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Brain Tumor Surgery: Types, Recovery, and Risk

A brain tumor is the extracellular growth of the cell inside the brain. They have different types depending on the nature and the location they appear in. For instance, benign which is a non-cancerous tumor, and malignant tumor which is a cancerous tumor. It’s a sure thing that the tumor can cause serious issues if not treated at the right amount of time. This section will broadly describe the brain tumor surgery types and also discuss the recovery rate and risk chances. Without further delay, let’s gain some information about the surgery, its types, recovery, and risks.

What is Brain Tumor Surgery?

Brain tumor surgery is a broad term that refers to the removal of the tumor or extracellular mass that occurs inside the brain or cranial cavity. Depending upon the severity, it has different types of treatment methods as well as symptoms. Sometimes the tumor can be treated by medications that are described by the physicians. But as soon as it becomes serious, there is a requirement for surgery.

Some of the diagnosed symptoms of tumors include abnormal physical activity, blood clots, abscesses, aneurysms, etc. Due to the occurrence of these symptoms, the surgery type is advised to patients.

Types of Brain Tumor Surgery

Brain Tumour Surgery types

Neurosurgery or neurological surgery is the most common treatment in the case of the development of a brain tumor. The main motive of the surgeons is to remove the extracellular mass of cells so that it cannot affect the normally working brain cells. Since the disease is caused by an outgrowth of brain cells, surgery is the only probable way most of the time.


It is a common procedure used for the diagnosis of brain abnormal activities. In a biopsy procedure, the part of the tumor is extracted out of the brain and the expertise diagnoses the cellular outgrowth inside the microscope. The diagnosis and observation usually talk about the causative symptoms or abnormalities which can further help in the proper treatment.


This type of surgical procedure is also known as a minimally invasive procedure in which a tumor is exposed out of the brain cell with the help of a small hole or drill.

After a diagnosis of the tumor location, a small hole is created into the skull and the tumor is extracted out with the help of an endoscope without affecting the normal brain cells.

MRI- Guided Laser Ablation

MRI – Guided laser ablation is a type of surgical procedure that utilizes the laser technique by targeting the tumor and degrading its growth followed by its omittance. 

The expert surgeons carefully perform this type of surgery where the tumor is present at a sensitive location and hard to be treated by traditional procedural surgeries. 

This surgery is more advanced and offers beneficial treatment with less recovery time.


It is the most common type of neurosurgery performed by neurosurgeons. It is also known as open surgery. It is performed by creating a hole or incision in the skull or cranial cavity. After creating the hole, the tumor-associated with the skull or cranial cavity is set to be removed out.

The procedure involves the removal of a small part of the skull bone and exposing the internal part to detect the tumor.

This type of treatment is usually helpful for treating aneurysms.

Deep Brain Simulation

In this surgical procedure, the electrodes are placed aside the brain to provide optimum electric signals to the brain. The electrical signals stimulate the nerves causing an efficient treatment.

The simulation is performed mostly in neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, tumor development, or epilepsy.

Endonasal endoscopic surgery

This is also a category of minimally invasive surgery in which the thin endoscopic tube passes through the nasal cavity to the front part of the brain.

After the setup, the surgeons remove the tumor from the frontal part. This surgery is performed when the tumor is present at the front part of the brain and can be removed via a thin tube through the nasal cavity.

Tubular Retractor System

The tubular retractor system is an advanced minimally invasive technique that is performed in case if the tumor is situated deep inside the brain. 

A retractor is a type of medical equipment which removes aside the normal tissues or cells to let surgeons get access to the actual tumor. 

The best part is it does not cause damage to normal tissues and involves lesser risk as compared to other neurosurgical methods like open surgery.

Awake Brain Surgery

According to the name, the awake brain surgery is performed during the partial wake state of the patient. The surgeons provide local anesthesia for reducing the intensity of the pain.

This type of surgery especially detects and treats the particular functional part of the brain. The surgeons perform surgery and interact with the patient at the same time to check if the responding behavior such as speech, recognition, etc.

It helps the surgeons in the detection and removal of the particular brain tissue.

The surgery is helpful in the treatment of tumors and epilepsy.

Are Surgeries Extremely Complicated?

One might develop a question in their mind about the complications of the neurosurgical procedures as the brain is considered as one of the most sensitive parts of our body.

Neurosurgery is one of the most critical surgeries that involve certain risks and complications. The patient can face some of the complications post-surgery like headache, difficulty in speaking or recognition due to the treatment of certain cognitive parts, pain, etc. 

Considering its complications and difficulties, the neurosurgeons are experts who know their job very well.

But it is a matter of the fact that in some cases, severe side effects are involved which require further treatment.

Neurosurgical Risks and Complications

Some of the risks involved with the surgical types are mentioned below:

  • Headache
  • Cognitive disabilities such as speech, eyesight, and walking.
  • Post-surgery infection
  • Death
  • Blood clot formation
  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • Comma or vegetative state
  • Bleeding 
  • Abnormal breathing pattern
  • Swelling
  • Blockage of blood vessels

Chances of Survival?

The rate of survival after the surgery depends upon several other factors such as age, side effects, other types of diseases or illnesses, further complications, etc. These are some of the factors that decide the chances of survival post-surgery.

For patients developing such complications after neurosurgery, should be extra careful and conscious with their health.

On average, there is a 50 – 70 % survival rate capacity for the patients who have gone through neurosurgery. 

Except for the malignant tumor surgery where the survival rate steeps lower in comparison.

The Recovery Rate and Time:

The recovery period after brain tumor surgery is a slow and gradual process. It takes a minimum of 4 weeks, sometimes even 1 or 2 months to fully recover from the process.

Just after the surgery, the patients are kept under keen observation in the hospital for the detection of different complication types. The functioning of the entire brain is carefully monitored by experts. After a few weeks or months, the patients are allowed to discharge from the hospital but kept monitored.

The team of surgeons that perform surgery develop a proper recovery plan for their patients to avoid the complications and side effects up to the maximum extent. They come up with a valid plan which is more suitable for the patient.

The recovery plan constitutes the continual thorough inspection of the patient after the surgical procedure. Even after discharge from the hospital, the careful observation by the family members or a weekly visit to the hospital continues.

Some of the patients are advised to have physiotherapy as a part of the recovery process.

It is possible to have repetitive symptoms even after the maximal recovery. Such patients need extra care and observation.

Brain Tumour Surgery Cost in India

The average range of brain tumor surgery costs in India is between 15-20 lakhs. The range depends upon the severity or type of tumor, and also the marginal price range that a peculiar hospital decides. The prices may vary from one city to another.

For the ease of people, there are multiple sites that provide a range of neurosurgeon experts including the price range so that the people can compare and choose according to their preferences.


Neurological surgery is a perilous condition that involves the risk of getting severe complications and side effects. Despite the surgical procedures being critical, they are performed under the careful observation of neurosurgeon teams who spend most of the time in the treatment of such types of patients. 

Mostly, the major parts of the tumor are removed from the brain after surgery, but some of the parts may remain in their place which requires radiation or chemotherapy for their removal.

The best way to recover after the surgery is to avoid extra-curricular or excessive activities as much as you can. 


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