What Do You Mean by the Term Cancer?
Cancer is a condition in which some cells in the body grow out of control and spread to other parts of the body.
Cancer can begin practically anywhere in the trillions of cells that make up the human body. Human cells normally expand and multiply (via a process known as cell division) to generate new cells as needed by the body. Cells die as they become old or injured, and new cells replace them.
This ordered process can sometimes break down, resulting in aberrant or damaged cells growing and multiplying when they shouldn’t. Tumors, which are masses of tissue, can grow from these cells. Tumors may or may not be malignant (benign).
Cancerous tumors can infect adjacent tissues and spread to other parts of the body, resulting in the formation of new tumors (a process called metastasis). Malignant tumors are another name for cancerous tumors. Many malignancies, including leukemias, create solid tumors, whereas cancers of the blood do not.
Benign tumors do not penetrate or spread into neighboring tissues. Benign tumors rarely reappear after being excised, although malignant tumors do. However, benign tumors can grow to be extremely enormous. Some, such as benign brain tumors, can produce serious symptoms or even be fatal.
Types of Genes Causes Cancer
Proto-oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and DNA repair genes are all affected by the genetic alterations that contribute to cancer. These changes are commonly referred to as cancer’s “drivers.”
Proto-oncogenes play a role in normal cell division and proliferation. These genes can become cancer-causing genes (or oncogenes) if they are mutated in specific ways or are more active than usual, allowing cells to grow and survive when they should not.
Tumor suppressor genes are also engaged in cell division and growth control. Certain mutations in tumor suppressor genes can cause cells to divide uncontrollably.
DNA repair genes are responsible for repairing damaged DNA. Cells with mutations in these genes are more likely to generate mutations in other genes and chromosome alterations, such as chromosome duplications and deletions. These alterations may lead the cells to become malignant if they occur together.
Types of Cancer
There are over 100 different types of cancer. Cancers are frequently called after the organs or tissues in which they develop. Lung cancer, for example, begins in the lungs, while brain cancer begins in the brain. Cancers can also be classified based on the type of cell that caused them, such as epithelial or squamous cells.
Cancers that start in specific types of cells fall into the following categories:
- Carcinoma
- Sarcoma
- Leukemia
- Lymphoma
- Multiple Myeloma
- Melanoma
- Brain and spinal cord tumors
Other types of tumors are the following:
- Germ Cell Tumors
- Neuroendocrine Tumors
- Carcinoid Tumors
Factors That Can Affect Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Cancer Treatment cost in India pricings may change due to the following reasons. Here are the variables that can affect Cancer Treatment Cost in India:
- Medication costs.
- Duration of treatment.
- Geographical location.
- Hospitalization expenses.
- Government policies and subsidies.
- Medical tourism packages.
- Hospital reputation and infrastructure.
- The expertise and experience of medical professionals.
- The type and frequency of diagnostic procedures.
- The choice of treatment modality.
In addition, the quality and level of medical care and facilities offered are on par with renowned healthcare institutions worldwide, even after factoring in the costs of accommodation, meals, and transportation. Moreover, under the guidance of highly proficient doctors, Medsurge India ensures that patients receive the most affordable Cancer Treatment Cost in India.
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What is the Treatment Option Available for Cancer?
The type of cancer, its stage, whether cancer has spread, and your overall health all influence treatment options. The goal of treatment is to eliminate as many malignant cells as possible while minimizing damage to neighboring healthy cells. This is made feasible by technological advancements.
The major treatments for cancer are as follows:
- Surgery: The tumor is surgically removed.
- Chemotherapy: A process of killing cancer cells with chemicals.
- Radiation Therapy: The use of X-rays to kill cancer cells is known as radiation treatment. Such therapy of radiation can come from a machine outside your body (external beam radiation) or from inside your body (internal beam radiation) (brachytherapy).
- Bone Marrow Transplant: The fluid inside your bones called bone marrow produces blood cells from blood stem cells. A bone marrow transplant, commonly known as a stem cell transplant, can employ either your own or a donor’s bone marrow stem cells.
A bone marrow transplant allows your doctor to treat your cancer with larger chemotherapy doses. It can also be used to replace bone marrow that has become diseased.
Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy, often known as biological therapy, is a cancer treatment that makes use of your body’s immune system. Because your immune system does not detect cancer as an intruder, it can thrive unchecked in your body. Immunotherapy can assist your immune system in “seeing” and attacking cancer.
Hormone Therapy: Some cancers are driven by hormones in the body. Breast cancer and prostate cancer are two examples. Cancer cells may stop developing if such hormones are removed from the body or their effects are blocked.
