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Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) is an uncommon congenital heart disorder where four pulmonary veins are mispositioned and don’t connect normally into the left atrium. Rather the four pulmonary veins drain to the right atrium.

Patients using Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC) and blocked pulmonary venous return are very sick soon after arrival. These kids are severely cyanotic.

If obstruction to pulmonary venous return isn’t present, kids may be curable. There might be moderate to moderate fast or labored breathing.

Types of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC)

Classified into different types, based on the location of the abnormal pulmonary vein return:

  • Supracardiac (50 percent)- In supracardiac TAPVR, the pulmonary veins come together and form an abnormal link over the heart into the superior vena cava,
  • Coronary sinus- During cardiac TAPVR, the pulmonary veins match supporting the heart and link to the ideal atrium.
  • Intracardiac (20 percent )- In intracardiac TAPVR, the pulmonary veins come together and form abnormal links beneath the heart
  • Mixed (10 percent) variant.

Signs and Symptoms

Patients with obstructed TAPVR are extremely ill soon after birth. These children are severely cyanotic. In other children, symptoms may be delayed.

  • Murmur
  • Cyanosis
  • Difficult and rapid breathing
  • Cardiomegaly
  • Right ventricular hypertrophy

Tests and Diagnosis

  • About Auscultation existence of typical heart murmur
  • Oxygen saturation monitor to realize how much oxygen is getting into the blood
  • Chest x-ray to observe the size and location of the heart
  • ECG (electrocardiogram) to look at the electrical action
  • Echocardiogram — reveals definitive analysis revealing abnormal connection of the pulmonary veins.
  • Cardiac catheterization will establish the strange connection of pulmonary veins, Cardiac catheterization may also determine precisely whether pulmonary veins have been blocked.

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    Before Procedure

    • Medical history noted and clinical evaluation of the child conducted
    • Advised clinical evaluations and diagnostic processes
    • Counseled concerning the operation its advantages and follow-up care needed.
    • Sometimes if a restrictive atrial septal defect is present, a balloon dilation process could be carried out at cardiac catheterization to enhance the child’s condition before surgical repair.

    During Procedure

    • This condition has to be corrected with surgery.
    • The timing of the operative fix fluctuates dependent on the sort of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC) current, and the state of the child.
    • Together with obstruction in pulmonary veins, operation ought to be undertaken promptly.
    • In TAPVC without obstacle, surgery can be carried out over the first month of life.
    • The operation is done under general anesthesia
    • The four pulmonary veins are reconnected to the left atrium.
    • Connected heart defects like an atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, patent foramen oval, etc are closed.
    • The rest of the paths for pulmonary venous drainage, like the abnormal vessels, are tied off.
    • The surgical fix, consequently, results in a normal flow: the pulmonary veins coming normally into the left atrium

    After Procedure

    • The patient is advised for a week
    • The incision region might feel sore, painkillers are prescribed to the exact same
    • Antibiotics are given to prevent infection-free recovery of the chest incision.
    • The first couple of days in your home should unwind
    • It requires approximately 6 weeks to get a chest incision to heal and ready to go back to regular activities.
    • Kids with fixed TAPVC could possibly be counseled to limit their physical actions
    • A pediatric cardiologist can help determine a suitable degree of action.
    • Unbearable, obstruction of the pulmonary veins in the website of reconnection may happen.
    • Medical Follow-up- cardiologist can track you with nonstop tests if necessary. These include electrocardiograms, Holter monitors, exercise stress tests, and echocardiograms.
    • The first couple of days in your home should unwind
    • It requires approximately 6 weeks to get a chest incision to heal and ready to go back to regular activities.
    • Kids with fixed TAPVC could possibly be counseled to limit their physical actions
    • A pediatric cardiologist can help determine a suitable degree of action.
    • Rarely, obstruction of the pulmonary veins at the site of reconnection can occur.
    • Medical Follow-up- cardiologist can track you with nonstop tests if necessary. These include electrocardiograms, Holter monitors, exercise stress tests, and echocardiograms.



    As with any surgery, there is the risk of complications:

    • Infection, poor healing of the incision
    • Risk of injury to blood vessels and other tissues
    • Bleeding
    • Fluid accumulation
    • DVT
    • Scar tissue forming
    • Rarely obstruction of pulmonary veins at the site of reconnection


    Prognosis of Repair

    Progress in a surgical procedure, early identification, and well-intentioned patient care have contributed to improved outcomes of TAPVC correction patients.


    Factors Affecting the Cost of TAPVC surgery

    Following are the factors which will affect the treatment cost:

    • The hospital patient is opting for.
    • Operating room, recovery room charges
    • Fee for the team of doctors (Surgeons, Anaesthetist, etc.)
    • Medicines and sterile dressings
    • Standard test and diagnostic procedures
    • Cost of Procedure
    • Cost of follow up care

    The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: What are the causes of TAPVC?

    A: The reason is not known. Some kids can have other heart defects Together with TAPVC


    Q: When is TAPVC initially suspected?

    A: The identification of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC)could be originally guessed when a doctor hears a normal heart murmur and detects signs of right ventricular overload.


    Q: What happens in TAPVC?

    A: Because of TAPVC oxygen-rich blood in the pulmonary veins blends with oxygen-poor blood in the right atrium. Section of the mix passes through the atrial septal defect into the left atrium into the body. The remaining part of the blood flows through the ideal ventricle, in the pulmonary artery, and on to the lungs.


    Q: What is the goal of surgical repair in TAPVC?

    A: The Objective of surgical repair in TAPVC Would Be to Lead in a normal Flow of the pulmonary veins Coming normally into the left atrium.


    Q: Can surgery be avoidable for TAPVC?

    A: No, without surgical correction, the prognosis is extremely poor, with a mortality of 80% during infancy.


    Q: Will you need more surgery after TAPVC repair?

    A: It’s not likely that more operation will be necessary. Paradoxically, an adult individual might have an obstruction that might have to be adjusted based upon the seriousness.


    Q: Can an adult be diagnosed with TAPVC?

    A: It is uncommon for an adult to have uncorrected TAPVC. Patients who live with no treatment until maturity usually have just mild cyanosis without any signs of congestion. Symptoms include shortness of breath and inability to work out.


    Q: What is the outcome of surgical repair of TAPVC?

    A: The long-term result following surgical repair of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC)is superb. Since the surgical repair ends in a standard flow, these kids typically have near-normal improvement.

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