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Brief About Manipal hospitals Life’s On Jayanagar

Manipal Hospital, Jayanagar was founded in 1991 by the renowned Dr. Ranjan Pai. Situated in the heart of South Bangalore, it is one of the distinguished units of the Manipal Hospitals network. This hospital provides a comprehensive range of Preventive and Curative care and is recognized as the third-largest healthcare network in India. Additionally, the facility is accredited by both NABH and ISO and has five branches in Bangalore: Whitefield, Brookefield, Old Airport Road, Malleshwaram, and Jayanagar.

Over the years, it has been honored with several accolades, including being named the Best Hospital in Bangalore for the past eight years by The Week Magazine. Furthermore, it has been ranked among the top five hospitals in the “INDIA’S MOST CARING HOSPITALS” survey and has received the prestigious Golden Peacock National Quality Award in 2005.

With more than 50 departments, such as Bariatric surgery, Accident and emergency care, Cancer care, Cardiac science, Nephrology, Neuroscience, Spine care, Urology, Dental medicines, Gastrointestinal science, Immunohematology and transfusion medicine, Lab science, Orthopedics, Radiology, Dermatology, General Surgery, Internal medicines, Neurosurgery, Pediatrics renal science, Diabetes and endocrinology, Health checks, Interventional radiology, Obstetrics and gynecology, Plastic and cosmetic surgery, Respiratory medicines, Ear Nose and Throat [ENT], ICU and critical care, IVF and infertility, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, and Psychology, Rheumatology, and more, the hospital boasts a dynamic team of well-trained professionals with extensive experience.


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