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How Do Penile Implants Work?

The penile implant can help you achieve and maintain an erection if hormone therapy, or medications aimed at promoting blood flow, have not worked. Your doctor will surgically implant a prosthesis inside your penis and scrotum to assist you in achieving and maintaining an erection.

In this surgery, you receive a prosthetic device that is implanted inside your penis and scrotum to help you regain normal sexual function

The penile implants you get will not improve sensation or increase sexual desire. They will, however, enable you to manually inflate your penis in order to get an erection.

A simple prosthesis consists of two bendable, silicone rods surgically implanted within the penis’ erection chambers.

Type of Penile Implants

There are different types of penile implants available, depending upon the need and preferences of the man.

Doctors, to decide whether which implant type will be most suitable for man depends on various factors includes:

  1. Type and body size 
  2. Age of the man
  3. Size of the penis, glans, and scrotum
  4. History report of abdominal or pelvic surgery
  5. Presence of colostomy
  6. History of kidney transplant
  7. Whether the penis is circumcised or not
  8. Overall Health and well-being
  9. Expectancy of lifespan

However, There Are 4 Type Of Penile Implant Surgeries Available in The Market:

Indian Malleable Implant

An Indian malleable penile implant is a semi-rigid silicone penile implant used for the permanent treatment of erectile dysfunction. The treatment has gained immense popularity because it provides excellent clinical outcomes and is extremely affordable at the same time.

For excellent axial rigidity, Indian penile implants are used in pairs and are placed in the crevices of the corpora cavernosa. The Indian malleable implant comes in two varieties: –

Prosthesis With Hinge

It is actually a flexible bend around the center of the implant that assists with easy concealment while not engaging in any sexual activity. In order to imitate a flaccid penis, the implant can be bent downward at the hinge or bend. 

Prosthesis Without Hinge

Implants without bends or hinges have a uniform stiffness throughout while remaining flexible for concealment. This version of the implant provides an excellent level of stiffness for sexual interaction.

Advantages of Indian Penile Implant

Affordable: It is a very affordable treatment as compared to other semi-rigid penile implants and is made up of high-quality silicone.

Durability: This silicone base implant works for years with no critical issues arising. Even no weakness will be felt after a long duration of time. No failures even, 100 % outcomes.

Zephyr Malleable Penile Implant

A three-component inflatable system implanted into the human body is the ZSI 475 Penile Implant. In order to treat erectile dysfunction, it reproduces the natural activity of the penis.

The implant consists of:

  1. Two artificial cavernosum cylinders.
  2. A reservoir.
  3. A pump.

Both cylinders are implanted in the corpus cavernosum passageways of the penis. In the pelvic area, next to the bladder, the reservoir is filled with normal saline solution. 

The pump is inserted into the scrotum. Each component of the implant is connected by a tube system.

Advantages of Zephyr Malleable Penile Implant

The ZSI 475’s wide cylinders, constructed in 3 layers, provide very strong rigidity at their base, allowing for penetration without any bending.

The whole implantation process is pocket-friendly. Majority preferred to get penetration capability due to strong rigidity to without bending while sexual intercourse.

The other major advantage of Zephyr Malleable Penile Implant, they are safe in medical scanners.

Genesis Malleable Penile Implant

The Coloplast Genesis implant is one of the most popular and successful semi-rigid or malleable implants on the market today. The product is manufactured by Coloplast, one of the most trusted names in the field of penile implants and other medical products that make people’s lives better.

The genesis malleable penile prosthesis offers huge simplicity to surgeons and gives simplified solutions to patients as well with finger or hand dexterity issues, limited range of mobility, and hand-muscle fatigue-related issues.

Genesis prosthesis is done with hydrophilic coating. Water is said to be absorbed by the only semi-rigid penile implant with a hydrophilic coating.

Different lengths can be accommodated – The implant can be trimmed according to the patient’s physique

Advantages of Genesis Malleable Penile Implant

Adjustability: It is highly adjustable, available with three different sizes of tail caps which can be used to maintain the desired prosthesis length.

Easy to use:  This implant process is comparatively less complex as compared to other inflatable variants of the prosthesis as it comprises only two cylinders. No additional pump or other reserved devices are required to achieve erections.

The whole implantation process cost is lesser than Zephyr Malleable Implants. Hospital stay charges and other subsidiary medical facilities also may increase the total bill amount.

Tactra Malleable Penile Implant

Tactra Malleable Penile implantation is the latest technique of penis prosthesis in the market. This type of penile implant consists of a pair of bendable cylinders, made up of two layers of silicon over a nitinol (Nickel-Titanium) core. 

Tactra implantations are highly designed to give optimal rigidity and durability as well. 

It provides patients with a natural feel at the most. When desiring intercourse, a person can easily lift up the implanted device into a straight position for an erection. 

After completion, a man can easily push down his penis for a normal, flaccid position.

Advantages of Tactra Malleable Penile Implant

  1. For a man, it gives natural feels the most and can be easily movable during sexual process.
  2. Side effects are very less in number in such type of implantation due to its durable nature.
  3. The number of doctor’s visits is also very less in this procedure. 

Ambicor 2 Inflatable Penile Implant

For men with erectile dysfunction (ED) who have severe retroperitoneal scarring, low manual dexterity, or other difficulties, the two-piece inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP; Ambicor) may be a better option.

The Ambicor 2 Inflatable Penile Prosthesis is simple to implant and maintains for both experienced physicians and patients. With just a few squeezes, the cylinder inflates, and deflation is as easy as manually bending the penis downward.

Advantages of Ambicor 2 Inflatable Penile Implant

  1. For suitably selected patients, the Ambicor will be regarded a safe, reliable, and successful choice with the added benefit of eliminating blind reservoir implantation.
  2. Ejaculation and sensations are exactly similar to the natural one

Clinical Implications

It is anticipated that future advancements in penile prosthetic surgery will expand the indications and applicability to the transgender community, as well as improve both patient and partner safety and functionality. To know more about the cost of each implantation process, do visit our page MedsurgeIndia.


In addition to making latent natural erections impossible, the device may also make other interventional treatments impossible. An increased risk of infection is associated with prostheses in men with diabetes or spinal cord injuries, as well as immunocompromised people. 

If erosion is not evaluated and treated promptly, it can worsen considerably, causing infection and tissue loss.

Implantation of a penile prosthesis may come up with many consequences like, curvature or scarring, shortening of the penile. Pre-existing abdominal or penile scarring or contracture may make surgical implantation more complicated or impractical. 


There is no doubt that penile prosthetic surgery will remain essential to treating erectile dysfunction, Inflatable prosthesis operations are successful in 90 to 95% of cases, meaning the implants produce erections adequate for intercourse. However, no procedure is without the risk of consequences. So,  patients must understand the criticality of the surgical procedure consult a  surgeon in detail about his disorder or dysfunction, if he is required to go under surgical procedure or can be cured through oral medication. 

It is wisely advised to take complete guidance and regular check-ups with the doctor after surgical implantation is done. Self-confidence and overall moral boosting is also major key role to orient positive results.




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