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image 2 days ago

How Sports Injuries Can Affect Your Body?

Sports injuries are a sad inevitability for an athlete and an active person, frequently affecting not only performance but overall well-being and health. Whether a sprained ankle, ruptured ligament, or strained muscle, these sports injuries have the potential to create…

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Mrs. Amina Ismail Khalif’s Journey for Spine Surgery in India

Hospital: Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon Treatment: Lumbar Spine Surgery Native Country: Kenya Doctor: Dr. S. K. Rajan Name: Ms. Amina Ismail Khalif Mr. Muhammad Hussein from Kenya traveled to India with his mother, Amina Ismail Khalif, for her lumbar spine surgery….

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How do Sports Injuries Affect the Brain?

When we hear “sports injury,” we tend to envision sprained ankles, ligament tears, or broken bones. But what’s going on in the brain after a helmet-to-helmet hit or a head-on crash isn’t always so clear-cut.  Whether a concussion from football,…

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Scoliosis in Adults: Early Signs & When to See a Doctor

Scoliosis is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine. Although it is frequently identified in children and adolescents, adults can also experience scoliosis, which may pose distinct challenges. Prompt identification and appropriate medical treatment are essential…

image 2 weeks ago

What Degree of Scoliosis Requires Surgery?

Scoliosis, a condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine, can vary in severity from mild to severe. While many cases can be managed with observation, bracing, or physical therapy, surgery may be necessary when the spinal curve progresses…

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Patient From Cameroon Undergoes Successful IVF in India

Hospital: NOVA Fertility Treatment: IVF Treatment Native Country: Cameroon Doctor: Dr. Parul Gupta Khanna Name: Mrs. Elodie Bassong Mr. and Mrs. Bassong from Cameroon had been longing to start a family but faced significant challenges due to medical complications. After…

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Top Spine Surgeon in Jalgaon

When it comes to spine health, choosing the right specialist is crucial as a specialist for your condition can help you regain your health. Dr. Harshal Bamb is widely recognized and is known as one of the top spine surgeons…

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Liver Cysts: Types, Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Liver cysts are non-cancerous, fluid-filled sacs that develop within the liver. Typically, these benign formations do not necessitate treatment unless they lead to symptoms, and they seldom interfere with liver function. Liver cysts are relatively rare, affecting approximately 5 percent…

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Bone Marrow Biopsy: What It Is, Procedure & Results

A Bone Marrow Biopsy is a diagnostic technique employed to obtain a sample of bone marrow for analysis. This procedure plays a vital role in the diagnosis and management of blood disorders, cancers, and various medical issues that impact blood…

image 1 month ago

Detoxing Your Liver: Fact Versus Myths

Liver detoxification has been the talk lately due to social media, wellness influencers, and supplement companies constantly talking about various “liver cleanses” which promise to remove toxins, enhance digestion, and increase energy levels.  But here is the question, does liver…

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Hand-Foot & Mouth Disease (HFMD): Symptoms & Causes

Hand-foot and mouth disease is a mild viral infection that is contagious and primarily affects young children. The condition is characterized by sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet. It is most often caused by…

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