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Targeted Therapy For Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer among women and currently poses a considerable challenge to public health. Recent advancements in molecular biology and immunotherapy have led to the creation of highly targeted therapies designed to address the unique pathophysiological characteristics of various breast cancer types. 

These innovations have resulted in more effective and precise treatment regimens for patients with breast cancer. Nevertheless, a significant challenge that requires further exploration is the emergence of mechanisms of therapeutic resistance, which often arise shortly after treatment initiation and necessitate immediate investigation and clarification.

Here on this page, we will delve into what is targeted therapy, when is it used in the treatment of breast cancer, side effects, and its risk factors.

What is Targeted Therapy? 

Targeted therapy represents a distinct approach to cancer treatment, differing fundamentally from chemotherapy. While chemotherapy indiscriminately affects all rapidly dividing cells within the body, targeted therapy specifically focuses on the unique characteristics that enable cancer cells to thrive and proliferate. 

These targeted treatments can be administered orally, via injection, or through intravenous methods. They may also be used in conjunction with chemotherapy. 

If you or a family member are seeking specialized treatment that is more affordable, consider India. Targeted therapy cost in India are significantly lower, while the quality of care meets international standards.

When is Targeted Therapy Used in The Treatment of Breast Cancer? 

Targeted therapy is employed in the treatment of breast cancer in various scenarios, including:

HER2-positive breast cancer  

This form of targeted therapy is applicable to breast cancer characterized by elevated levels of the HER2 protein present on the surface of cancer cells. The targeted medications function by obstructing the receptors on these cells, thereby inhibiting the attachment of HER2 proteins, which are instrumental in the proliferation of cancer cells.

Metastatic breast cancer  

Targeted therapy is also utilized for breast cancer that has disseminated to other regions of the body.

Locally advanced breast cancer  

This therapeutic approach can be applied to breast cancer that has extended to lymph nodes, either prior to or following breast-conserving surgical procedures.

When surgical intervention is not feasible, targeted therapy may serve as an alternative for the patient.

Targeted therapies represent a form of “precision medicine” that employs medications to focus on specific proteins responsible for regulating cancer growth, division, and dissemination. Certain targeted therapies function by inhibiting the activity of abnormal proteins that promote the proliferation of cancer cells. Certain targeted therapies can trigger apoptosis in cancer cells, resulting in their programmed cell death.

These therapies are occasionally utilized alongside other cancer treatment modalities, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

For more info read about Breast cancer treatment cost in India.

What Are the Side Effects of Targeted Therapy for Breast Cancer? 

The side effects associated with targeted therapy for breast cancer can differ based on the specific medication administered. Common side effects may include:

  • Blood and clotting complications: Issues related to blood clotting and the healing of wounds.
  • Cardiac complications: Potential for cardiotoxicity, heart damage, heart failure, and alterations in heart rhythm.
  • Dermatological complications: Skin rashes, dryness, and changes in hair pigmentation.
  • Hepatic complications: Increased levels of liver enzymes.
  • Pulmonary complications: Interstitial lung disease, which leads to inflammation and scarring in the lung tissue surrounding air sacs, blood vessels, and airways.
  • Additional complications: Elevated blood pressure, fatigue, oral sores, changes in nails, and cognitive function difficulties.

For instance, Herceptin, a targeted therapy agent, may induce fever and chills during initial treatment and has the potential to cause heart damage and severe respiratory issues.

Your healthcare provider will closely monitor for any indications of heart, lung, liver, and clotting complications throughout the course of treatment.

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