Cancer?
When bodily cells start to proliferate unchecked, cancer develops. Any cell in the body has the potential to develop into a cancer cell and spread to other parts of the body. When cells in the prostate gland begin to grow out of control, prostate cancer develops. Only men have the prostate gland in their bodies. It produces a portion of the fluid that is found in semen.
The prostate is located in front of the rectum, the final segment of the intestines, and underneath the bladder, the hollow organ where pee is stored. Seminal vesicles, a group of glands just behind the prostate, provide the majority of the fluid for semen. The urethra, the tube that exits the body through the penis and delivers urine and sperm, passes through the center of the prostate.
What are the Different Types of Prostate Cancer?
There are several types of prostate cancer, which can be categorized based on their characteristics and how they appear under a microscope. The two main types of prostate cancer are:
- Adenocarcinoma: With more than 95% of cases, this is the most frequent kind of prostate cancer. Adenocarcinoma arises from the glandular cells of the prostate and typically grows slowly. It usually remains confined to the prostate gland in the early stages, but it can spread to other parts of the body over time if left untreated.
- Neuroendocrine tumors: Neuroendocrine tumors of the prostate are rare and more aggressive than adenocarcinomas. They develop from the neuroendocrine cells of the prostate and may not produce elevated levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), making them harder to detect. Neuroendocrine tumors tend to grow and spread more quickly, requiring different treatment approaches.
What are the Different Stages of Prostate Cancer?
The stage of prostate cancer are as follows:
- Stage I: The cancer is localized to a small region of the prostate gland, and the cells are non-aggressive.
- Stage II: The cancer cells are small, but they may exhibit aggressive characteristics, or the cells may be larger and have spread to involve both sides of the prostate.
- Stage III: The cancer has extended beyond the prostate, affecting the seminal vesicles and adjacent tissues.
- Stage IV: The cancer has progressed to impact nearby organs, including the bladder, bones, lymph nodes, lungs, or other tissues and organs.
What are the Cause Factor for Prostate Cancer?
- Age – as one gets older the odds of getting prostate cancer can increase
- Ethnicity – research has shown that prostate cancer is more common in the African countries.
- Family history – Risk increases if one of one’s first-degree relatives has prostate cancer.
- Contributing factors include diet and obesity.
Know More – Cancer Treatment Cost in India
What are the Signs and Symptoms?
Clinically the patient presents with symptoms of:
- Urination problems, difficulty in commencing urination, blood in the urine
- Excessive Amount of PSA (protein-specific antigen) in the bloodstream
- In prostate cancer cases with metastatic disease, bone fractures are common.
- There may be urinary /fecal incontinence in complex cases.
How is Prostate Cancer Diagnosed and Treated?
The medical health history of the individual is taken into account. Prostate cancer is frequently identified through a blood test measuring prostate-specific antigen (PSA). A Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) and transrectal ultrasound are also performed to aid in the diagnosis. Typically, a biopsy is carried out to verify the diagnosis. To determine the cancer’s stage, imaging studies such as a bone CT scan or MRI scan are utilized.
Treatment for Prostate Cancer
- Depending on how rapidly the prostate cancer has progressed
- The goal of treatment in the early phases is to cure the patient.
- In advanced stages, the goal is to prolong life and reduce symptoms.
- Health and age of the patient.
Know more:- Prostate Cancer Treatment in Artemis Hospital
Treatment for Prostate Cancer Treatment
1. Surgical Intervention (Radical Prostatectomy):
This procedure entails the complete excision of the prostate gland and is generally indicated for localized prostate cancer. It can be performed via traditional open surgery or through less invasive methods, including laparoscopic or robotic-assisted approaches.
2. Radiation Treatment:
This modality employs high-energy radiation to eliminate cancer cells. External beam radiation therapy focuses radiation beams on the prostate from outside the body, while brachytherapy involves the placement of radioactive seeds directly within the prostate. Radiation therapy may serve as the primary treatment for localized cancer or as a supplementary treatment following surgery.
3. Active Monitoring:
For patients with low-risk, slow-growing, localized prostate cancer, active surveillance or watchful waiting may be advised. This strategy includes regular assessments of the cancer through PSA tests, digital rectal examinations, and occasional biopsies, with treatment postponed until there are indications of cancer progression.
4. Hormonal Treatment:
Prostate cancer cells frequently depend on male hormones, especially testosterone, for their growth. Hormone therapy, or androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), seeks to reduce testosterone levels or inhibit its effects on cancer cells. This can be accomplished through pharmaceutical interventions or surgical removal of the testicles (orchidectomy).
5. Chemotherapy:
This treatment involves the use of drugs to eradicate cancer cells or impede their proliferation. It is often recommended for advanced or metastatic prostate cancer that does not respond to hormone therapy. Chemotherapy is usually administered in conjunction with hormone therapy in such scenarios.
6. Targeted Treatment:
Targeted therapies consist of medications that specifically address particular molecular abnormalities or pathways associated with cancer development. These therapies can be utilized in advanced prostate cancer that has metastasized beyond the prostate and is resistant to both hormone therapy and chemotherapy.
Read More – Top 10 Oncologists in India
Why Do Most Patient Opt for Prostate Cancer Treatment in india?
