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Who Is the Right Person for Kidney Transplant

The right person for a kidney transplant is someone who has end-stage kidney disease or other conditions that have led to irreversible kidney damage. Generally, kidney transplantation is recommended for people who are likely to benefit from the procedure and have a good chance of long-term success.

There are several criteria that are used to determine whether someone is a suitable candidate for a kidney transplant. These may include:

  1. The severity of the kidney disease
  2. The person’s overall health and medical history
  3. The presence of other medical conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease
  4. The person’s age and life expectancy
  5. The person’s willingness and ability to comply with post-transplant care instructions, including taking medications and attending follow-up appointments.

The decision to undergo a kidney transplant is complex and should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider specializing in kidney disease and transplantation.

Why Kidney Transplant is Needed

Waste products may accumulate and pose a life-threatening risk if the kidneys lose this function. The most frequent cause of kidney transplant need is this decline in kidney function, sometimes referred to as kidney failure or end-stage chronic renal disease.

Symptoms of end-stage kidney disease include an accumulation of different toxins and waste products in the blood, which can lead to comas and death. Renal replacement therapy can be performed in the form of dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Instead of relying on dialysis, individuals with end-stage renal disease or kidney failure may benefit from receiving a kidney transplant. The entire quality of life is improved by kidney transplantation, which also helps people avoid the negative consequences of dialysis. Less dietary restrictions apply to kidney transplant recipients than to those who continue receiving dialysis. Furthermore, the cost of a kidney transplant in India is far lower than the lifelong expense of dialysis. Furthermore, transplant recipients often live longer than dialysis recipients do.

How Kidney Transplantation Can Be Done

One kidney from a live or deceased donor is transplanted into the body of the recipient during a kidney transplant. After a kidney transplant, maintenance is necessary. For as long as you have the donated kidney, you will need to take drugs to prevent your body from rejecting the kidney (anti-rejection). Dialysis therapy will once more be required if a kidney transplant fails. There may possibly be a chance for another transplant.

Kidney Transplant

A kidney transplant is a therapy for renal failure, not a cure. Transplants provide:

  • an active lifestyle
  • avoiding dialysis
  • freedom from limitations on what you can drink and eat.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that managing and caring for a transplanted kidney takes a lifetime.

Helpful – Benefits and Risks of Kidney Transplant

Living or deceased donors are both possible for kidney transplants. The donor and receiver of a kidney transplant are referred to as the donor and recipient, respectively. Relatives, lovers, and close friends are all examples of living donors. Sometimes there are also persons the receiver doesn’t know. Deceased donors are those who agreed to have their organs donated after passing away.

When a patient has stabilised on dialysis and is medically qualified, they may get a transplant from a deceased donor. When a living donor is used for the transplant, dialysis can be started even when the kidneys are near to failing. It’s known as a preventive transplant.

Kidney Transplant Podcast

Are Kidney Transplantations Effective

A kidney transplant has a high success rate; 97% of recipients from dead donors are still alive after one year and 90% are after five. Even greater survival rates are seen after receiving a kidney from a living donor: 96% at five years and 99% at one year. Furthermore success rate of kidney transplant in India is around 95%.

Transplants of the kidney are highly effective. After one year, 95% of transplants are still functional. There is a fair likelihood that the transplant will perform well for the first year and then continue to do so for many years.

Refer to Best Kidney Transplant Hospital in India

Living kidney donors have better success rates than deceased donors do. While you are waiting for a transplant, it is crucial that you take care of yourself in order to offer your transplant the greatest possible chance of success. You will have frequent evaluations at which you may voice any worries you may have regarding the transplantation process.

Bottom Line

Your life should improve as a result of the transplant. But it is still a significant life event that will likely elicit a range of feelings both before and after the procedure. As your body adapts to your transplant and the anti-rejection medicine, you can experience mood swings, tension, or depression. Consult with your doctor if you have any problems after a kidney transplant.

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