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image 5 months ago

How to Naturally Increase Breast Size at Home in 7 Days?

All breasts, no matter how big or small, are stunning in their diversity of forms and sizes. It’s a decision for some individuals to work on themselves, even while others may feel content in their own skin and size. The…

image 5 months ago

Scabies: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Scabies is a condition caused by the infestation of the skin with the human itch mite. These mites are hardly visible to the naked eye as they are very small in size and more likely to spread in communal living…

image 6 months ago

Everything You Need to Know About CT scan

CT Scan what is it? Are you curious about this machine? What it can do and how it is used in diagnosing and proving the images of our body? Here in this blog, we have put together a guide to…

image 7 months ago

Random Blood Sugar Testing: A Crucial Tool in Diabetes Diagnosis

Testing blood sugar levels is essential for individuals with diabetes to maintain good health. By monitoring sugar levels regularly, many people can effectively manage their condition and reduce the risk of health complications. Medical professionals conduct this test to assess…

image 7 months ago

Importance of Serum Creatinine Testing in Kidney Health

In the domain of monitoring our general well-being, there exist specific examinations that are necessary to undergo. Among these tests, there are certain ones that function as unseen champions, ceaselessly offering crucial insights into the functioning of our bodies. The…

image 7 months ago

Identifying Kidney Pain: What You Need to Know

Kidney infections, also known as renal infections, typically occur when bacteria from the bladder ascend to the kidneys. Bacterial infection is the primary cause of this condition. Common symptoms include fever, urinary difficulties, lower back discomfort, and pain during urination….

image 7 months ago

Thyroid Disorder and Itchy Skin: Unlocking the Connection

The presence of thyroid disorders can result in a variety of skin issues, one of which is itchiness. When an individual suffers from hypothyroidism, the skin may become dry and prone to itching. This is primarily caused by the decreased…

image 8 months ago

The Impact of High Testosterone Level On Men

Hyperandrogenism is the term used to describe elevated levels of testosterone. Although adults may not exhibit many visible symptoms, there is a potential risk of complications, including a liver tumor, jaundice, and an enlarged prostate gland. Excessive levels of testosterone…

image 8 months ago

Diet Plan For Gout/Hyperuricemia (Excessive Uric Acid)

Uric acid is a byproduct of the natural breakdown of cells in the body and the consumption of certain foods. The majority of uric acid is eliminated through the kidneys and excreted in urine, while a small amount is expelled…

image 8 months ago

Foods To Naturally Get Rid of Intestinal Worms

Unhealthy eating habits and an unhygienic lifestyle can cause the development of worms and parasites in the intestine. Although there are strong allopathic medications for intestinal worms, you can also eliminate them naturally by eating certain foods. Naturally obtained foods…

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