Targeted Drug Therapy: Targeted medication therapy focuses on cancer cells’ unique defects that allow them to survive.
Cryoablation: Cold kills cancer cells with this treatment. A thin, wand-like needle (cryoprobe) is introduced through your skin and directly into the malignant tumor during cryoablation. To freeze the tissue, a gas is fed into the cryoprobe. The tissue is then allowed to defrost. To kill cancer cells, the freezing and thawing process is performed numerous times during the same therapy session.
Radiofrequency Ablation: This treatment heats cancer cells, causing them to die, utilizing electrical energy. During radiofrequency ablation, a doctor inserts a small needle into the cancer tissue through the skin or an incision. High-frequency radiation goes through the needle and heats the surrounding tissue, killing the cells in the area.
The same cancer type in one person can be significantly different from the same cancer type in another. Researchers are uncovering subgroups within a single form of cancer, such as breast cancer, that each requires a particular therapeutic method.
What Prevention Can Be Done to Cure Cancer?
Active measures to reduce cancer risk are classified as cancer prevention. The great majority of cancer cases are caused by variables in the environment. Many of these environmental influences are under our control as a result of our lifestyle decisions. As a result, cancer can usually be avoided. Between 70% and 90% of common malignancies are caused by environmental factors, making them potentially avoidable.
Tobacco, excess weight/obesity, poor food, physical inactivity, alcohol, sexually transmitted infections, and air pollution are all risk factors that might be avoided to save more than 30% of cancer fatalities. Poverty may also be regarded as an indirect risk factor for human malignancies. Some environmental factors, such as naturally occurring background radiation and cancers caused by hereditary genetic abnormalities, are not controllable and so cannot be prevented through personal action.
Factors to be considered as precautions are the following:
- Dietary Habits
- Medication
- Vaccination
- Screening on time
- Palliative Care
- Alternative Therapies
Palliative care is a type of treatment that aims to make the patient feel better while also attempting to treat cancer. Palliative care entails taking steps to alleviate physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychosocial suffering. Unlike treatments that try to destroy cancer cells directly, palliative care’s primary purpose is to improve quality of life.
The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Define Cancer?
A: Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells within a part of the body that might spread to other areas of the human body.
Q: Why’s Cancer Considered to Be Harmful?
A: Cancer not only causes bodily life-threatening illness status but also contributes to the psychological and fiscal crisis in a patient’s lifestyle.
Q: When I Have Cancer Does This Mean My Entire Life Expectancy Is Reduced?
A: This was the situation sooner but today with all the healthcare progress the prognosis and life expectancy is great.
Q: What Do You Mean by Metastasis?
A: Metastasis implies that cancer (tumor cells) has spread into other parts of human anatomy and invading there, the outcomes of metastasis might be severe life-threatening.
Q: What’s Cancer Staged?
A: Some are added to every letter to indicate the size or extent of the principal tumor and the degree of cancer spread (higher number indicates a larger tumor or more disperse).
Q: What Are the Causes of Cancer?
A: 40 percent of cancer Brought on by tobacco or pan masala particularly the oral and lung cancer.
- Approximately 10 percent could be due to hereditary causes for example breast and ovarian cancer.
- Approximately 15 percent could be due to obesity such as breast, uterus, etc.
- 5 percent may be dietary and food preservation including stomach cancer.
- Approximately 30% of cancer Don’t Have Any unknown triggers such as pancreatic cancer.
Q: Who Will Be at Risk for Cancer?
A: Anyone can create cancer; however, the danger of getting it increases with age.
Certain cancers could be connected to a few occupational dangers.
Q: Which Specialists Treat Cancer?
A: Oncologist is specialized doctors for the treatment of cancer, maybe a surgical oncologist, radiation oncologist, or medical oncologist.
Q: What Are the Alert Signs to Rule Out Cancer?
A: Any persistent bulge or swelling
- Sudden bleeding
- Like coughing blood
- Bleeding from gut/pee
- Encourages weight loss
- Persistent cough Especially If You’re a smoker
- Difficulty swallowing
- Changes in your voice
- Mouth or tongue ulcer for over 3 weeks
- New mole or modifications from an existing mole
Q: Is Cancer Preventable?
A: About two-thirds of that cancer is associated with lifestyle and can be averted
- Obesity is among the largest risk factor for cancer.
- By preventing tobacco use around 30 percent of oral and lung cancer cases could be prevented
- Normal screening also helps notably in prostate cancer for guys and cervical and breast cancer cases in guys.
Q: How Is Cancer Diagnosed?
