In MedsurgeIndia: Well-Educated Interactive Event with Drs. Aman Gupta and Manoj Miglani

“Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.” “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.” “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.”

On April 24, 2023, MedsurgeIndia held a well-educated interactive event in the office with reputable guests, Dr. Aman Gupta (Director) from the Department of Urology and Dr. Manoj Miglani (Director) Orthopaedics, Spine Surgery, and Joint Replacement Specialist . They both have over 20 years of experience in their respective fields. 

The event began with a warm welcome and an introductory induction. Dr. Manoj Miglani led the introduction, explaining the complexities of various spine procedures as well as the recently launched advancements of technology in India for spine and bone treatment.  Dr. Aman Gupta, on the other hand, started his session by discussing his medical ethics and teaching about the diversity of hope in life. He also discussed the criticality of cancer treatment in urology and various types of male aesthetic surgery with its pros and cons.

Throughout the entire day of discussion, cancer was the main topic of conversation, and specialists addressed the most dangerous effects of cancer on the world’s future. During the session, Mr. Dushyant Magu (Founder Medsurge India) and Dr. Shweta Bhagat (Clinical Case Manager) reviewed the consequences of international and domestic patients. They made it feasible for everyone in the room to feel involved. They then moved on to more business-specific polls, such as how long a patient has been suffering from an ailment and seeking medical consultation. Also, what is the role of the Medsurge India organization in the entire medical journey of the patient?

Mr. Dushyant and Dr. Shweta were  able to highlight the immense amount of knowledge in the room and encouraged participants to make the most of this opportunity to learn from one another.

Ms. Garima Magu (Director, MedsurgeIndia) asked about how a sickle cell anemia patient should deal with Avascular necrosis(AVN) of the hip and whether they should go for Hip Replacement first or Bone Marrow Transplant. On this Dr. Manoj Miglani suggested that patients should go for Hip replacement or preservation surgery first as while undergoing BMT immunity reduces hence going first with replacement would be a better option. 

Members of the Medsurge India team asked one-on-one queries, which were swiftly answered by professionals. Apart from academic debate, everyone had a good time chatting about their life opinions and experiences during their medical journey. Overall, the program was a complete package of knowledge, enjoyment,  morality and ethical principles.

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