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Surgical Oncologist 

Director,30 years of experience

Fortis Hospital, Mohali

Mohali, India


Brief About Dr. Brig Rajnish Talwar Dr. Brig Rajnish Talwar is a highly esteemed Surgical Oncologist with over 30 years of extensive experience. He is based in Mohali, India and serves as the Additional Director at Fortis Hospital. Dr. Talwar…

Medical Oncologist 

Director,20 years of experience

Fortis Hospital, Mohali

Mohali, India


Brief About Dr. Rajeev Bedi Dr. Rajeev Bedi, a highly esteemed Medical Oncologist, is based in Mohali, India and possesses over 20 years of extensive experience in the field. His areas of expertise include Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Gynecological Cancer,…

Medical Oncologist 

Director,24 years of experience

Max Superspecialty Hospital, Mohali

Mohali, India


Brief About Dr. Sachin G Dr. Sachin G, a highly skilled Medical Oncologist with 24 years of experience, serves as the Director at Max Superspecialty Hospital in Mohali, India. Dr. Sachin Gupta is renowned for his expertise in Medical and…

Medical Oncologist 

Associate Director,15 years of experience

Max Superspecialty Hospital, Mohali

Mohali, India


Brief About Dr. Pankaj Kumar Arora Dr. Pankaj Kumar Arora is a highly experienced Medical Oncologist with over 15 years of expertise in Radiation Oncology. Currently serving as the Associate Director at Max Superspecialty Hospital in Mohali, India, he specializes…

Surgical Oncologist 

Associate Consultant,15 years of experience

Max Superspecialty Hospital, Mohali

Mohali, India


Dr. Arvind Guru is a highly skilled Surgical Oncologist with extensive experience in cancer surgery. He obtained his MBBS from the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, followed by his MS from the Post Graduate Institute…

Surgical Oncologist 

Principal Consultant,16 years of experience

Max Superspecialty Hospital, Mohali

Mohali, India


Brief About Dr. Ritesh Pruthy Dr. Ritesh Pruthy is a highly experienced surgical oncologist with over 16 years of practice. He currently serves as the Principal Consultant at Max Superspecialty Hospital in Mohali, India. Dr. Pruthy specializes in various areas…

Medical Oncologist 

Principal Consultant,16 years of experience

Max Superspecialty Hospital, Mohali

Mohali, India


Brief About Dr. Gautam Goyal Dr. Gautam Goyal, a Medical Oncologist based in Mohali, India, serves as the Principal Consultant at Max Superspecialty Hospital. With a wealth of experience spanning 16 years, Dr. Goyal specializes in a wide range of…

Surgical Oncologist 

Associate Director,19 years of experience

Max Superspecialty Hospital, Mohali

Mohali, India


Brief About Dr. Sajal Kakkar Dr. Sajal Kakkar is a Surgical Oncologist based in Mohali, India, with a rich experience of 19 years in the field. He currently serves as the Associate Director at Max Superspecialty Hospital in Mohali. Dr….

Surgical Oncologist 

Associate Director,22 years of experience

Max Superspecialty Hospital, Mohali

Mohali, India


Brief About Dr. Sunandan Sharma Dr. Sunandan Sharma is a Surgical Oncologist with 22 years of experience and currently serves as the Associate Director at Max Superspecialty Hospital in Mohali, India. He specializes in Onco Surgery and has expertise in…

Surgical Oncologist 

Consultant,19 years of experience

Ivy Hospital Mohali


Brief About Dr. Vijay Bansal Dr. Vijay Bansal, a Surgical Oncologist based in Mohali, India, is a highly experienced professional with almost two decades of expertise in the field of Surgical Oncology. He is known for his proficiency in Oral…


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