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Cancer Fatigue: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Cancer-related fatigue is a common and distressing symptom experienced by many people with cancer, both during and after treatment. Cancer fatigue is different from ordinary tiredness in that it is not necessarily relieved by rest or sleep.

Cancer fatigue can be described as a feeling of physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion that is not proportional to the amount of activity or exertion. It can affect a person’s ability to carry out daily activities, work, and socialize, and can have a negative impact on their quality of life.

Causes of Cancer Fatigue

The exact cause of cancer fatigue is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to a combination of factors, including cancer itself, the effects of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and other factors such as pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbance. Treatment for cancer fatigue may include medication, exercise, and other supportive therapies such as counseling or relaxation techniques. Cancer may exhaust a person in a number of ways. There may be a number of causes, depending on the kind and stage of the cancer, including:

  • lack of calories due to low appetite or nutrients 
  • lack of physical activity
  • loss of muscle mass and strength
  • sleep disturbances
  • low red blood cell count (anemia)
  • high or low hormone levels
  • breathing concerns
  • pain
  • stress, anxiety, or depression

Cancer therapies that are frequently linked to cancer tiredness include:

Radiation treatment: Cumulative tiredness, or exhaustion that worsens with time, can be a side effect of radiation therapy. Whatever the place of therapy, this is possible. After treatment ends, cancer tiredness typically lasts 3–4 weeks but can last up to 2–3 months.

Chemotherapy: Any chemotherapy medication may cause tiredness. From person to person, this might differ. Some claim that it only lasts a few days. Others believe that the weariness lasts both throughout and after the course of therapy. Cancer weariness is a common side effect of medications including cisplatin, vincristine, and vinblastine.

Biological treatment: Interferons and interleukins are examples of cytokines, which are organic cell proteins that are often generated by white blood cells in response to infection. These cytokines send signals that control other immune and endocrine system components. These cytokines can be harmful in large doses and cause chronic tiredness.

Immunotherapy: Your immune system is boosted with immunotherapy to combat cancer. The procedure is sometimes referred to as biological therapy.

Bone marrow Transplant: Cancer tiredness that lasts up to a year can be brought on by this severe kind of therapy.

Cancer Fatigue Symptoms 

Cancer fatigue can cause symptoms like:

  • lack of energy—you might just want to lie in bed all day since you don’t feel like getting much done.
  • sleep issues, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, making it difficult to get up in the morning
  • experiencing fear, sadness, or depression
  • you may find it difficult to climb stairs or walk short distances due to muscular soreness.
  • being out of breath after performing simple duties, such as taking a shower or making your bed
  • finding it difficult to focus, even when watching TV or speaking with a close friend
  • finding it difficult to make judgments or think clearly
  • lack of enthusiasm for activities you typically like
  • bad thoughts about oneself and other people

What Type of Cancer Causes Fatigue

Fatigue may result from a tumor that alters your hormone levels. Several diseases, including breast and prostate cancer, can alter your body’s hormone levels. Similar to malignancies of the stomach, blood loss from intestinal tumors frequently results in fatigue. Exhaustion and difficulty breathing can also be brought on by lung cancer. Fatigue is one of the negative effects that may result from this.

Compared to individuals with cancer in the early stages, people with advanced disease are more likely to experience weariness. This may be a result of the body having more cancer cells.

Treatment For Cancer Fatigue

For cancer-related fatigue treatment recognizing the issue of tiredness is the first step in addressing it. Many individuals assume that being tired is normal and don’t bother to discuss it with their doctors. It’s imperative that you go through this symptom as well as any other adverse effects with your doctor. After then, efforts may be focused on identifying the issue’s root cause and recommending the best course of action. Your doctor or other healthcare provider may be able to learn more about your specific cancer treatment plan’s adverse effects. For instance, a quick blood test might reveal whether you’re anemic.

There isn’t a single drug that can cure fatigue. But some of the underlying problems are treatable with specific drugs. You might wish to consult a palliative care professional if you’re having a hard time. These professionals assist cancer patients in controlling symptoms including pain, nausea, and sadness. To relieve weariness, your doctor or the palliative care team may advise taking the following steps:

  • Seek out mental health assistance: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you manage the spectrum of emotions you may experience. You may manage your stress better and possibly have better sleep with therapy. Online and offline support groups can both be helpful.
  • Consult a dietician: To increase your energy, a nutritionist may advise food adjustments, vitamin, and electrolyte supplements. Additionally, there are meals that won’t make the side effects of cancer therapy like nausea, mouth sores, and diarrhea worse.
  • More movement Studies reveal that being active is one of the most effective methods to combat weariness, as surprising as it may appear. Walking outside and taking in the fresh air may be extremely energizing. Yoga and tai chi are two moderate forms of exercise that may be done during physical activities.

Cancer tiredness could become worse if you aren’t consuming enough or the correct kinds of meals. Keeping up a healthy diet may provide you with improved health and more vitality. You may increase your nutrient intake by using the following tactics:

  • Taking necessary calories
  • Protein helps to restore and repair aging and damaged bodily tissue.
  • Intake of fluid supply
  • Additional vitamins
  • Exercise

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Bottom Line

Cancer is one such chronic condition that can provide many unwelcome obstacles. Changes in DNA is the major cause of cancer. Cancer Treatment can remove, kill, or destroy cancer cells in a specific location of the body. Regular screening and appropriate preventive actions can prevent 30% of cancer cases. 

One of them is cancer fatigue. It makes it reasonable that your body would become exhausted from combating cancer. Cancer treatments may be psychologically and physically draining. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t be reluctant to let your doctor know how cancer tiredness is impacting your life. You may take action to give your days more vitality. Also, visit our website Medsurge India for affordable cancer treatment in India.

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