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Know why Acibadem Hospitals Group is the Best Choice For Treatments

Acibadem hospital is a Turkish medical chain that comprises around 17 top hospitals under it. This healthcare group was established in 1991 and ever since then it has been treating thousands of patients each day for different illnesses. This multi-specialty hospital chain has 16 outpatient clinics all around the country and it is Turkey’s biggest and most important hospital network. There is a staff of 23000 people who work under this hospital chain. Acibadem is affiliated with IHH healthcare Berhad. There are several top-quality healthcare services that Acibadem Hospital Group, Turkey offers. From diagnostics to therapy to the treatment you can get assistance in everything. They have a well-qualified staff and great technology to promote the best healthcare facilities all over Turkey. People from all over the world visit Turkey to get treated for various diseases. Hospitals under this chain offer treatment for many ailments. 

Below you can find the specialties that the Acibadem Healthcare hospital chain deals in-

  • There are 9 centers for cancer care under the Acibadem hospital chain. 
  • There are five organ transplant centers all around Turkey that are led by Acibadem group. 
  • Acibadem has 17 breast health centers under it.
  • It has 12 Cardiology centers under it.
  • There are 8 obesity treatment centers under the Acibadem group.
  • 11 centers under this health care group provide nuclear medicine.
  • 9 centers have been made to promote robotic operations.
  • 7 centres deal with spine treatment and are built for spinal health. 
  • There are 10 IVF ( In Vitro Fertilization ) centers. 

With treatment centers for various illnesses all over the country Acibadem is a world class chain of hospitals which treats over 25000 patients each year. Along with best doctors and top facilities the patients also benefit from latest technology machines which help to treat problems of all kinds. 

Some of the top technology machines that doctors have access to are-

  • 4D breast ultrasonography
  • DaVinci Surgical System
  • Flash CT scan
  • Cyberknife
  • MRI tesla  
  • Tomosynthesis 3D optical mammography
  • True Beam machine
  • Robotic Angiography

Acibadem healthcare group aims at providing the best treatment to both native and international patients. The medical tourism in Turkey has grown a lot in recent years because of Acibadem groups. They not only aim to provide the best healthcare facilities to the patients but they also have a top notch way to receive the foreign patients and provide them with all the facilities for trouble free stay in Turkey. Here are the top benefits a patient can experience when they plan to get treated in Turkey.

Also Check: American Hospital, Istanbul

The foreign patients who visit Turkey for treatment must have a look at the hospitals that fall under the Acibadem group. They will benefit from several facilities like-

Affordable stay in Turkey: When a patient comes for treatment to Turkey they can use health insurance and medical travel insurance to ease their expenses. At the hospitals that fall under Acibadem Health care, payment for various treatments can be made via credit cards, debit cards, and many other secure modes. This makes it easy for foreign patients to get treated for illnesses without having to worry about the treatment costs and security. 

Comfort During the Stay: Foreign patients who visit Turkey for treatment can benefit from great amenities and home-like comfort. The patients get to stay in top-quality places that have amenities like free Wi-Fi, TVs, Laundry service benefits, patients can book private rooms as well, they can also book accommodation for family, patients also get space to practice religious intercessions.Know why Acibadem Hospitals Group is the Best Choice For Treatments

There are several facilities provided for the career as well. There are areas like restaurants, a gymnasium, a fitness center for yoga and exercise, a restroom, and much more. There are areas like beauty salons,  business center servicing shops, and much more. 

Food arrangements for the patient: Quality food arrangements are done for patients who come from different countries. the patients can request for a diet. There are international cuisines available for the comfort of foreign patients. 

Transportation facility: There are several transportation options available for foreign patients. Patients can expect airport pickup, local transportation booking, private driver services, air ambulance, and the availability of other local tourism options as well. Thus traveling is very affordable and feasible for foreign tourists. 

Language: Foreign patients can also get personal interpreters and translation services for ease of communication. The translators can be hired at very cheap prices whenever patients plan to visit Turkey for treatment.

MedSurgeIndia is a platform that helps patients find the best hospital and doctor for their treatment. You can book a call back online and talk with the best healthcare consultants who will help you choose the best hospital for your treatment in Turkey.

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