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About Apollo Speciality Hospital Jayanagar

Apollo Speciality Hospital, Jayanagar, established in 2007, is a leading tertiary-care, multi-speciality hospital located in the heart of South Bangalore. It has gained accreditation from the Joint Commission International (JCI) and the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories for its exceptional laboratory services. The hospital provides comprehensive medical care across various specialities and super-specialities, including heart care, bone and joint treatments, cancer care, cosmetic surgery, advanced pediatrics, gastroenterology, ENT, dentistry, neurology & neurosurgery, diabetology, endocrinology, rheumatology, allergy, lab and radiology services, bariatric surgery, psychiatric services, nephrology and urology, and anesthesia. Additionally, it offers specialized services in general medicine, elderly care, renal diseases, respiratory diseases, sugar and endocrine disorders.

Apollo Speciality Hospital, Jayanagar is renowned for its expertise in GI and general surgery, urology, vascular and endovascular surgery. It houses dedicated Centres of Excellence for bone and joint treatments, spine and brain care, emergency services available 24/7, critical care, and pulmonology. The hospital is recognized for performing the highest number of interventional pulmonology procedures in Karnataka. Alongside Apollo Bannerghatta, it is a leader in joint replacement surgeries in the state.

The hospital features a state-of-the-art ‘Minimal Access Surgery Centre’ that utilizes laser technology to perform seamless surgeries. Patients have a range of options for their hospital stay, including platinum wards, the Apollo Suite, Suite rooms, Executive rooms, Deluxe rooms, semi-private rooms, double-sharing rooms, and general wards. Apollo Speciality Hospital, Jayanagar also offers dedicated international patient services, ensuring that patients receive exceptional care following hospital protocols.

With its advanced treatment options and commitment to patient care, Apollo Speciality Hospital, Jayanagar stands as a trusted healthcare provider.


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