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Procedures to Perform IVF Successfully

It can be both exciting and nerve-wracking to begin the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process. IVF has only ever been used when other forms of reproductive treatment have failed. You could have spent several months trying to get pregnant. or, more probably, years. This, however, is not always the case. Sometimes, doctors recommend starting with IVF treatment in India.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complicated set of treatments intended to improve fertility, avoid genetic issues, and help in child conception.

In IVF, mature eggs are removed from ovaries and fertilized in a laboratory using sperm. The fertilized eggs are then transferred to a uterus. IVF cycles are completed in approximately 3 weeks. Sometimes these steps are split into different parts and the process can take longer.

What is an IVF?

A type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) known as in vitro fertilization (IVF) involves the fertilization of sperm and eggs outside of the human body. IVF is a challenging procedure that requires taking eggs out of the ovaries and manually mixing sperm and eggs in a lab to fertilize the eggs. The fertilized egg, which is now known as an embryo, is implanted inside a uterus a few days after fertilization. When this embryo embeds itself in the uterine wall, pregnancy occurs.

The most successful type of assisted reproductive technology is IVF in India. The process is possible with the use of the couple’s own sperm and eggs. A known or unknown donor’s eggs, sperm, or embryos may also be used during IVF. A gestational carrier, a woman who has had an embryo implanted in her uterus, may occasionally be employed.

IVF success rates in India are influenced by a variety of variables, including your age and the underlying reason for your infertility. IVF can also be costly, intrusive, and time-consuming. IVF can lead to pregnancy with more than one fetus if more than one embryo is placed in the uterus (multiple pregnancies).

Why IVF is Performed?

IVF in India is chosen by people for a variety of reasons, such as infertility problems or when one couple has a pre-existing medical condition. Some people will try IVF if other fertility treatments haven’t worked for them or if they’re at an advanced maternal age.  IVF is an additional reproductive option for same-sex couples or individuals who want to become parents on their own. IVF is a possibility if you or your partner has:

  • Fallopian tubes that are blocked or damaged.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Low sperm count or additional sperm defects.
  • Other ovarian disorders, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Other problems in the uterus.
  • The possibility of passing on a genetic disorder or disease.
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Are using an egg donor or a gestational surrogate

What steps do you take to get ready for IVF treatment?

You must undergo fertility tests and a comprehensive physical examination before beginning IVF treatment. Also, your partner will be examined and tested. You’ll go through the following steps of the process, including:

  • IVF counseling (meet with healthcare providers to discuss the details of the IVF process).
  • Mammography, current Pap test, and a uterine exam (if over 40).
  • A semen analysis.
  • Screening for infectious diseases and STIs (sexually transmitted infections).
  • Tests for blood and urine, as well as ovarian reserve testing
  • Instructions for administering fertility medications
  • Screening for genetic carriers.
  • Complete consent forms.
  • Evaluation of the uterine cavity using saline-infused sonography (SIS) or hysteroscopy.

You should begin taking folic acid supplements at least three months before to embryo transfer, as directed by your doctor.

Know More – IVF with Donor Egg for Post Menopause Cost in India

How IVF Procedure is Performed?

The procedure of IVF in India primarily entails manually injecting sperm into an egg, fertilizing the egg, and then inserting the fertilized egg into the uterus. This is accomplished in six key steps: 

  1. Hormone Regulation: The management of hormones is the first stage in initiating an IVF treatment. Often, the first step for IVF treatment involves the intake of birth control pills.  They help in the planning of the treatment cycle and synchronize the menstrual cycles in women who have irregular periods.
  2. Stimulation of the production of the eggs: Following hormone regulation, hormone injections stimulate the female body’s ability to produce eggs. One egg is usually produced monthly by women. However, during IVF treatment, women receive hormone injections that boost the number of eggs they make in a month, increasing the number of eggs available for sperm fertilization.
  3. Retrieving the eggs: After the ovaries are stimulated to produce more eggs, these eggs are recovered from the ovaries via a quick procedure known as “follicular aspiration.” During the process, the woman is sedated while the eggs are retrieved from her ovaries with the use of an ultrasound imaging technique.
  4. Fertilization of the Eggs: This is followed by the fertilization of the egg with sperm. The sperm can either be immediately injected into the egg or placed in a petri dish with the eggs to inseminate on its own (IVF), depending on the doctor’s evaluation of the rate of fertilization (ICSI).
  5. Maturing the Embryo: The fertilized egg is then left to divide and develop into an embryo in the lab; after 3 to 5 days, the embryo is prepared for transfer.
  6. Implanting the Fertilized into the Uterus: Three to five days following the egg retrieval and fertilization procedures, the mature embryo is placed into the woman’s uterus.

However, the Total IVF treatment Cost in India starts from USD 3,400. The treatment cost plan depends upon the type of hospital or fertility center chosen by the patient, Also, the best IVF center in India are the following: 

What is the Success Rate of IVF?

IVF has an excellent track record of success. The average live-birth rate for the first cycle was 29.5 %, according to a study of almost 156,000 women.  This is comparable to the IVF success rates in India for a natural cycle in couples with healthy fertility.

Repeated treatment cycles can increase the odds of success. The cumulative live-birth rate following six IVF treatments was reported to be 65.3% in the same study. Typically, these six cycles occurred over a period of two years. 

Age does play an important role in your success, as does the reason for your infertility. Your success will also be impacted by using an egg donor.

What are the Risks Associated with IVF?

There are several risks associated with IVF treatment:

  • Multiple births: A pregnancy with multiple babies carries a higher risk of premature labor.
  • Premature Deliveries: You might be slightly more likely to experience an early birth or a baby who is born with lower birth weight.
  • Miscarriage: The rate of miscarriage is about the same as pregnancies from natural conception.
  • Ectopic Pregnancy: In this case your fertilized egg implants outside of your uterus.
  • Complications during egg retrieval: During the egg retrieval procedure, there is a risk of bleeding, infection, and injury to your bladder, intestines, or reproductive organs.
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS): A rare condition that results in bloating, fast weight gain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and the inability to urinate.


One of the biggest determinants of IVF success is your age. If you’re younger than 35, and older than 40, your chances of getting pregnant through IVF are substantially reduced. The live birth rate varies as well and is closely related to age. The live birth rate, for instance, is roughly 46% when the pregnant parent is under 35 and utilising their own eggs, compared to 22%  when the parent is 38 and using their own eggs.

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