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In the entire world, skin cancer is the most prevalent form. In the United States, 3.5 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed every year. The therapy for non-melanoma skin cancers like basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma may just involve minor surgery or topical application because they are not likely to spread. Melanoma can spread (metastasize) to other organs through the lymphatic system or bloodstream. It makes up roughly 1% of all skin malignancies but causes the majority of skin cancer fatalities.

Skin cancer treatment in India includes excision, cryotherapy, Mohs surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.  Check your skin for any changes in size, shape, or color of skin growth. Once a year, schedule a professional skin examination with your dermatologist.

The Skin Cancer Treatment Cost in India depends upon the size, shape, and stage of the cancer and the experience of the doctor. The treatment cost plan is quite affordable in India as compared to other developed countries. The accomplishment was made possible in part by the sophisticated medical equipment employed in Indian hospitals and the expertise of gynecologists. Along with these advantages, one of the key elements contributing to India’s international renown is its capacity to offer reasonably priced skin cancer treatment in India without sacrificing clinical standards.

What is Skin Cancer

  • When skin cells grow and replicate in an uncontrollable, disorderly manner, skin cancer develops. New skin cells are produced when existing skin cells get harmed or become old and die. A rapid multiplication of cells—some of which may be abnormal cells—occurs when this mechanism fails. This group of cells could be noncancerous (benign), meaning they do not spread or harm you, or cancerous, meaning they can spread to neighboring tissue or other parts of your body.
  • UV (ultraviolet) light exposure from the sun is a common cause of skin cancer.
  • Skin cancer is one of the most easily detectable tumors. Because skin cancer frequently starts where it can be seen, in this case, skin cancer treatment can begin at that particular spot.
  • Skin cancer can occur anywhere on your body, from the tops of your head to the soles of your feet. This type of cancer may manifest even in areas with limited exposure to sunshine.
  • Skin cancer can also be contracted in unexpected places. Skin cancer can start under the toenail or fingernail, on the genitals, within the mouth, or on the lip.

What Do You Mean by the Term “Skin”?

The largest organ in the body is the skin. It shields you from the sun, heat, abrasion, and infection. Water, fat, and vitamin D are all stored in the skin, which also serves to regulate body temperature. 

The epidermis (upper or outer layer) and the dermis (inner layer) are the two primary layers of the skin (lower or inner layer). The epidermis, which is made up of three types of cells, is where skin cancer develops:

  1. Squamous Cells: The top layer of the epidermis is made up of thin, flat cells.
  2. Basal Cells: Squamous cells are surrounded by round cells.
  3. Melanocytes: Melanin-producing cells are present in the epidermis bottom layer.

Melanin is the pigment responsible for the skin’s natural coloration. Melanocytes produce more pigment when the skin is exposed to the sun, causing the skin to darken.

What Does Skin Cancer Look Like?

Skin cancer can manifest itself in a variety of ways in the body. It can take the form of:

  1. Changing a mole or a mole that is just not the same as the others
  2. Growth in the form of a dome
  3. Patch of scaly skin
  4. Sore that does not disappear or heal and returns
  5. Underneath a nail, there is a brown or black stripe

What Are the Types of Skin Cancer

Types of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer can develop anywhere on the body, although it is most common on areas of the face, neck, and hands that are frequently exposed to sunlight. There are three main types of skin cancer given below:

  1. Basal Cell Carcinoma
  2. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  3. Melanoma

The most prevalent types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, also known as non-melanoma skin cancer.”

The most severe type of skin cancer is known as melanoma. It is not as frequent as basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas. Melanomas are more likely to spread to organs other than the skin if left untreated or found in a late stage, making them difficult to treat and potentially life-threatening.

Fortunately, most skin cancers can be cured if detected and treated early. This is why it’s crucial to take a few precautions and speak with your doctor if you suspect you are showing symptoms of skin cancer.

Signs and Symptoms of Skin Cancer

The following symptoms may be experienced by people who have basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and Melanoma.  Non-melanoma skin cancer patients may not experience any of these alterations. Alternatively, a symptom could be caused by something other than cancer.

A change in your skin, usually a new growth or a change in an existing growth or mole, is the most prevalent warning indicator of skin cancer. Below are descriptions of the signs and symptoms of skin cancers.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Sun-exposed parts of the skin, such as your hands, face, arms, legs, ears, jaws, and even bald places on the top of your head, are the most common sites for basal cell cancer. The most frequent type of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma. It grows slowly in most people, doesn’t spread to other areas of the body, and also it is not life-threatening.

