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All You Need to Know About Tooth Dental Contouring

Even the slightest alterations in the shape and placement of teeth can cause big changes on the face. At times people with braces, uneven teeth, sensitivity and many such problems opt for dental contouring. Dental contouring is also known as tooth reshaping. People often opt for this treatment to boost their appearance, correct flaws in their teeth and for many different reasons. 

What is Dental Contouring?

Dental contouring is also known as Cosmetic contouring or odontoplasty. It is a simple procedure in which the dentist removes enamel to alter the shape of a tooth for many teeth. This treatment can be used to change the shape, size, length and appearance of the teeth. Odontoplasty is performed for the following reasons.

  • When a patient experiences loss of enamel or when the tooth pulp is close to the surface then the person is advised to go for dental contouring.
  • If a patient is experiencing sensitivity in their teeth then the doctor advises them to try odontoplasty.
  • When a patient experiences minor chipping at the ends of the teeth then they are advised to go for dental contouring.
  • When a person’s teeth are malpositioned or there is minor crowding then a dentist might ask them to get odontoplasty.
  • Odontoplasty can also be performed after the braces are removed. It helps to give a final touch to the teeth and shapes them perfectly to look good.

If a person has any of the above mentioned conditions then a dentist might advise them to try Dental contouring or tooth reshaping. It is an affordable and easy treatment that can be performed within minutes. There are several benefits of tooth reshaping. Here’s a list of all the important benefits that you must know. 

What Are the Benefits of Tooth Reshaping?

There are several benefits of dental contouring. It mostly focuses on improving the appearance of the person but sometimes it can have some amazing benefits as well. Some of the important benefits are mentioned below.All You Need to Know About Tooth Dental Contouring

  • The reshaped teeth are easier to clean and maintain. It can also help to improve the oral hygiene of a person.
  • Dental contouring helps to fix misaligned, chipped and cracked teeth. This can be a perfect solution for accidents that make the person look different.
  • Dental contouring can promote good oral hygiene and it can also help to prevent mouth infections and dental diseases.
  • It helps to treat the biting issues that might happen due to misalignment of the teeth.
  • Tooth reshaping can help to lower the risk of tooth decay and promote floss and brushing habits too.

Tooth reshaping is an affordable treatment and the Tooth Reshaping and Dental Contouring Cost in India is around Rs. 2000 – Rs. 3000. To know more about the treatment, let us learn how the treatment is performed?

How is tooth reshaping performed?

Tooth reshaping is an easy process. At first the doctor does an X-RAY of the teeth. The X-ray gives the doctor a picture of the dental health of the patient. This helps to determine how many teeth need to be shaped and whether the treatment should be performed or not. If the X-RAY report is positive then the dentist will check the enamel of the patient. A patient with weak enamel is advised to take another treatment instead of dental contouring. 

  • If the patient has healthy teeth then a dentist takes a sanding equipment and starts to remove some enamel from the patient’s teeth. This process helps to give the desired shape to the teeth. 
  • Once the teeth are reshaped then the dentist will proceed to shorten the unequal teeth with the help of a diamond bur. This process will help to improve the alignment of the teeth. 
  • In the next step, the dentist will fill the gaps in your teeth by a process called bonding. In bonding, a resin that is similar to the colour of the teeth is used to fill the gaps between the teeth. It can take some additional time. 

Once the procedure is carried out, the patient can get flawless teeth. 

Also know: Dental Implants Cost in India

Important tips to follow after the treatment:

There are some important tips that a patient must follow after the treatment is complete. These tips will help the person maintain their results. 

  • The person should avoid eating hard foods, gums and biting nails just after the treatment to prevent the resin from getting removed.
  • The person should also avoid drinks like tea, coffee and red wine as they can cause irritation in the teeth.
  • The person must brush their teeth twice a day after the recontouring treatment is performed. This step will help the patient avoid stains.

Tooth contouring can improve a person’s appearance and make their teeth healthier but it is important to follow the above mentioned guidelines to keep your teeth healthy after the treatment.

Top Hospitals for Tooth Contouring in India:

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