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About Rainbow Children’s Hospital and BirthRight by Rainbow Guindy

Rainbow Children’s Hospital & BirthRight in Guindy is a hospital that has been accredited by NABH. Located in the heart of Chennai, it is a conveniently accessible hospital that provides 120 beds specifically for women and children.

The hospital’s intensive care units are fully furnished and equipped with cutting-edge technology. These units are staffed by highly skilled gynecologists, obstetricians, and pediatricians who are capable of handling any emergency situation.

The hospital offers a wide range of pediatric and neonatology services, providing the highest level of care available. With one of the largest NICU and PICU facilities, the hospital also offers Neonatal and Pediatric Retrieval services, ensuring round-the-clock specialist availability.

The hospital is supported by leading obstetricians and gynecologists, state-of-the-art technologies, and emergency personnel who are prepared to provide support therapies at any time. Additionally, the hospital has achieved remarkable success with IMSI, which is considered one of the most advanced fertility technologies.


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