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Avascular necrosis, also known as osteonecrosis, occurs when bone tissue dies due to insufficient blood supply. This can result in small fractures and eventual bone collapse, typically developing over a period of months to years. A fracture or joint dislocation can disrupt blood flow to a specific area of bone, leading to avascular necrosis. Additionally, prolonged use of high-dose steroids and excessive alcohol consumption are risk factors for this condition.

Numerous individuals opt to undergo Avascular Necrosis treatment in Malaysia due to the country’s reputation for housing top-notch specialists and hospitals that offer superior treatment with advanced equipment and amenities. Moreover, Avascular Necrosis treatment cost in Malaysia is notably more economical than in other nations.

What Causes Avascular Necrosis?

Avascular necrosis occurs when bone fractures or diseases impede the blood flow to bone tissue. Approximately 20% of avascular necrosis cases manifest without a discernible cause. Here are some of the known causes:

  • Traumatic avascular necrosis occurs as a result of a bone fracture or joint dislocation. 
  • Nontraumatic avascular necrosis arises from an underlying illness or medical condition that obstructs blood flow to the bone tissue. It is common for nontraumatic avascular necrosis to affect corresponding bones on both sides of the body. For instance, if the right shoulder is affected, probably, the left shoulder will also be affected.

Avascular Necrosis Treatment Cost in Malaysia

The average Avascular Necrosis treatment cost in Malaysia starts from 4500 USD. The treatment will depend on the patient’s condition and the type of treatment after the diagnosis so varying on that the package of Avascular Necrosis treatment cost in Malaysia will depend on it. 

Average Prices on The Different Types of Avascular Necrosis Treatment in Malaysia 

TreatmentStarting Price
Osteotomy4700 USD
joint Replacement5000 USD
Bone Grafting5200 USD

Avascular Necrosis Treatment Cost in Different Parts of Malaysia

CitiesStarting Price
Kuala Lumpur4500 USD
Ipoh4300 USD
Johor Bahru4500 USD
Kuching4400 USD
Malacca4300 USD

Please keep in mind that the cost and treatment options for Avascular Necrosis Treatment Cost in Malaysia may differ based on the patient’s conditions and other factors.

Factors That Can Affect Avascular Necrosis Treatment Cost in Malaysia

Following stated below are some of the factors that can affect Avascular Necrosis Treatment cost in Malaysia:

  • Medication costs.
  • Duration of treatment.
  • Geographical location.
  • Hospitalization expenses.
  • Government policies and subsidies.
  • Medical tourism packages.
  • Hospital reputation and infrastructure.
  • The expertise and experience of medical professionals.
  • The type and frequency of diagnostic procedures.
  • The choice of treatment modality.

Avascular Necrosis Treatment cost in Malaysia not only provides top-notch medical care and facilities comparable to renowned healthcare institutions globally, but also takes into consideration accommodation, meals, and transportation expenses. Additionally, Medsurge India guarantee that patients will receive the most cost-effective Avascular Necrosis Treatment cost in Malaysia under the supervision of highly skilled doctors.

Helpful: Avascular Necrosis Treatment Cost in India

Avascular Necrosis Treatment in Malaysia 

The treatment for Avascular Necrosis in Malaysia will be determined based on the extent of bone damage you have.

Medications: In the initial phases of avascular necrosis, there are several medications that can be used to potentially alleviate symptoms:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Over-the-counter options like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve) can provide relief from avascular necrosis-related pain. Stronger NSAIDs are also available through a prescription.
  • Osteoporosis drugs: These medications have the potential to slow down the progression of avascular necrosis, although the evidence regarding their effectiveness is inconclusive.
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs: By reducing cholesterol and fat levels in the bloodstream, these medications can help prevent the blockages in blood vessels that contribute to avascular necrosis.
  • Medications that enhance blood vessel dilation: Iloprost (Ventavis) is a medication that may enhance blood flow to the affected bone. However, further research is required to fully understand its effectiveness.
  • Blood thinners: In cases where clotting disorders are present, blood thinners like warfarin (Jantoven) can be utilized to prevent the formation of clots in the blood vessels that supply the bones.

Surgical Procedures and Other Therapies: Due to the fact that symptoms of avascular necrosis typically do not manifest until the condition has progressed significantly, surgery may be advised by your healthcare provider. The surgical options available are:

  • Core Decompression: During this procedure, a surgeon will extract a central portion of bone from the affected region in order to alleviate pressure, stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, and facilitate the healing process.
  • Osteotomy: In certain instances, your surgeon may choose to perform an osteotomy to realign the bone and reduce stress on the affected area.
  • Joint Replacement: In more advanced cases, the patient may require a joint replacement surgery. This surgical procedure involves substituting the damaged joint with an artificial joint, such as a hip or knee replacement.
  • Biological Therapies: In select cases, regenerative therapies or treatments like stem cell therapy or bone grafts may be considered to encourage tissue regeneration.
  • Vascularized Bone Graft: In specific conditions, a vascularized bone graft may be performed, where a bone with its blood supply is transferred to provide fresh blood and nutrients to the affected area.
  • Electrical Stimulation: Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) or extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) can be employed to promote bone healing.

It is important to seek guidance and avice from a healthcare expert if Avascular Necrosis is suspected by the doctor. Moreover, timely identification and intervention will enhance the patient’s likelihood of receiving effective treatment and halt any additional harm to the affected joint. The treatment approach will be specifically determined by factors such as the patient’s age, overall health, the stage of Avascular Necrosis, and the specific joint affected.

How Medsurge India Can Help?

Medsurge India is an esteemed support network for patients seeking physicians, hospitals, and specialized therapies. Regarding your healthcare needs, our team will provide you with a list of accredited, reputable, and trustworthy physicians and medical facilities. We can also provide you with an affordable treatment plan. We also assist patients with a wide range of other issues, including obtaining travel authorization and medical visa assistance.

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    The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Which Foods Should be Incorporated into an Avascular Necrosis Diet?

    A: Including foods that are abundant in vitamins A, C, and E; magnesium; and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can potentially safeguard against the onset of avascular necrosis. Some examples of foods that are rich in these essential nutrients are leafy green vegetables, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fish.

    Q: Is it Possible for an Individual to Sustain Life with AVN?

    A: Some individuals express worry over inquiries such as: “What is the lifespan with avascular necrosis?” In reality, AVN of the hip does not pose a threat to one’s life. Nevertheless, it significantly diminishes the quality of your daily life, a matter that should be treated with utmost seriousness. It restricts your ability to move and inflicts immense suffering.

    Q: What is the Most Effective Treatment for Avascular Necrosis of the Bone?

    A: Core decompression is a widely employed method for treating initial-stage AVN of the hip, which effectively alleviates pain for most patients and often hinders the advancement of the condition. Nevertheless, approximately 25% to 30% of individuals who undergo this procedure eventually require total hip replacement surgery.

    Q: How Much Time Does AVN Take to Recover?

    A: In the event that your AVN is in Stage 3 or 4 (collapsed), your physician will probably replace your hip. With this process, artificial components are used to replace the broken bone. After hip replacement surgery, healing takes around eight weeks.

    Q: Can Avascular Necrosis Be Cured?

    A: There is no known cure for avascular necrosis, however, treatment can halt its progression. The majority of patients with avascular necrosis eventually undergo joint replacement surgery. Severe osteoarthritis can also develop in those with avascular necrosis.

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