The following are some of the signs and symptoms of basal cell carcinoma:

  1. On the face, ears, and neck, a little, smooth, pearly, or waxy lump.
  2. A lesion on the trunk, arms, or legs that is flat, pink/red, or brown in hue.
  3. Scar-like patches of skin on the body.
  4. Crusty sores, sores with a depression in the middle, or sores that bleed a lot.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Sun-exposed parts of the skin, such as your hands, face, arms, legs, ears, mouths, and even bald places on the top of your head, are the most common sites for squamous cell cancer. This type of skin cancer can also develop on mucous membranes and the genitals.

The following are some of the signs and symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma:

  1. A pink or reddish nodule that is firm.
  2. A rough, scaly lesion that itch, bleeds, and crusts over


Melanoma can appear anywhere on your body. It can form on your eyes as well as your inside organs. In men, the upper back is a popular place; in women, the legs are a common sight. Because it can spread to other parts of your body, this is the most dangerous sort of skin cancer.

Melanoma symptoms and signs include:

  1. A brown-pigmented bump or patch.
  2. A mole that changes color, grows in size, or bleeds.

Make an appointment with your healthcare practitioner and show him or her the mole or other skin lesion that is causing you concern. They will examine your skin and may recommend that you see a dermatologist have the lesion assessed further.

What Are the Causes of Skin Cancer

Overexposure to sunlight is the leading cause of skin cancer, especially when it results in sunburn and blistering. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays destroy your skin’s DNA, causing abnormal cells to grow. A mass of cancer cells is produced by these abnormal cells’ rapid and disorganized cell division.

Frequent skin contact with certain substances, such as tar and coal, is another cause of skin cancer.

There are numerous more factors that can raise your chances of acquiring skin cancer.

  1. Sun Exposure
  2. Weakened or Suppressed Immune System
  3. Indoor Tanning
  4. Fair Skin
  5. Race/Ethnicity
  6. Merker Cell Polyomavirus
  7. Gender and Age
  8. History  of Sunburn or Fragile Skin
  9. Inherited Syndrome
  10. Arsenic Exposure

How the Diagnosis of Skin Cancer is Done

More than half of non-melanoma skin cancers are discovered by patients or family members, therefore any suspicious area on your skin should be reported to your doctor. Many tests are used by doctors to detect or diagnose cancer. They also perform tests to see if cancer has migrated to other parts of the body from where it began. 

It’s known as metastasis when this happens. Doctors may also conduct tests to determine which treatments are most effective. Your doctor may use the following methods to diagnose skin cancer:

  1. Examine your skin: Your doctor may examine your skin to see if the changes you’re seeing are likely to be skin cancer. It’s possible that more tests will be required to confirm the diagnosis.
  2. Biopsy: Your doctor may recommend that the suspicious-looking skin be removed for laboratory examination. If you have skin cancer, a biopsy can determine what kind it is and whether you have it.

If your doctor suspects you have skin cancer, you may be subjected to additional tests to assess the extent (stage) of the disease.

Because superficial skin malignancies like basal cell carcinoma typically spread, a biopsy to remove the entire tumor is frequently all that is required to diagnose the cancer stage. Your doctor may recommend additional tests to evaluate the extent of your cancer if you have a big squamous cell carcinoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, or melanoma.

Imaging tests to search for cancer signals in neighboring lymph nodes or a procedure to remove a nearby lymph node and test it for cancer symptoms might be used as further testing.

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Skin Cancer Treatment Cost In India

Skin Cancer Treatment Cost in India starts from 4000 USD- 4500 USD. But skin cancer treatment cost in India can also vary depending on the type of hospital. There are a lot of reasons that convince individuals to choose skin cancer treatment in India for their medical care. Aside from the price gap, the standard of health care services is another motive. Also, the entire skin cancer treatment in India can also depend on a number of criteria such as;

Factors Affecting the Skin Cancer Treatment Cost in India

The following factors will influence your average skin cancer treatment cost in India:

  • Skin cancer treatment in India can depend on the type of hospital and room choice.
  • Outpatient care facility
  • Skills and experience of the surgeon
  • Fees of the healthcare team include Doctors, Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, physiotherapists, special nurses, dieticians, etc. 
  • Diagnostic procedure charges
  • Cost of medications
  • Hospital stay

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    What is the Treatment for Skin Cancer

    Treatment for Skin cancer in India and precancerous skin lesions known as actinic keratoses have different options depending on the size, nature, depth, and location of the lesions. Small skin cancers that are restricted to the skin’s surface may not require therapy beyond a skin biopsy to remove the entire tumor.