A: Following the individual presents with symptoms that are imagining, a Battery of tests and analyses are performed to confirm the diagnosis of malignancy
- Biopsy
- Endoscopy
- Detection and therapy help?
- It is essential to Be aware of symptoms and diagnose it. First disease stages as early detection and treatment may make a powerful effect on the disease prognosis in fact at many times can be life-threatening or cause fewer complications, since also lessens the healthcare expenses and clinical intervention.
Q: What Are the Advantages of Staging in Cancer?
A: This helps in specifying the Degree to Which the cancer cells Have spread in human anatomy
- In defining what are the treatment choices in Addition to the Life expectancy and outlook.
- Treatment options after I’m diagnosed with cancer?
When the diagnosis of cancer has been confirmed the doctor will Do additional staging tests and based on the outcomes and overall health and age of the individual, the treatment strategy is devised that may necessitate surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, or a combination of them.
Q: What’s the Goal of Cancer Treatment?
A: The goal of the treatment is to kill as many cancerous cells and minimize the damage to normal cells.
Q: What Are the Main Treatment Methods for Cancer?
A: The major treatment for cancer would be:
- Chemotherapy: During this, compounds are Utilized to kill cancer Cells
- Surgery: In this, cancer is directly removed
- Radiation therapy: In this X-rays are used to kill the cancer cells.
- Based on every situation there may be only 1 treatment Program or a combo of all.
Q: How Does Cancer Treatment Cause Infertility?
A: Yes some therapy modalities can cause Infertility, so you might consider your alternatives for maintaining your eggs or sperm for future usage.
Q: What Is Chemotherapy?
A: Chemotherapy is a treatment system that utilizes powerful chemicals to destroy fast-growing cells inside the body.
Q: If Is Chemotherapy Utilized as a Therapy Modality?
A: Chemotherapy may be Applied as the main remedy for cancer.
After other remedies, to kill concealed cancer cells
Treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation, are potential.
Q: How Chemotherapy Medications Are Given?
A: Chemotherapy drugs may be given in various ways, such as:
- Chemotherapy infusions
- Chemotherapy pills
- Chemotherapy shots
- Chemotherapy lotions
- Chemotherapy drugs are used to treat 1 area of the human body. Example chemotherapy medications can be given right in the gut -intraperitoneal chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy is given straight to the cancer
Q: What Will Be the Checklist Before Beginning Chemotherapy Periods?
A: Tests to test for heart health to find out whether it is safe to start chemotherapy.
Fixing existing illnesses, to Decrease the risk of complications as chemotherapy can decrease the body’s ability to resist infections, it is important to see a physician to rule out disease concentration in the mouth.
Q: Can I Work While Getting Chemotherapy/radiotherapy Treatment?
A: If you can work through therapy depends upon:
- The Sort of treatment You’re getting
- Your General Health
- The type of work you do
- The way you are feeling during therapy.
- Doctors can limit some of your actions.
Top Hospitals for Cancer Treatment in India
Top Doctors for Oncology and Oncosurgery
Dr. Amitabh Ray
Experience: 14 years of experience
HCG EKO Cancer Centre, Kolkata
Kolkata, India
Dr. Nandini. C. Hazarika
Senior Consultant
Experience: 15 years of experience
Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon
Gurgaon, India
Dr. Mani C S
Experience: 19 years of experience
Apollo Cancer Hospital, Chennai
Chennai, India
Dr. Sudesh M Phanse
Experience: 31 years of experience
Nanavati Super Specialty Hospital Mumbai
Mumbai, India
Dr. Charu Garg
Experience: 22 years of experience
Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket
New Delhi, India
Dr. B Krishnamoorthy Reddy
Senior Consultant
Experience: 31 years of experience
Apollo Hospital (Bannerghatta Road) Bangalore
Bangalore, India
Dr. Rohit Malde
Experience: 17 years of experience
Nanavati Super Specialty Hospital Mumbai
Mumbai, India
Dr. Mukesh Patekar
Experience: 7 years of experience
Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon
Gurgaon, India
Dr. Vipin Khandelwal
Experience: 10 years of experience
BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi
New Delhi, India
Dr. Anil Poddar
Experience: 19 years of experience
AMRI Hospital, Kolkata (Dhakuria)
Kolkata, India
Dr. K.V.V.N. Raju
Senior Consultant
Experience: 20 years of experience
Basavatarakam Indo American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Hyderabad
Hyderabad, India
Dr. Ashok Vaid
Experience: 35+ years of experience
Medanta - The Medicity, Gurgaon
Gurgaon, India