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The most prevalent type of benign liver tumor is hemangiomas. Tumors are uncontrolled growths of tissues or cells. These tumors can be either malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous) (noncancerous). Liver tumors that are malignant can be fatal and spread to other regions of the body. Benign tumors are frequent and pose no major health risks. The tangled network of blood vessels that form in or on the surface of your liver is known as liver hemangioma, also known as a cavernous hepatic hemangioma. They don’t create any symptoms in the early stages. Hemangiomas can rupture and cause bleeding, requiring surgical removal in some cases. In that case, hepatic artery ligation procedure is done as Liver Hemangioma Surgery in India.

Liver Hemangioma Surgery Cost in India is often a fraction of what it costs in the United States and other developed countries for the same procedure and care. The country is renowned for providing high-quality, reasonably priced healthcare. For patients traveling for Liver Hemangioma Surgery in India, the best facilities are available with inexpensive healthcare packages, top-notch medical equipment, and the assurance of excellent medical staff.

What Is Liver Hemangioma

A tangled network of blood vessels on or on the surface of the liver is known as liver hemangioma. This growth is normally noncancerous and does not produce any symptoms.

The majority of people are completely unaware that they have hepatic hemangioma. It’s frequently detected during a test or procedure for something completely unrelated. Even after a liver hemangioma has been detected, the majority of cases don’t need treatment.

A hemangioma in the liver does not raise your chances of getting cancer. The tumor is usually tiny, with a diameter of fewer than 4 centimeters. It can, however, grow substantially larger in some circumstances. Symptoms such as stomach pain and nausea are more likely to occur with a larger tumor.

A big hemangioma is more likely to form in pregnant women and those who use estrogen replacement medication. This is due to the fact that estrogen has been linked to the development of hepatic hemangiomas.

Most people only have one liver hemangioma. It is possible, however, for many hemangiomas to occur on the liver at the same time. Despite the fact that the growth is not malignant, it has been related to an increased risk of heart failure.

In adults, a hepatic hemangioma usually does not cause issues, but it can be more harmful in infants. The growth is known as infantile hepatic hemangioma in newborns. It’s normally detected before the baby reaches the age of six months. In babies, this is a rare condition.

What Are the Symptoms of Liver Hemangioma

The majority of the time, a hepatic hemangioma does not cause any symptoms. Symptoms may appear if the tumor has been exacerbated by an accident or if oestrogen levels have changed.

Signs and symptoms of Liver Hemangioma may include:

  • Pain in the upper right side of the abdomen
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Bloated Stomach

These symptoms might be caused by something other than hepatic hemangioma. If you have any concerns about your symptoms, speak with your doctor.

What Are the Causes of Liver Hemangioma

The exact cause of liver hemangioma is unknown. A hepatic hemangioma can be a single aberrant collection of blood vessels or a group of them. The hemangiomas are thought to be congenital, according to researchers. The diameter of liver hemangioma is usually less than four centimeters, but it can be greater in exceptional situations. Larger tumors might induce symptoms including nausea and stomach pain. Hepatic hemangiomas, in the vast majority of cases, do not expand and do not cause any symptoms.

A hepatic hemangioma will not grow and will not cause any signs or symptoms in the vast majority of people. A liver hemangioma can become large enough to cause symptoms and require treatment in a small percentage of people.

Risk Factors: Factors that can increase the risk that a liver hemangioma will be diagnosed include-

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Pregnancy
  • Hormone Replacement  Therapy

Liver Hemangioma Surgery Cost in India

Liver Hemangioma Surgery Cost in India is comparatively low as compared with other countries even though India is one of the best medical tourism countries in the world. In terms of quality and standard, the level of medical care and services is comparable to that of the best hospitals in the world. Even after accounting for travel, hotel, and food expenses, Liver Hemangioma Surgery in India starts from USD 4,100. 

As there are a number of variables that affect Liver Hemangioma Surgery Cost in India, this includes the type of treatment, the method employed, as well as the hospital and location of choice, the doctor’s qualifications, and so on. For this reason alone, many people come from all over the world for medical care in India for a variety of reasons, such as Liver Hemangioma Surgery Cost in India is much lower compared to other countries which is by far the most important.

Factors Affecting Cost Of Liver Hemangioma Surgery in India

The cost of Liver Hemangioma Surgery in India can depend on a variety of factors:

  1. The hospital, the patient chooses
  2. Fee for the medical group and OT costs
  3. cost of medications
  4. Standard test and diagnostic procedures
  5. Follow–up care is required after the procedure
  6. Liver Hemangioma Surgery Cost in India can depend on the type of hospital and rooms you stay.

For foreign patients traveling to India, Medsurge India provides the finest Liver Hemangioma Surgery in India at a reasonable cost, all while being supervised by top medical professionals.

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How the Diagnosis of Liver Hemangioma is done

Most diagnoses are unintentional because the majority don’t result in symptoms. They could show up on an imaging test that was done for another purpose. The following imaging tests can be used to diagnose a hepatic hemangioma:

  • Contrast-enhanced ultrasound: The echoes of high-frequency sound waves delivered through bodily tissues are collected and converted into film or photographs.
  • Computed Tomography (CT) scan: It is a type of imaging that uses a computer to create a three-dimensional image. Images of a cross-section of your body are created using X-rays and computers.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): It is a type of imaging that is created using a huge magnet, radio waves, and a computer.
  • X-ray contrast is used to examine your body’s blood vessels.
  • A nuclear scan that creates a picture of the hemangioma using a radioactive trace substance called Technetium-99m.

