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Success Story of a Patient From Sudan who underwent Spina Bifida Surgery in India

Brief About Patient

Medical Issue: Spina Bifida Surgery

Hospital: Fortis Hospital, Gurgaon

Treating Doctor: Dr. Anand Sinha (Paediatric Surgeon), Dr. Sandeep Vaishya (Neurosurgeon)

Treatment: Spina Bifida Surgery

Native Country: Sudan 

Name: Rawan Eltigany 

Little Rawan Eltigany was born with a condition called spina bifida, which affects the spine and is typically present at birth. When her parents discovered her condition, they were determined to do whatever it took to ensure their daughter’s well-being and give her the opportunity to live a normal life like any other child.

In their search for the best possible treatment option, they reached out to the Medsurge India team for guidance and advice. Without any delay, they were requested to provide their daughter’s medical reports for evaluation. After a thorough consultation with the doctor and a careful study of the reports, they were advised to bring their daughter to India for treatment.

Without wasting any time, they gathered their belongings and made the journey from Sudan to India. Upon their arrival, they were warmly welcomed by a member of the Medsurge India team who had been eagerly awaiting their arrival. After some much-needed rest, they were taken to Fortis Hospital in Gurgaon, where additional tests were conducted to further diagnose the child’s condition. Later, little Rawan underwent successful surgery and is currently in the process of recovery.

Mr. Muhammad and his spouse expressed their gratitude to Medsurge India and the team of doctors from Medsurge India for the invaluable assistance provided during their daughter’s treatment.

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