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IVF Success Rate in India

The success rate of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in India can vary depending on various factors such as the age of the woman, the cause of infertility, the number of IVF cycles attempted, and the expertise of the fertility clinic and its staff. However, the average success rate of IVF in India is around 60% per cycle for women under the age of 35. This success rate decreases with increasing age, with women over the age of 40 having a success rate of around 40% per cycle.

It is important to note that IVF success rates can vary widely between clinics and individual patients, and there are many other factors that can affect the success of IVF, such as the quality of the embryos, the use of donor eggs or sperm, and the presence of underlying medical conditions. It is recommended that individuals seeking IVF treatment in India should consult with a licensed fertility specialist in India to discuss their individual chances of success.

What is IVF

In-vitro fertilization, often known as IVF, has been a blessing for infertile couples who want to establish a baby. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a procedure where a female’s egg is joined externally with her partner’s sperm. The results of an IVF process differ from couple to couple and clinic to clinic.

Top Influencing Factors for IVF Success Rate in India

Success Rates for IVF by Age  – One of the key variables in determining the likelihood that an IVF will be successful is age. However, due to the declining amount and quality of eggs, IVF success rates for women under 35 rapidly decline. Therefore, it is advised to plan your pregnancy well to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

The Expertise of Doctor – Selecting an appropriate breeding clinic is one of the most important criteria for the success of IVF. Your IVF experience will be significantly impacted since we are involved in every step of the procedure at the best IVF center in India.

Infertility Type – The type of infertility you have, how long it has persisted, the medicine you are taking to induce ovulation, etc. all affect how successful IVF is the first time. Therefore, you should confirm the criteria by which success is defined when a clinic talks about its success rate. As a result, it is advised to include live birth rates per embryo transfer when evaluating IVF success rates.

Lifestyle Elements – According to research, keeping an unhealthy lifestyle might have a big impact on the quality of your eggs. The quality of the eggs will suffer, for instance, if you often smoke or drink alcohol. As a result, make an effort to eat healthily and maintain healthy body weight through frequent exercise.

Our new quality standards include the provision of lifestyle advice, services, and consulting because factors including body weight, smoking, drinking, and drug use might reduce the likelihood of conceiving. Your comfort level with your specialist is crucial, especially. You would want someone by your side during pregnancy who can calmly advise you and allay any questions and concerns you may have as you go through this incredibly transformative time in your life.

Helpful:- Who is a Good Candidate For IVF

The Kind of Clinic You Select – Your choice of clinic has a significant impact on both the cost and success rate of IVF. For instance, a poorly equipped laboratory could provide affordable treatment packages, but it might be difficult to get pregnant successfully under such conditions. Therefore, it is strongly advised to conduct adequate research before selecting a reproductive clinic.

What Can Be Taken To Boost The IVF Success Rate of IVF

Most clinics now employ the “freeze all” technique, which entails freezing embryos created by IUI, ICSI, or conventional IVF in place of eggs. The improvement in reproductive technology has resulted in a substantial improvement in IVF outcomes in India. A technique called endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA) examines the endometrium at the molecular level. You could benefit if your implantation keeps failing.

Helpful:- IVF Test Cost in India

Genetic screening before implantation is strongly advised to boost the chances of implantation since the majority of implantation issues are caused by defects in the chromosomes of embryos of the latter stages of maternal age. It is advised to choose ICSI if the traditional IVF procedure isn’t working. the ICSI process. A subtype of IVF called Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) could hold the key. In a lab, one sperm is picked up and then put straight into the egg using a thin glass needle.

Best Hospital For IVF Treatment in India

Bottom Line

Everyone thinking about IVF must thoroughly research the procedure and the processes leading up to it, as well as weigh its benefits and drawbacks. The finest guidance is always from a doctor. Everyone who is prepared and wants to get treatment can do so once all required tests have been done. IVF is usually recognized as the most successful and effective form of assisted reproduction technology.

Furthermore, if you’re looking for affordable IVF treatment cost in India, contact our team at Medsurge India as we will help you in finding the most suitable medical options for you.

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