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Kidney Transplant Surgery of Alfusainey Sanyang From Gambia

Brief About Patient

  • Name- Alfusainey Sanyang
  • Native Country- Banjul, Gambia
  • Hospital- Fortis Hospital, Gurgaon, India

Hi my name is Alfusainey Sanyang and I am from Banjul, Gambia. In the past years, I have experienced a significant amount of pain, which prompted me to seek a medical opinion. To my surprise, the results were alarming and certainly affected both myself and those close to me. As I was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease, I never envisioned it would lead to a transplant. 

kidney transplant in india for gambia patientEnd-stage renal disease is a grave medical condition that permanently stops the kidneys from functioning, leaving the individual in need of regular dialysis or a kidney transplant in order to survive.

After my diagnosis in Banjul, Gambia, my doctors immediately suggested seeking a more detailed evaluation and a kidney transplant in India. I was fortunate enough to discover Medsurge India. They provided me with everything that I needed and answered all of my quires. Also, they introduced me to one of the best specialists for my surgery Dr. Anil Mandhani from Fortis Hospital, Gurgaon. Due to their dedication and hard work, I was able to receive a successful kidney transplant. The doctors assured me that after my kidney transplant, my kidney function would return to normal.

Fortunately, during my search for a donor, my son Momondou was a match and offered to be my living-kidney donor. And I am grateful that my family and Medsurge India team for being there by my side throughout my journey.

This experience has taught me how much each day should be treasured and has brought my family closer together. From the depth of my heart, I would like to thank the Medsurge India team and the doctors who performed my surgery. Your dedication and expertise have given me and my family a second chance at life, and we are eternally grateful. May you continue to change people’s lives in your profession, as you have changed mine.

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