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Brief About EyeSTAR LASIK Institute Istanbul

EyeSTAR LASIK Institute, located in Istanbul, Turkey, was established in 1999 by Dr. I. Gurkan Celikkol. The primary objective of this institute is to utilize the most advanced laser system and cutting-edge technology globally, while maintaining standards that are equivalent to, or even surpass, those of centers in the U.S. and around the world. It holds the distinction of being Turkey’s first and only dedicated Lasik institute for eye laser surgery. In 2000, the center conducted the initial clinical trial for keratoconus treatment using UV light, which subsequently became the most widely adopted method for treating this condition worldwide. Setting itself apart from others, the institute strictly limits the number of patients it accepts to a maximum of 10 per day.

Additionally, it is the sole center that offers S-Lasik, an exclusive eye laser treatment specifically designed for dry eyes. Every year, EyeSTAR LASIK Institute successfully treats numerous patients from various countries and provides them with a Lifetime Care Guarantee.

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