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image 8 months ago

Benefits of Applying Oil Near Belly Button

Applying oil to the belly button has numerous benefits that many are not aware of. As per Ayurveda, life originates at the navel as it is a link between a mother and her developing fetus inside the womb. In addition,…

image 1 year ago

International Day of Yoga 2023 By Medsurge India

“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Yoga” This year’s International Yoga Day theme is ‘Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,’ which elegantly summarizes our collective passion for ‘One Earth, One Family, and One Future.’ “On June 21, Celebrate International Yoga Day by Stretching your Body and…

image 1 year ago

High Cholesterol: What You Need to Know

High cholesterol is a relatively prevalent problem in the world. In reality, nearly billions of people under the age of 20 and older have what might be referred to as borderline high cholesterol, according to the Centers for Disease Control…

image 2 years ago

Seasonal Allergies: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Oftentimes, hay fever is referred to as an allergic reaction (allergic rhinitis) that occurs during a specific season. It is likely that you are among that number who have been affected by seasonal allergies. If you are among those people,…

image 2 years ago

11 Best Foods That May Reduce Joint Pain in Winters

Our daily lives now include dealing with joint discomfort, which is a prevalent ailment. It can happen at any time of year, but many people feel that it seems to get worse in colder temperatures. As the temperatures drop, people…

image 2 years ago

Foods To Avoid & Consume in Neurological Disorders

“The most significant organ in your body is your brain. It keeps all of your body’s functions, such as breathing and heartbeat, functioning correctly. This is why maintaining a balanced diet will help your brain function at its best.” The…

image 2 years ago

11 Foods That Can Save Your Heart

Heart disease is a serious condition that can be avoided by taking several precautions. All of these things can be beneficial to heart health. However, one of the simplest lifestyle changes that will improve your heart is to keep a…

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Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Your Health

The majority of us are familiar with the morning after a night of little to no sleep. You’re not yourself—you’re tired, agitated, and out of energy. Because your mind becomes foggy, it is difficult to concentrate, and you may make…

image 2 years ago

Top 10 Food Items a Diabetic Patient Must Add in the Diet

Diabetic refers to a group of conditions characterized by a high level of blood glucose, commonly referred to as blood sugar. Too much sugar in the blood can cause serious life-threatening health problems. Diabetes is the major cause of kidney…

image 2 years ago

Red Wine and Resveratrol: Good For Your Heart?

We say “Cheers!” as we clink glasses before taking a drink as a form of salutation – a gesture, or toast, meaning “to health and happiness”. While there is no definite proof of the origin of this phrase and gesture,…

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