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    How Is Liver Hemangioma Treated

    The majority of liver hemangiomas do not require treatment, and just a few require monitoring. If a hemangioma is large, developing, or producing symptoms, it may need to be surgically removed.

    Your doctor may decide to remove the entire damaged area of the liver if it causes substantial pain or damage to a part of the liver. If there is a substantial amount of blood going to a liver hemangioma, it can expand.

    In this scenario, your doctor may block the major artery giving blood to the hemangioma. The tissues around the liver will continue to receive blood from other arteries and will be healthy. Hepatic artery ligation is the name of the surgical procedure that is done as Liver Hemangioma Surgery in India.

    In some situations, your doctor may decide to inject a drug into the hemangioma to limit the blood flow, causing the hemangioma to perish. This is called  Arterial embolization.

    A liver transplant may be necessary for extremely rare circumstances. Your diseased liver is replaced with a donor’s liver during this treatment. Only if the hemangioma is exceptionally large or if many hemangiomas have failed to respond to other conventional treatments. To decrease the bulk, radiation therapy may be required. However, this is a rather rare therapy option.

    Role of Medication

    Hepatic hemangiomas are rarely treated with medications to shrink or eliminate them. Hemangiomas have been shown to shrink after therapy with bevacizumab and sorafenib in recent trials.

    Future consequences from a hepatic hemangioma are rare. A hemangioma, on the other hand, can become problematic if it grows in size.

    Any signs of an enlarged hemangioma, such as nausea, vomiting, or persistent pain in your upper right abdomen, should be taken seriously.

    It’s also critical to look after your liver. Reduce your risk of developing other, more serious liver diseases by making lifestyle changes like lowering alcohol use, maintaining a healthy weight, and contemplating stopping smoking if you’re a smoker.

    Best Gastroenterology Hospitals in India

    How to Choose a Hospital For Liver Hemangioma Surgery In India

    Hospitals that perform Liver Hemangioma Surgery in India are well-known for their hospitality and patient care services providing the finest cancer hospital and oncologists and surgeons in India. However, choosing a suitable hospital for treatment can be difficult for an international patient. It is a significant decision that must be made with several factors in mind, including:

    • Quality certificates and accreditations
    • Hospital and transportation facility location
    • Team of doctors and surgeons
    • Advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment
    • International patient assistance

    Why Do Individuals Prefer to Have Liver Hemangioma Surgery in India

    Certainly, India is a popular destination for those seeking liver cancer treatment and medical procedures. Liver Hemangioma Surgery cost in India is typically a fraction of the cost of a comparable procedure and consideration in the United States and other developed countries. In any case, the cost may vary depending on the type of medical procedure, the use of inserts, and the patient’s other conditions. As a result, the final charges for Liver Hemangioma Surgery cost in India given to patients are entirely based on their clinical reports, as well as the patient’s current condition, type of medical procedure, type of room, the specialist’s skill, and hospital brand.

    The best hospitals for Liver Hemangioma Surgery in India provide comprehensive appropriate treatment, including comprehensive pre-operative evaluations, minimally invasive surgical options, and post-operative rehabilitation programs. Patients can expect personalized treatment, individualized attention, and compassionate care at these medical facilities. As one of the leading hospitals in the country, all of the facilities have been accredited by top international organizations like the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) or Joint Commission International (JCI).

    How Can Medsurge India Help

    Medsurge India is a prestigious support system for patients looking for doctors, hospitals, and specialized treatments. Our staff will provide you with a list of licensed, renowned, and trustworthy physicians and medical facilities in relation to your medical needs. We also provide our patients with a treatment plan that fits within their budget. Apart, we assist patients with obtaining travel authorizations, medical visas, and a multitude of other things.

    The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: When Should a Hemangioma in the Liver Be Removed?

    A: A liver hemangioma can be examined with imaging examinations every six to twelve months if it is small, stable, and causes no symptoms. There are no medications that can be used to treat a hepatic hemangioma. If the hemangioma grows quickly or causes substantial discomfort or agony, surgery may be required to remove it.

    Q: Is Hemangioma Surgery on the Liver Risky?

    A: For liver hemangiomas greater than 10 cm, both enucleation and liver resection are safe and successful surgical procedures. The proximity of major arterial structures and the location of the hemangioma both increase the risk of intraoperative blood loss.

    Q: What Size Hemangioma in the Liver Is Considered Large?

    A: The diameter of a giant liver hemangiom is greater than 5 cm. In the absence of symptoms, observation of patients with a big hepatic hemangioma is justified. When patients have abdominal (mechanical) problems or difficulties, or when the diagnosis is ambiguous, surgical resection is recommended.

    Q: Is a Hemangioma in the Liver a Tumor?

    A: Hemangiomas are blood artery bundles that generate benign (noncancerous) liver tumors. Many persons with liver hemangiomas are completely unaware of their condition.

    Q: Is Back Pain Caused by a Hepatic Hemangioma?

    A: A big hemangioma might produce dull right upper abdomen pain, persistent back pain, nausea, discomfort, and right shoulder ache, to name a few symptoms. When a big hemangioma is close to the liver capsule, the risk of bleeding from abdominal trauma is slightly higher.

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