    If additional treatment for skin cancer in India is required, the following options may be considered:

    1. Freezing
    2. Excision Surgery
    3. Mohs Surgery
    4. Cryotherapy
    5. Radiation Therapy
    6. Chemotherapy
    7. Photodynamic Therapy
    8. Biological Therapy


    Your doctor will go over the biopsy results with you. If the malignancy was completely eliminated, no additional therapy than a biopsy may be required. Additional therapy is usually advised if cancer cells are identified in the margins of the excised tissue.

    The largest organ in your body is your skin. It requires the same level of attention as any other health issue. It’s possible that what appears to be a minor visual flaw is really not. Self-checking your skin on a regular basis is vital for everyone, but it’s especially important if you’re at risk for skin cancer. Skin cancer is color-blind as well. Skin cancer can strike anyone, especially those of race. Every month, examine your skin for any changes in skin spots or new skin growths.

    Why Do Individuals Prefer to Have Skin Cancer Treatment in India

    The country has some of the best medical care facilities and services in Asia, making medical tourism in India very popular. The best skin specialist in India and the hospitals in India work together to provide all types of disease-related surgeries and treatments using advanced technology. Also, the price of skin cancer treatment in India is much more affordable as compared to other states or nations around the world. An international patient can expect to pay 50-60% less for skin cancer treatment in India.

    The best doctors for skin cancer treatment in India provide comprehensive appropriate treatment, including comprehensive pre-operative evaluations, minimally invasive surgical options, and post-operative rehabilitation programs. Patients can expect personalized treatment, individualized attention, and compassionate care at these medical facilities. The hospitals are accredited by top international organizations such as the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) or the Joint Commission International (JCI).

    What to Look for When Choosing a Skin Cancer Treatment Hospital in India

    Indian hospitals that perform treatments for skin cancer are well-known for their hospitality and patient care services providing the finest treatments with the best doctors and hospitals working together for the patient. However, choosing a suitable hospital for treating skin cancer treatment in India can be difficult for an international patient. It is a significant decision that must be made with several factors in mind, including:

    • Quality certificates and accreditations
    • Hospital and transportation facility location
    • Team of doctors and surgeons
    • Advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment
    • International patient assistance

    How Can Medsurge India Help?

    Medsurge India is a prestigious support system for patients looking for doctors, hospitals, and specialized treatments. Our staff will provide you with a list of licensed, renowned, and trustworthy physicians and medical facilities in relation to your medical needs. We offer a variety of treatment options to fit your individual needs, as well as a budget-friendly approach. Besides that, we are able to assist patients in obtaining travel authorizations, and medical visas, as well as a wide range of other things in the process of their treatment.

    The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

    Q:  How Long Does Skin Cancer Treatment Take?

    A: This can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, however, the therapy itself will only take a few minutes. For several weeks, radiation therapy is normally given five times a week. 2–3 weeks after therapy begins, the skin in the treatment region may become red and painful, which may persist for a few weeks after treatment is completed.

    Q: What Are the Precautions for Skin Cancer?

    A: Seek the shade, especially between 10 AM and 4 PM.

    • Don’t get sunburned.
    • Avoid tanning, and never use UV tanning beds.
    • Cover up with clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses.
    • Use a broad-spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher every day.

    Q: What Foods Help Fight Melanoma?

    A: Melanoma and Antioxidants.According to studies, eating more retinol-rich foods like fish, milk, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, and orange/yellow fruits and vegetables lowered the risk of melanoma by 20%.

    Q: What Kills Melanoma Cells?

    A: Tiny bubbles form around the pigment proteins inside melanoma cells when they are heated by laser beams. The rapid expansion of these bubbles has the potential to physically damage the cells. Although laser beams can heat red blood cell pigment, no bubbles occur, therefore there is no risk of injuring healthy cells.

    Q: What Vitamins Help with Melanoma?

    A: According to certain research, normal vitamin D3 levels at the time of diagnosis are linked to a better prognosis in melanoma patients. High levels of vitamin D in the blood have been linked to a slower course of melanoma and longer survival.

    Q: How Long Does Skin Cancer Diagnosis Take?

    A: The results of your biopsy take typically 2 to 3 weeks to arrive. For these, you should see your general practitioner (GP) or a dermatologist (dermatologist). If the skin sample includes malignant cells, you must treat the region. For instance, surgery to entirely remove the affected area, or alternative therapies like chemotherapy creams.


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