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What Degree of Scoliosis Requires Surgery?

Scoliosis, a condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine, can vary in severity from mild to severe. While many cases can be managed with observation, bracing, or physical therapy, surgery may be necessary when the spinal curve progresses beyond a certain degree. 

The decision to undergo scoliosis surgery depends on several factors, including the degree of curvature, symptoms, and overall impact on the patient’s quality of life. This blog explores the threshold at which scoliosis surgery becomes a recommended option and what patients should consider before opting for surgical intervention.

What Degree of Curvature is Classified as Scoliosis?

A healthy spine, when observed from the side, exhibits a gentle ‘S’ shape, while from the front or back, it appears straight. This characteristic is due to the spine’s natural and beneficial curves.

The spine is naturally curved in its primary sections: the cervical spine (neck), the thoracic spine (upper and middle back), and the lumbar spine (lower back).

When these natural curves are maintained, the vertebrae are aligned in a straight and neutral position, which is ideal. However, if any curve becomes too pronounced or insufficient, it can lead to issues.

Additionally, there are abnormal spinal curves that deviate sideways or twist, known as scoliosis. This condition is quite common and is particularly important to recognize, as it is most frequently diagnosed in children.

What Distinguishes a Scoliotic Curve?

A scoliotic curve is characterized not only by its lateral bending but also by a twisting motion that occurs from the front to the back and vice versa. This rotational aspect contributes to the complexity of scoliosis as a three-dimensional condition.

For a spinal curve to be classified as true scoliosis, it must exhibit significant lateral bending, an abnormal twisting motion, and meet a minimum threshold: a Cobb angle of at least 10 degrees.

This 10-degree benchmark was established in the 1970s to ensure uniformity among various treatment providers and healthcare facilities, and it remains the standard for diagnosing scoliosis today.

The Cobb angle is measured through X-ray imaging, which not only indicates the degree of misalignment in a scoliotic spine but also helps categorize the severity of the condition. This measurement is crucial in developing tailored treatment plans.

To determine the Cobb angle, lines are drawn from the highest and lowest points of the most tilted vertebrae in the curve, and the angle formed by these intersecting lines is measured in degrees.

The severity of scoliosis is directly correlated with the Cobb angle measurement; a higher angle indicates a more pronounced scoliotic curve, which signifies a more serious condition and increases the likelihood of noticeable effects. 

  • Mild scoliosis is characterized by a Cobb angle ranging from 10 to 25 degrees.
  • Moderate scoliosis falls within a Cobb angle range of 25 to 40 degrees.
  • Severe scoliosis is identified by a Cobb angle of 40 degrees or more.
  • Very severe scoliosis is defined by a Cobb angle exceeding 80 degrees.

An important aspect of scoliosis is its progressive nature, meaning that the condition tends to worsen over time. This progression leads to an increase in the size of the abnormal spinal curve, the uneven forces it exerts, and the associated effects on the patient.

It is crucial to understand that the initial size of a scoliotic curve at diagnosis does not remain static, particularly if the condition is not proactively managed or treated, especially in severe instances.

The scoliosis curvature chart provides a visual representation of varying degrees of spinal curvature, from mild cases, such as 5 or 8 degrees, to more severe instances like 24 degrees, which may necessitate different treatment approaches, including physical therapy, particularly in cases of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis or congenital scoliosis.

When scoliosis is diagnosed, the approach to treatment is critical. Given its progressive nature, the condition is likely to become more severe and complex over time. While treatment outcomes cannot be guaranteed, early detection and intervention offer numerous advantages.

What Degree of Scoliosis Requires Surgery

Scoliosis is typically classified based on the severity of the spinal curve, measured in degrees:

1) Mild Scoliosis (10-20 Degrees)

  • A curve measuring between 10 and 20 degrees is considered mild scoliosis.
  • It is usually detected during childhood or adolescence, often through routine screenings.
  • In most cases, mild scoliosis does not cause significant pain or functional limitations.

Treatment: Regular monitoring and physical therapy may be recommended. Bracing is generally not required at this stage unless the curve progresses.

2) Moderate Scoliosis (20-40 Degrees)

  • A curve between 20 and 40 degrees falls into the moderate scoliosis category.
  • The condition may start to cause noticeable spinal asymmetry, such as uneven shoulders or hips.
  • Patients may experience mild to moderate back pain, stiffness, or discomfort.

Treatment: Bracing is often recommended for growing children to prevent the curve from worsening. Physical therapy can also help improve posture and core strength.

3) Severe Scoliosis (40-60 Degrees)

  • When the curvature reaches 40 to 60 degrees, scoliosis is classified as severe.
  • This degree of curvature can lead to noticeable deformities, including rib cage asymmetry and difficulty standing upright.
  • Some individuals may experience chronic pain, breathing difficulties, and reduced mobility due to pressure on the lungs and other organs.

Treatment: Surgery is often considered for severe scoliosis, particularly if the curve is progressive or causing functional impairment.

4) Very Severe Scoliosis (Over 60 Degrees)

  • A curvature exceeding 60 degrees is categorized as very severe scoliosis.
  • This level of scoliosis can cause serious health complications, including lung and heart problems due to restricted space in the chest cavity.
  • Patients often experience chronic pain, breathing difficulties, and significant spinal deformities.

Treatment: Surgical intervention is strongly recommended to prevent further complications and improve the patient’s quality of life.

When Does Scoliosis Require Surgery?

Surgical treatment is typically considered for scoliosis when:

  • The spinal curve exceeds 40-50 degrees and continues to worsen.
  • The patient experiences severe pain, breathing difficulties, or limited mobility.
  • There is a high risk of further complications, such as organ compression.
  • Non-surgical treatments like bracing or physical therapy have not been effective.
  • Common surgical procedures include spinal fusion surgery, where metal rods and screws are used to correct and stabilize the spine, and minimally invasive techniques that help reduce recovery time.

Seek Professional Guidance from Dr. Harshal Bamb  

If you are dealing with scoliosis or have recently received a diagnosis, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Harshal Bamb, a leading scoliosis specialist and Ortho and Spine Surgeon at Gleneagles Hospital in Mumbai, India.  

Dr. Harshal Bamb is a renowned surgeon with a focus on orthopedic and spinal treatments, particularly in the area of scoliosis. He has cultivated significant expertise in managing a range of orthopedic and spinal disorders, providing tailored care that includes both surgical and non-surgical methods to ensure the best possible outcomes for his patients.  

For those seeking expert treatment for scoliosis in India, we invite you to visit our website to explore our extensive care options and arrange a consultation.


Determining the degree of scoliosis that necessitates surgical intervention is a complex and personalized matter. Although medical guidelines suggest certain curvature thresholds, it is essential to acknowledge the varying perspectives among healthcare professionals. 

The shift from childhood to adulthood adds further layers of complexity, highlighting the need to comprehend how scoliosis may progress across different age demographics. Ultimately, the choice to pursue surgery should be a thoroughly informed and individualized decision, considering not just the curvature degree but also the patient’s preferences, lifestyle, and possible long-term outcomes.

Helpful:- Top 10 Spine Surgeons in India

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