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Everything you need to know about Craniotomy

What is Craniotomy?

Brain surgery helps to fix the abnormalities of the brain and ensures that that brain can function normally like before. Brain surgeries are performed for various reasons. These surgeries are carried out to cure tumors, brain cancer, injuries and many other abnormalities. But the brain is surrounded by a skull, which is a structure that protects it from damage and shocks. To operate the brain properly, the skull must be opened first. When a surgery takes place, a part of the skull is cut open to operate the brain. This process is called Craniotomy. Craniotomy types vary according to the type of ailment that is being dealt with. This is a very complicated surgery and there can be many side effects if not performed correctly. Thus, we bring to you a short guide that will introduce you to Craniotomy and everything you must know about it. 

Who needs to be treated with Craniotomy?

know about craniotomy

Now we know that, in Craniotomy, a flap of bone is removed from the skull to operate the abnormalities and treat the brain. Several problems can be treated with the help of Craniotomy. It helps in treating patients who are suffering from TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), lesions, cerebral tremors and many other problems like aneurysms etc. The surgery is carried out under normal anesthesia but not everyone is fit for this treatment. Even if the person is suffering from the above mentioned problems, not everyone is allowed to go under this treatment. It is because there can be complications involved with the surgery and not everyone has strong recovering power. When a patient is diagnosed with any of the above-mentioned problems, they must visit a neurosurgeon and get themselves tested first. The craniotomy follows a testing procedure and only then can this surgery be performed on a patient.

During the testing procedure, first a physical exam is given by the patient which is followed by blood tests and a neurological test. If the patient qualifies all these tests then an MRI or CT scan is done to analyze the type of surgery that needs to be performed. Once the patient qualifies for all these tests, s/he can prepare for the surgery.

Also read: Everything you need to know about blood clot in brain.

What are the types of Craniotomies?

The type of craniotomy is decided by the flap of bone that will be removed and sometimes even the technique of surgery that will be used. There are several different types of Craniotomies that can be performed to treat different types of ailments. Craniotomy cost varies in different countries. India is one of the best places for this treatment because craniotomy surgery cost in India is quite affordable. 

Some of the important types of Craniotomies are-

Stereotactic Craniotomy: This name has been given to the type of craniotomy in which the surgeon uses an MRI or CT scan to take the image of the skull. This step helps them to differentiate between the healthy and affected brain tissues. Once that is determined, the site of incision can be decided as well. In this type of Craniotomy, small cuts are made to treat the brain.

Bifrontal Craniotomy: This is one of the most difficult surgeries. In this type of Craniotomy, the bone that forms the curve of the forehead is removed to treat tumors. These tumors are very difficult to operate and complex. These tumors are difficult to treat with medicines and that is why Craniotomy is performed to treat the patient.

Keyhole Craniotomy: This is the minimum invasive surgery which is used to remove brain tumor. This surgery aims at minimum scars and quick recovery. In the keyhole Craniotomy a small cut is made behind the ear to remove the tumor from the brain. It works on general anesthesia.

What is the procedure of Craniotomy?

Craniotomy is a serious operation that is carried out by expert doctors. This surgery is completed under general anesthesia. The patient is made to lie down and then anesthesia is injected. The head of the patient is shaved and before beginning the surgery and a urinary catheter is put in the bladder of the patient. Once everything is set, the doctor makes an incision in the patient’s scalp. The skull is now visible, a part of the bone is carefully removed and then the brain is operated on. Once the surgery is complete, the bone is placed on its original position. The patient is required to stay in observation for sometime until their condition is stable. Once the patient is fine they can be discharged.

craniotomy treatment

It takes time to recover after the surgery is complete. The doctor prescribes the patient to follow a good healthy diet and do balancing exercise regularly. There can be several other exercises that a doctor might advise the patient. There can be after effects of this surgery where a patient would vomit and feel dizzy but can regain strength after a consistent routine of good diet and exercise. A patient must also quit smoking and avoid drinking habits after the surgery is performed.

India is one of the best countries where a patient can be treated for brain injuries and tumors for an affordable price. Medical tourism in India has grown in recent years thanks to the professional doctors and modern equipment. The average craniotomy surgery cost in India varies from USD4800 to USD8000 making it affordable for all foreign patients who are planning for medical tourism in india.

From Blog: Best Brain Tumor Surgery Hospitals in India.

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