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Medical Tourism in Tunisia

Tunisia has approximately 1200 km of coastline to the north and east, and is bordered to the west by desert and oasis, allowing it to enjoy a pleasant Mediterranean climate. With approximately 30,000 archaeological sites spread around the country, it provides a diverse range of tourism opportunities.

Following two terrorist attacks in 2015, one in March at the Bardo Museum in Tunis and one in June at a resort in Sousse, the country has worked to gradually re-establish itself as a safe and appealing holiday destination. Indeed, the sector is poised to grow further after a strong performance in 2018, when visitor numbers reached an all-time high. Furthermore, niche segments such as medical tourism in Tunisia are bringing in new source markets.

About Medical Tourism in Tunisia

Tunisia boasts a well-developed medical tourism industry.  This is because of, in part, to its proximity to and shared language with many European and Arab markets, as well as its reputation for highly qualified medical staff. The country is a well-known destination for Europeans seeking Cosmetic Surgery, and other treatments such as Gastric Bypass are becoming increasingly popular. “Many French patients are already coming to Tunisia for Bariatric Surgery because it is much more accessible here than in France,” Imed Hadj Hassine, deputy director-general of Tunisian medical clinic Clinique Pasteur, told OBG, citing French regulations that require patients to try other weight-loss strategies before surgery. 

Africa is the most promising region for promoting Medical Tourism Development in Tunisia, with cardiac surgery showing strong potential. Meanwhile, he notes that increasing levels of international accreditation at Tunisian health facilities will help to boost European arrivals in the coming years, with orthopedic medicine showing particular promise.

Why Do People Prefer Tunisia for Medical Treatment?

  • Tunisia is a Reliable Medical Tourism Destination due to its strategic geographical location and reasonably cost healthcare services. According to sources, around 70,000 individuals from Libya, Algeria, and other African countries sought medical attention in Tunisian hospitals and clinics in 2009.
  • According to a North Africa health expo report, almost 500,000 international patients seek inpatient care at hospitals and clinics in Tunisia, with another 2-2.5 million seeking outpatient care.
  • According to the International Medical Tourism Journal (IMTJ), Tunisia’s Medical Tourism Industry has become the country’s second top foreign currency generator and second largest employer.
  • With 600,000 visitors spending $314 million annually, the country is also recognised as one of the top ten MENA Wellness Tourism markets.To make tourism a more appealing choice for health and wellness, the country is working to update its assets and expertise to international levels.
  • The Cost of Living in Tunisia is Low. The government’s tax breaks to promote medical tourism are encouraging an influx of foreign medical travelers. They get excellent value for money in a variety of treatments, particularly aesthetic and plastic surgery, followed by dentistry, orthopedics, ophthalmology, and cardiovascular surgery.
  • Patients can receive Cost-Effective Treatment in Tunisia that has the same healthcare standards as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe. The country has a great reputation for cosmetic surgery, and medical tourists can readily obtain public and private healthcare, as well as competitive cosmetic treatment costs. Tunisia is thought to offer 40-50% less expensive cosmetic treatments than Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Best Medical Treatment Available in Tunisia

Tunisia, Africa’s northernmost country, is well-known for its high standard of healthcare. Its affordable medical facilities have made it a reliable medical tourism destination. The country’s healthcare system is one of the most advanced in Africa, with quality comparable to that of several European countries. The country ranks 38th out of 47 locations in the world medical tourism index.

The number of medical tourists visiting Tunisia grows year after year, with the majority coming from Libya due to best healthcare services. As medical tourism grows in the country, the government is improving facilities for travelers to ensure their stay is enjoyable.

Major Treatments in Tunisia 

  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Dental Treatment
  • Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
  • Orthopedic and Spine Surgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Organ Tissue Transplantation and so on.

Patients can receive affordable medical treatment in a country that has the same healthcare standards as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe. The country has a great reputation for cosmetic surgery, and medical tourists can readily obtain public and private healthcare, as well as competitive cosmetic treatment costs. Tunisia has been reported to offer 40-50% less costly cosmetic treatments than Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Helpful – Who is The Good Candidate For Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery

The Costs of Facelift Surgery in the United States comes approximately 7600-12000 USD, whereas the exact same procedure in Tunisia costs between 3,200-35,00 USD. Tunisian medical services are comparable to European standards. These low-cost treatments draw individuals from all around the world to Tunisia. Tunisia is also a popular destination for cosmetic surgery due to several patient-friendly policies.

Best Hospitals in Tunisia for Cost-Effective Medical Facility

Tunisia attracts the majority of medical tourists from all over the world because it offers economical medical services without sacrificing quality. It is a popular medical destination for a variety of reasons. Some of them are as follows:

  • Affordable medical treatment
  • Attractive tourist spots
  • Delicious Cuisine with Outstanding Seafood
  • Highly advanced hospitals
  • Quality of healthcare

Many countries’ passport holders require a Tunisian Tourist Visa to enter the country. Their passport must be valid for at least six months from the date of entry. Citizens of Germany and Canada can stay for up to four months, while Bulgarian citizens can stay for two months without a visa. 

For stays of more than 90 days, a residence permit is required, which can be obtained from the central police station in the district of residence.  

Travelers Arriving in Tunisia are required to reveal any foreign currency worth more than 5,000 Tunisian dinars. 

Tunisia’s Best Hospitals

  • Clinique Taoufik, Tunis: Tunis’s Clinique Taoufik is a pioneering hospital in Africa for Cardiac Surgery, Interventional Cardiology, Orthopaedics, Gynaecology, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Radiotherapy, and Chemotherapy. ISO 9001 version 2015 certification has been obtained by the hospital.
  • Clinique El Amen, La Marsa: General Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, ENT Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Cancer Surgery, Gynaecological Surgery, and Urologic Surgery are all available at Clinique El Amen in La Marsa.
  • El Manar Clinic, Tunis: El Manar Clinic in Tunis is ISO 9001 accredited and boasts over 200 medical specialists who provide high-quality medical care.
  • Clinique Montplaisir, Tunisia: The best and most well-known Cosmetic Surgery Hospital in Tunisia, offering important procedures like breast surgery, silhouette surgery, intimate surgery, and face surgery.
  • Clinique Carthagene, Tunis: A multidisciplinary clinic with an exclusive Reception Box at the Tunis Carthage Airport where patients are welcomed with the best reception and a hassle-free airport shuttle to the Clinic 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Know More – Medical Tourism in Tunisia 

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