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“In Collaboration with Medsurge India, Best Doctor’s of Fortis Hospital will Hold a Free Health Check-Up Camp in Nigeria”

On January 23rd in Lagos and on January 25th in Abuja, Renowned Indian Hematologist and Oncologist is set to launch a charitable event called ” Free Health Check-Up Camp in Nigeria,” which is being organised by Fortis Hospital Gurgaon in collaboration with the Medsurge India team.

During the visit, Dr. Vikas Dua- Pediatric Hematology, Hemato oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant Specialist and Dr. Niranjan Naik- Surgical Oncologist, is going to provide free, one-on-one consultation and a full physical examination to the people of Nigeria.

Speaking on the occasion, the team stated that steps were being taken to ensure better quality medical services to the uninformed population.

The team of doctors further advised people to be aware of their family’s and children’s health. People suffering from blood disorders such as Sickle Cell Anemia, Leukemia, and life-threatening cancers like Breast, colon, lung and gastrointestinal cancers should be aware of their symptoms and seek the best medical advice.

Dushyant Magu, Founder of Medsurge India mentioned: “The Medsurge India Team has always been at the frontline of providing a helping hand to any public initiative or community service”. He further added that with the advancements in medical technology, deadly diseases like Sickle Cell Anemia and various types of cancers can now be treated successfully. The citizens of Nigeria must take advantage of this opportunity to improve the health of their loved ones.

About Us: Medsurge India is a visionary and well-known company in the field of medical tourism in India since 2012. India has World Class Medical Facilities comparable to those found in Western and European countries. Medsurge India’s 360-degree approach focuses not only on quality treatment but also on providing 24 x 7 support by dedicated case managers who assist patients in feeling at home. With the best possible infrastructure, medical facilities, and the most competitive prices, you can get treatment in India at the lowest possible cost without compromising the quality of the treatment.

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