India ranks as the third most popular destination for medical treatment globally with that a significant number of individuals from various countries seek prostate cancer treatment in India. The combination of advanced technology and the expertise of skilled physicians contributes to the high success rate of surgeries.
Here are the primary reasons why patients opt for treatment in India:
As highlighted, India offers prostate cancer treatment at remarkably low prices. The cost is approximately one-eighth of what is charged in the United States for the same quality of care. In contrast, developed nations charge significantly more for equivalent treatments. Consequently, many patients choose to travel to India to minimize their treatment expenses.
Superior Hospital Facilities:
Indian hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, ensuring a comfortable experience for patients. Renowned oncology hospitals in India provide top-tier cancer treatments along with exceptional patient care. These facilities boast a medical team comprised of highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals.
Experienced Physicians:
Oncologists are specialized medical experts who possess extensive training in cancer treatment. They are adept at assessing the stage of cancer and formulating tailored, minimally invasive treatment plans for various cancer types. To ensure patients receive accurate dosages and exceptional care, they collaborate closely with nursing staff.
Recent Drug Approvals:
In India, patients have access to the latest cancer medications that have received FDA approval. While cancer treatments can be prohibitively expensive in many developed countries, they are significantly more affordable in India.
Medsurge India A Guide For You!
Medsurge India is a trusted resource for patients looking for doctors, hospitals, and specialized care. We focus on finding the best medical options that fit your needs. Our team provides a list of qualified and reputable doctors and hospitals to help with your health issues. We also create a treatment plan that suits your budget. Additionally, we assist patients in obtaining travel permits, medical visas, and other essential requirements.
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The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where Is the Prostate Gland and What Are Its Functions?
A: Prostate is a big gland between the urethra and the bladder, works to generate fluid that keeps the sperm healthy and aids fertilization.
Q: What Is PSA?
A: Protein Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland, their degrees help identify prostate ailments.
Q: What Is the Meaning of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?
A: It’s a condition wherein there is an overgrowth of prostate tissue that pushes against the urethra and bladder. It’s a noncancerous condition.
Q: Can I Prevent Prostate Cancer?
A: There’s not any certain way to avoid prostate cancer, however with a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise reduces the danger of growing it.
Q: What Are the Uses of Hormone Therapy in Prostate Cancer?
A: Hormone Treatment is used:
- Once the patient Can’t go in for surgery
- Before chemotherapy or radiation to maximize results of therapy
- After chemotherapy or radiation
- Advanced esophageal cancer reduces complications and prolongs survival
Q: How Many Radiation Treatments Are Needed for Prostate Cancer Patients?
A: Radiation is approximately given 5 days a week for 4-8 weeks, the total dose of radiation depends on the size of the prostate, general health.
Q: What Is the Prognosis of Prostate Cancer?
A: Prostate cancer is among frequent cancer affecting men, it’s treatable if diagnosed prior to metastasis, routine screening is essential in diagnosing premature.
Q: What Is the Gleason Score?
A: It is a method of esophageal cancer cells, ranges from 2-10 suggesting just how likely a tumor will spread. A low Gleason score means cancer cells like normal prostate glands and its not as likely to disperse, nevertheless, a higher Gleason score implies tumor is much more likely to disperse.
Q: How Will I Understand That My Treatment Is Working Positively?
A: Regular Monitoring of PSA is an indicator marker of how the treatment is responding.
Q: What Is Erectile Dysfunction?
A: Erectile dysfunction is the inability to have an erection, nerves which control the blood flow to the penis are damaged by the treatment of prostate cancer radiation/surgery as they surround the prostate gland.
Q: Is There a Warning Sign Which May Signify the Recurrence of Cancer?
A: The first and foremost sign will be a rise in the PSA level in blood.
Top Hospitals for Prostate Cancer Treatment in India
Top Doctors for Oncology and Oncosurgery
Dr. Mou Roy
Senior Consultant
Experience: 27+ years of experience
BALCO Medical Centre, Raipur
Raipur, India
Dr. Shabber S Zaveri
Experience: 29 years of experience
Manipal Hospital (Old Airport Road) Bangalore
Bangalore, India
Dr. Alok Narang
Senior Consultant
Experience: 26
Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, New Delhi
Dr. Rashmi Shukla
Associate Consultant
Experience: 16 years of experience
Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, New Delhi
New Delhi, India
Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh
Experience: 10 years of experience
Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, New Delhi
New Delhi, India
Dr. Gurdeep Singh Sethi
Experience: 30 years of experience
Millennium Cancer Center, Gurgaon
Gurgaon, India
Dr. T Subramanyeshwar Rao
Experience: 30 years of experience
Basavatarakam Indo American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Hyderabad
Hyderabad, India
Dr. Deepak Sarin
Experience: 20 years of experience
Medanta – The Medicity, Gurgaon
Gurgaon, India
Dr. Nandini. C. Hazarika
Senior Consultant
Experience: 15 years of experience
Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon
Gurgaon, India
Dr. Durgatosh Pandey
Head of Department
Experience: 18 years of experience
Manipal Hospitals Dwarka, Delhi
New Delhi, India
Dr. Sowrabh Kumar Arora
Associate Director
Experience: 13 years of experience
Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, New Delhi
New Delhi, India